Michelle Obama has stated that she will adopt a rescue a dog after the election, please keep us dachshunds in mind. We can make a few phone calls and hook you up in a second. It's time for a dachshund in the White House.
It was nice to hear Obama say these words during his victory speech: "Sasha and Malia, I love you both more than you can imagine. And you have earned the new puppy that’s coming with us to the White House.”

A photo of Joey the Dachshund as 'Joe-bama' by purephase. See even more pics and lots of fun stuff at Rosetta Stone for the painfully alone.
Sign the Dachshund for Presidential Puppy petition :)
The Daily Dachshund had this story before you.
Here's a good one: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ception/3004957854/
Thanks Ben, we'll get a link up to you today! Thanks Brian, we'll get it posted this morning, real nice shot.
Check out "Who's Your Dachshund" where they have a petition going to send to President-elect Obama to bring a Doxie to the white house (they also use my artwork, yay!)...
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