Huh? We first reported on Josh and Fergie last December, but they seem to keep a pretty low profile with their dachshunds. We had heard they had 2 dachshunds: "purebred Zoe and mutt Dylan." If Zoe, who was pictured in December is the "purebred," could this be 'Dylan?' Sure looks like a smooth chocoloate and tan to us; maybe he's a new addition to the pack. See 14 pics over at Just Jared. If anyone has any more info, please send it in!
Related: Celebrity Dachshund Watch: Josh Duhamel and Fergie
I bet this dog lives the good life!
This is Dylan, I'm 100% sure. He is also known as "Meatloaf" because he loves to eat and is fatter than Zoe.
They are both lovely, but I got to say that my favourite is Zoe. She is such a cute and happy dog!!!
You should see her "fetching" (not sure if I'm writting this word well) the balls in their pool....:)
http://www.pc.com/learn/videos?section=C....h_ep ---- see the episode 1 and 2 of Josh Duhamel
http://fergie-portugal.nireblog.com/post/2008/06/19/fergie-com-a-sua-familia-e-os-seus-caes-15-6-08 ---- pictures of Zoe and Meatloaf (Dylan) 15/6/08
Yes that is Dylan they call him Meatloaf lol. Zoe is there also ahead of Josh she's just not in the photos.
Here's a pic of both http://pictures.theblackeyedpeas.ru/displayimage.php?pid=19193&fullsize=1
The Daily Dachshund had this story before you.
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