Wednesday, November 21, 2012
The Vintage Thanksgiving Dachshund
“After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one's own relations.” ~Oscar Wilde
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and we hope that all your dinners are great! Don't forget to share a little something with the little guys at your feet.
We'll be back late next week.
Calling All Girls, November, 1962
Dachshund News Hounds
This is a special thank-you to all the Dachshunds who send us news tips. We can't always write back via email, and many times stories don't make it to the site - there just aren't enough hours in the day it seems. But we couldn't put out a quality Dachshund news site if it weren't for our Roving Reporters all over the world who send us the latest news as they see it. Thank you. Here's a sampling of these wiener dogs in-the-know. Above, Tucker sniffs out news whenever he can. He's seen here with the Dachshund Cupcake in his likeness from the book Hello, Cupcake!
These guys, 'Piggy' and 'Louie,' are never ones to bark up a wrong tree, sending us a link yesterday to the BBC story about the nose cell transplant helping an IVDD dog. But Piggy has had such troubles of his own, writes his mom: The story is ffascinating for us as our first dachshund Stanley died after developing myelomalacia following surgery on ruptured discs. Then last year our second dachshund Piggy had to have the same surgery following ruptured discs. Despite being super-back-aware, we had to up our game after Piggy's surgery with upholstered ramps to the couch and chairs and another little ramp at the back door in the hope Louie our youngest will not suffer the same. Luckily Piggy made a good recovery :0)
Finally, 'Rosco P. Dog' recently threw us a bone with some news and had this to say about the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday: I hope everything is going well this holiday season. I am getting pretty excited about Thanksgiving, or Dachshund Day as I call it. I call it Dachshund Day because 15 people come visit me, pet me, and then feed me the most wonderful food.
Ha! You're right Rosco, Turkey Day is so last Millennium. Dachshund Day it is!
Saying Goodbye To Bubba, A Dachshund Legend
Thanks so very much to our pals 'Sophie' and 'Oliver' for writing in of the passing of a true Dachshund Legend: 'Bubba' the Mole Hunting Dachshund, who hailed from Fremont, Nebraska. They write:
Dear Joey and Rowdy,
This was on the front page of our Fremont Tribune today. We know you've featured this mole-hunting wizard before and would like to know that he has passed on at the age of 13.
Awww...., our hearts sure go out to Bubba's family and friends. Here's an excerpt from the article:
If moles had the ability to understand the news, they might be breathing a collective sigh of relief.
But this is a sad time for Fremonters Dale and Betty Reandeau and others who loved Bubba.
The Reandeaus’ miniature dachshund — estimated to have rid Ridge Cemetery of more than 600 moles throughout the years — died Saturday. He was 13.
The little dog had been ill before his death. Bubba had Cushing’s disease and pancreatitis, Dale Reandeau said.
Bubba’s mole-hunting efforts had diminished in recent times.
“He got 16 this year and then he just quit,” Reandeau said. “He didn’t want to go to the cemetery any more. He didn’t want to walk. All he wanted to do was eat, lie on the couch and sleep.”
Bubba’s mole-hunting endeavors began years ago while the Reandeaus took him on walks in the cemetery. Before that, moles were a headache for then-cemetery sexton Jim Clarke.
Almost like a second career, Bubba became a lean, mean mole-hunting machine.
“He’d walked there (in the cemetery) almost forever and then all of a sudden, that was his job — to get those moles,” Clarke said. “He could hear them. They’d be 100 feet away and he’d go get them. He did a big service for us. He kept those moles under control for a lot of years.”
Clarke estimates the dog killed about 100 moles a year and Bubba became a celebrity of sorts. The Reandeaus got comments from people in other parts of the state after The Associated Press picked up a Fremont Tribune story about the dog.
“Bubba became even more beloved by Fremont citizens, because he was part of the cemetery historical tours. His owners would bring him and tell his story,” said Cherrie Clarke, cemetery historian.
The Reandeaus will miss their pet. Dale, 80, doesn’t know if they’ll get another. At first, Betty said “no more dogs.” He’s hoping she’ll reconsider.
“Maybe next spring we’ll get another dog. I hope so,” he said.
In the meantime, the Reandeaus and others are remembering the perky pup.
“He was a wonderful dog,” Reandeau said. “I don’t know that we’ll get another one like him.”
Rest in Peace little guy. Read more of this story at the Fremont Tribune.
Related: July 23, 2008: The Working Dachshund: Bubba's on Mole Patrol at the Local Cemetery
Related: Sept 2, 2009: Mole Patrol: Bubba Breaks His Record
Related: Oct 1, 2010: Holy Moly - Bubba Sets Another Mole-Hunting Record!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
IVDD Dachshund Walks Again After Nose Cell Transplant
Meet Jasper. He's an English Black and Tan that was suffering with a spinal injury and unable to use his back legs. His owners volunteered him for a trial at Cambridge University to see whether cells from a dog's nose can improve the nerve connections in its spine. Doctors found that the olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) support nerve fiber growth connecting the nose to the brain and can also regenerate nerve fibers in damaged spinal cords. After six months of walking on a treadmill, Jasper's owners say he now "whizzes around the house." Researchers hope that this might lead to advancement toward a cure for human spinal-cord injuries.
Read more, and see a longer, better video at BBC News.
Remember, if your
Dachshund shows signs and symptoms of back issues, or goes completely down where
they can't walk, there are options out there! Take your dog to your vet
immediately, and listen to the good advice offered at Dodgerslist, your Dachshund disc disease/IVDD
resource. There's always a link to them in the links column on your right. They
have a very active discussion list, and are real pros when it comes to offering
advice for IVDD Dachshunds and general Dachshund health.
Thanks to all the good folks who sent in links to this exciting news in the world of Dachshunds, who often fall prey to back issues or IVDD, intervertebral disc disease. We got so many dozens of emails on this that we can't even thank everyone personally. But we're hoping to post some great pics we got of these News Hounds tomorrow. Stay Tuned Dachshund Lovers.
Town & Country Dachshund: Kick Kennedy and Cupid
Thanks to An Anonymous Dachshundist for letting us know that there's a Dachshund on the front cover of the December 2012 issue of Town & Country Magazine! And this isn't just any long dog, this is a Kennedy. Via the magazine:
Kick Kennedy - RFK's granddaughter, committed environmentalist, budding actress - is shaking up the compound with laughter and her own sense of purpose.
Kick and her dachshund Cupid at the Kennedy compound in Hyannis Port. Michael Kors sweater ($1,395) and shorts ($795).
You can find another photo of Kick and Cupid in the magazine on sale now.
Related: Mary Richardson Kennedy (is Cupid one of the Dachshunds with Kick's father's second wife?)
Related: John F. Kennedy
Monday, November 19, 2012
Oh Yes You CAN Catch Me: Stray Dachshund Living In Woods For Five Months Reunited With Human!
Smiles everyone, SMILES! Norma Jean is reunited with her human.
If you checked in with us on Friday, you read about this beautiful chocolate girl who has been living in the woods for 5 long months, eluding both authorities and the citizens of Gastonia, North Carolina. The story was troubling for many reasons, as folks noted in the comments: she could get hit by a car, winter is fast approaching, and where on earth was her human who apparently let her get away from the local PetSmart? Well, all questions have been answered in one of the most heart-warming Dachshund stories of the year - just read on Dachshund Lovers, read on. Just when your faith in humanity was about to hit an all-time low, via the Gaston Gazette:
The little brown dachshund that captured many hearts during her months of homelessness reunited with her owner Friday morning.
Norma Jean, N.J. for short, eluded people for more than five months while living in the woods beside Regal Cinema in Franklin Square. Various people tried to coax her to their cars – whistling, waving food, bringing other dogs. Nothing worked.
A hot dog, her owner and the sound of her name proved the only successful combination to reel in the little girl.
Christina Baucom’s dogs, N.J. and Skynyrd, were like her children. But the family was divided when Baucom and her husband split up.
Forced to move from her home into an apartment, Baucom was faced with a dilemma. She couldn’t afford the $250 pet deposit and additional monthly fees to take her dogs with her.
Baucom called out to her Facebook friends to find homes for the dachshunds.
Skynyrd went to an old high school friend of Baucom’s, and N.J. moved in with a woman who said she’d provide a good home.
Over several months Baucom kept track of Skynyrd on Facebook, but N.J.’s new owner would never respond to messages.
Baucom hoped that both her babies were being cared for.
Baucom glanced at The Gazette front page Thursday and gasped. N.J.’s picture was prominently placed on the page, and the article described her dog as homeless.
She read how people throughout Gaston County visited her pup, bringing her food, water, toys and a dog house. But N.J. was skittish and ran if anyone got too close.
Baucom cried.
Then she sprang into action. The Lowell woman took an unpaid day off work and spent nearly 12 hours camped out by the cinema.
Strangers stopped by. Her friends came in shifts.
A police officer stayed with her a while, suggesting she leave something behind so that N.J. would smell it and remember her scent.
Baucom put out a blanket and went home. Sleeping seemed impossible.
Baucom drove back to the theater around 1:30 a.m. Friday, but crowds from the midnight showing of “Breaking Dawn: Part 2” filled the parking lot.
Baucom returned at 6:30 a.m. to make another attempt before work. N.J. wasn’t visible.
She put a handful of dog food on the blanket and got in her car. Just as she started to drive away, N.J. darted into the parking lot.
Baucom got out of her car, sat on the ground, held out a piece of hot dog and called to her dog.
N.J. ran full speed ahead, jumped in Baucom’s lap and licked her face.
When she first set out to find N.J., Baucom planned to give the dog to her mother so she could avoid the apartment fees, but still have contact with her pet. That may not be necessary.
People who initially rallied behind N.J. are now standing by Baucom.
One person has offered to pay the dog’s initial vet bills to get her vaccines caught up. Others say they want to pitch in to pay Baucom’s pet deposit fees.
Tears streamed down Baucom’s face as she described holding N.J. again, and feeling the warmth of the kindness of strangers.
Thanks so much to our pal 'Caya' for sending in the link to this wonderful reunion. You can read more about it at the Gaston Gazette.
Welcome Home N.J.
Who Is The Cleverest Dog In The World?
Do you even have to ask? Thanks to our pal 'Enzo' as well as Elspeth S. from Glasgow for sending in a link to a video at the BBC where a Chinese Dachshund named 'Lazai' is apparently able to do mathematical sums in his head and bark the answer! The video wasn't embeddable from there, but we found this equally spiffy one from ITN.
So is this red smooth the smartest dog on the planet or is this just a parlor trick? For that answer, let's head back to June, 2008 and ask Toby, the Dachshund Genius.
Just a Little Bit Louder Now
Thanks to our friend, The Slovenian Princess 'Lea,' for awaking from her beauty sleep and sending us the latest Drabble!
Read more Drabble at GOCOMICS.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Autumn Canine Freestyle With Gypsie
The last time we saw pretty little 'Gypsie' was in April of 2011, and she was a Dachshund Working 9 to 5. Well, she's still got the moves! Her mom says: I'm just trying to train with Gypsie in various places and with different distractions ;-)
Go ahead and turn up the volume, enlarge the screen, and Have a Great Friday.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
You Can't Catch Me: Stray Dachshund Eludes Authorities and Community for Five Months!
“It’s hard for us to chase a dog that’s only a few inches tall.”
She's living like a King in Gastonia, North Carolina and has no intentions of being caught. Why should she? She's become quite popular among the citizens who visit her every day and give her table scraps and sausage biscuits from Bojangles - just don't try to approach her - or she'll run off into the nearby woods. The little chocolate girl has been on the lam for five long months now, apparently escaping from her human while visiting a nearby PetSmart. Via The Gaston Gazette:
Gaston County Animal Control officers have made multiple attempts to lay their hands on the dog, to no avail. Several dog lovers also tried to capture the canine – bringing food and attempting to gain her trust.
The amount of attention the dog has gotten is atypical, according to Steve Rhyne with animal control. He guessed that her sweet appearance paired with a busy shopping center as the reason she’s become so popular.
Animal Control officers make regular stops to check up on the dog and attempt to capture her.
Capt. Scott Bates drives by practically every morning, often bringing some of his dogs’ treats. She won’t take the bait. In fact, the dog often turns her nose up at Bates’ dog bones. He said other visitors feed the pup more tantalizing morsels.
Hamburgers and table scraps may be why the animal isn’t interested in the dog food put in traps by Animal Control.
“It’s definitely not going to go in a trap when it’s getting sausage biscuits from Bojangles’,” said Rhyne.
The animal lives back in the woods that border I-85. Officers can’t easily chase the dog into the thicket of kudzu and briars.
“This dog is very crafty,” said Rhyne. “It’s hard for us to chase a dog that’s only a few inches tall.”
Read much more on this story at The Gaston Gazette.
Architecture For Dachshunds
We've been waiting with bated breath for this new website to launch - Architecture For Dogs - and today, November 15th, 2012 is the big day! "What's it all about, Joey and Rowdy?" you may ask. Well, De Zeen magazine explains it pretty clearly:
Architects and designers have designed a series of downloadable architectural structures that are just for dogs.
Organised by Kenya Hara, the creative director of MUJI, Architecture for Dogs is an open-source network where dog-owners can download the templates for each of the thirteen designs, then build them for themselves.
Each designer was asked to think up a structure that would alter the way that people interact with their pet, so Atelier Bow-Wow have designed a ramp for a Dachshund that helps it make eye contact with its owner, in spite of its short legs. “We thought about stairs, but their bodies are too long and they risk hurting their hips,” said the architects, explaining their design for a folding slope.
So humans get busy - the designs are free! We highly encourage you all to make a visit to Architecture For Dogs - the site is simply amazing and will leave you with a big giant smile if nothing else. Really.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Fall and Winter Fashion For Men and Women Who Love Dachshunds
Embrace the Dachshund
You know you love it. Wear your heart on your sleeve and embrace your Inner Dachshund with such incredible style - shop Harmont & Blaine for all your fall and winter fashion.
Spot the Dachshund
Related: Harmont & Blaine
Dachshund Dearest
"No. WIREHAIRED. DACHSHUNDS!!!" ~Joan Crawford
(She never actually said that, but that's the best we could do for today's Wirehair Wednesday)
Photo source unknown.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Puppy Time
Let's just watch puppies today. Okay?
By vimeoer Jerry, who notes that these little tikes were just 6-weeks-old here.
Meanwhile, in Mexico
A red smooth Dachshund named 'Coffe' walks with his owner along Reforma Avenue in Mexico City, Nov. 11, 2012. Thousands of cyclists, skaters, pedestrians and pets take over Mexico City's avenues during "bicycle Sundays." (Marco Ugarte/AP Photo) Via Today in Pictures, ABC News.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Veterans Day 2012: Meet Schnapps and Booby Trap!
As American author and poet Maya Angelou quoted of our armed service veterans: How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes! - we at The Long and Short of it All pause to recognize not only our veterans, but the Dachshunds who stood by their side.
Long-time readers of The Long and Short of it All know that we take extra time and effort to post military-inspired Dachshund photos and stories on Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Today we bring you these historic WW2 photos that we scanned from the collection of our country cousin 'Rudy.' His Dad is a big collector of WW2 memorabilia, and thought we might enjoy these. Boy, do we!
The photos come from the collection of Mrs Harold G. Heinz, Carlinville, Illinois, and document the service of her husband, Harold. Above is a close up of an incredibly handsome red smooth with a white chest who goes by the fantastic name 'Booby Trap!'
The captions noted here were written by Mrs. Heinz. Click any photo to enlarge and admire.
In front of our station at Manderfeld
Taken at Manderfeld at Krewinkle. L to R: Byron Billings from 3rd Bn Aid Station (has Bronze Star), Harold, "Booby Trap," Sgt Martin, Harold's Jeep "Mail Call."
"Schnapps" in Schoneck
Parsons (Harold's Jeep driver) with Booby Trap and Schnapps
This is what the photos looked like in several pages of Mrs. Heinz' collection. Awesome, right? There is another photo here with Schnapps, Booby Trap, and Harold Heinz in the upper right, just click to enlarge. Have a great Veterans Day.
If you are a new reader at The Long and Short of it All, you will definitely want to visit the archives for some absolutely amazing military-inspired Dachshund tales and images:
Dachshund Homecoming Video
Happy Memorial Day
Veterans Day and Dachshunds
Dachshunds in Pop Culture: Fritz and the "Jane" Cartoon Series
Dachshunds in History: The Saga of Sgt. Wally D. Hund
Dachshunds Reunited with their Dads in the News
Dachshunds and Veterans Day
Dachshunds Teleconferencing with their Dads in Iraq in the News
Dachshunds in History: Mimi, A Most Unpopular Dog During WW2
Memorial Day Dachshund: Meet Gus
Dachshund News Roundup! - story on Vietnam War Veteran Jim Quick and his dachshund
Dachshund News Roundup! - story on Iraq War Veteran Scott MacKenzie and his new rescue boy
Dachshunds in History: Hark! Hark! The Dogs Do Bark!
Dachshunds in History: Dogs of War
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Finding A Few Good Dachshunds: A Meeting Of Potential Delegates
We're so proud, some folks actually DO read our little blog here! Thanks so much for sticking with us over the years and giving us a shout out. We hinted a few weeks ago that Dachshund UN, Australian artist Bennett Miller's traveling art installation, was about to make its way to the North American continent as a part of The 2013 World Stage season at Toronto's Harbourfront Centre. Some Dachshunds took note, and have already auditioned to take part! We're so jealous of you Canadians, you're gonna have such a great time.
From the video notes: Last Sunday a handful of owners and their pups met with the creator of Dachshund UN, Bennett Miller, at Paws Way. By now you may have heard that the performance that "stretches the boundaries of ... live art" will be making it's North American debut here at Harbourfront Centre as part of the 2013 World Stage season. The owners were very excited to meet Bennett and potentially be a part of this exciting show.
Find out more about the event at the Harbourfront Centre.
Related: Looking For A Few Good Dachshunds
Related: Dachshund UN
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Uncle Peterfritz's Lively Tails for Little Dachsies

We first posted this installment of Uncle Peterfritz's Lively Tails for Little Dachsies way back in November of 2008. Have you been with us all these years? We find that our archives really have some hidden gems, and this tale is especially poignant with the recent election - so enjoy, here it is again. Don't forget to VOTE!
Words and Drawing by FRANCES MEUSEL for The American Dachshund, June, 1965.
ONCE UPON A TIME (said Uncle Peterfritz) when half the world was water and our ancestors hadn't decided whether to be sea-eels or Dachshunds, the familial tail was quite different from what it is now. It was broad as a beaver's, flat as a salmon's, and as awkward to carry around as a fur-lined surf board with fringes, which is what it mostly resembled.
"Really, we cannot go on like this any longer!" declared one of the Elders, "the country is getting too crowded for it. A year from now there won't be enough room to wag properly. Yes, the time has come for us to evolve into one thing or an otter; either we detail or go float; it's to sea or not to sea; and I say we should put it to vote immediately."
They all agreed to do this, so an election day was set, a polling place designated in a neutral area neither sea nor land, and the electioneering began.
There were barbecues, drag-races and free biscuits, sponsored by the Reds who were in favor of staying on land; there were beach-parties, regattas and free fish-fries sponsored by the Blacks who favored the sea; there were orations by everybody. It was very exciting.
But those who enjoyed it most were the little whelps who were too young to vote. All the old dogs were so busy politicking they let the pups run loose, so they attended every rally, gorged on free fish and biscuits, and altogether had a glorious time of it.
One day, however, when all the little whelps were sitting around the polling place resting up from the fun, they started to argue among themselves.
"The Blacks are the Good Guys," remarked one, "my Papa says so, he's a Black."
"You're poodled!" scoffed another, "it's the Reds are the Good Guys. My Mama's a Red and she ought to know."
"My Papa said your Mama is a dupe!" declared his neighbor. "He says she'd believe anything. He says just because some people can't tell tails from flails is no reason to deprive -"
"All blacks are back-biters, so there!" snarled the second whelp, and he brought his tail down in a loud slap for emphasis.
Remember I told you the polling place had been set in an area which was neither land nor sea? Well, this sort of terrain is called a swamp, and when anybody makes a slap on a swamp it's likely to send the landscape flying, which is what the second whelp's tail did.
"Who threw that mud in my eye?" yelped a whelp on the edge of the crowd. "I'll show you!" and backing up to a puddle of red gumbo he brought his tail down in a sharp THWACK!
That did it! Within minutes there wasn't a whelp that hadn't joined the war; tails were slapping down faster than you could count, red mud and black mud filled the air, and by the time the adult dogs came rushing up to stop the fight there was nothing to distinguish one whelp from another - or from what was left of the swamp itself, for that matter.
It took hours to separate the combatants and days to get them cleaned up to the point where a matron could be sure she had her own whelp - even so, a few Manchester and Doberman free-loaders, who'd been caught in the fray, weren't identified for several months. In fact, to this day they haven't been able to get down to the original color of those whelps who'd been operating in the LaBrea area, and you know yourself that there's not a neutral acre left anywhere in California.
Naturally, after the worst was over nobody had any energy left for electioneering, even if they had found the ballot box - which they didn't, or had wanted to vote, which was no longer necessary because all the dogs of both parties had reached a simultaneous and unanimous decision: the big tails must GO! they were just too dangerous for whelps to play with.
So this is why our ancestors became land-dwelling Dachshunds, and why our tails look like paint-brushes instead of surf-boards.
It is also why we Dachshunds are non-partisan and avoid all political discussions. After all, eyebrows and a drop-seat are one thing - but have you ever seen a Dalmatian?
Related: Uncle Peterfritz's Lively Tails for Little Dachsies (How Dachshunds became Long and Short)
Related: Uncle Peterfritz's Lively Tails for Little Dachsies: Stop the Earth, It's Going Too Fast
Dachshunds in Art: My 3 Stars
Thanks so much to Canadian Artist Mandy van Leeuwen for sending in a photo of her beautiful painting titled "My 3 Stars." Very nice. Find out more about Mandy, who also does great mural work, at her website.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Dachshunds Top List Of Naughtiest Dog Breeds
Wait a minute, now wait a minute. Dachshunds are the naughtiest dog breed on the planet? No we're not. We're nothing but adorable little angels sent from heaven to enrich the lives of humans on this earth.
Well, according to Dogster at least, we're the number one naughty dog. They say:
Maybe you’re not like me. Maybe you don’t wonder whether your pups are plotting their next prank and whether it will embarrass you. If you don't, your dogs probably aren’t “naughty” like mine are, and you’ve probably never had your dog run around your cocktail party with your bra in his mouth. You might ask, “Can a dog even BE naughty?” It does seem like a rather human trait, but the answer is certainly “Yes!” even if it's only how we perceive their less-than-angelic but humorous behavior.
“Naughty” in human terms is really a discreet word for “morally questionable” or, if you want to get academic, “improper” or “indecent.” Dogs aren’t scholarly. They don’t know the difference between an adults-only video store and a kiddie amusement park. So this definition fits dogs only when humans feel prudish and get embarrassed by their dog’s mischievous and “indecent” behavior (such as the improper placement of noses in improper places and even the occasional digestion of, well, poopie.)
For our purposes, we'll define “naughty” as “rascally, impish, playful, humorous and wily.”
And of the Dachshund in particulary, they state:
This long wonder is famous for his indiscretions and love of mischief. Dachshunds love to make you laugh, but they are also resourceful and can accomplish amazing feats such as chewing through refrigerator cables thus flooding the house (personal experience).
Read more about the art of naughtiness and see the other dogs who made the list at Dogster.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Vintage Dachshund Dandyism
Dearest Gentle Reader: do you tire of the meager offerings set forth by our humdrum age? Do you seek to cultivate blooms of refinement and joy in your life's garden? Find Dachshund Love and transcend the banalities of modern existence and transform yourself into a living work of art.
Very early 1900s German photo source unknown.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Dachshund Mix Missing For Six Months Turns Up At Adoption Event
We always love a good doggie reunion story. It just goes to show that you can never give up hope. Here, an 11-year-old Dachshund Mix named 'Tinkerbell' from Rocky Mount, Virginia, goes astray and ends up missing for 6 months. She was finally found some 70 miles from her home and reunited with her family by surprise at an adoption event! Via WCSH.
Wally, You Dumb Dog!
Our Dachshund friend from Slovenia, 'Princess Lea,' must have slept in today because she didn't send us the latest Drabble. We're sure she needs her beauty sleep though.
Read more Drabble at GOCOMICS.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Rescued From Hurricane Sandy
Precious cargo: A basket of Dachshunds was rescued from a flooded home in little Ferry, N.J., along with Olivia Loesner, 16, hugging her uncle, Little Ferry Deputy Fire Chief John Ruff. Mom Janice Loesner carries the pups. (AP Photo/Craig Ruttle) Source.
Thanks to a good friend for sending this in!
Celebrity Dachshund Watch: Keeping Up With Adele And Louie
Hey, wait a minute!
Read more about Adele and Louie
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