Who? Every dog's hero, that's who! Cesar Millan, born August 27th, 1969, is a professional dog trainer (although in his words, he "rehabilitates dogs, trains people"). He is best known for his television series, Dog Whisperer, which is currently in its fourth season and airs on the National Geographic Channel. He is also the co-author of the best selling books, Cesar's Way, and Be the Pack Leader.
Like most dog lovers, we're literally glued to our seats every Friday night watching Dog Whisperer, and there was never a more exciting night for dachshund lovers than when Cesar adopted his own dachshund in Season 3! Cesar Millan Inc. was gracious to provide the above beautiful photo of Cesar with his red smooth rescue 'Molly' for The Long and Short of it All. This is Molly's story from Cesar Millan, Inc.:
In season three of Dog Whisperer, Cesar worked with the volunteers at United Hope for Animals in their mission to rescue stray dogs from the streets of Tijuana. While there, he fell in love with a rescued dachshund named Molly!
"I've always wanted to own a dachshund, and I guess I came here to help these wonderful ladies with a little knowledge, but they're going to help me to fulfill my dream!"- Cesar Millan
If you've never been to one of Cesar's live seminars, we can attest that they are a great learning experience. His only 2008 appearance is right around the corner in Atlanta, GA, on December 6th. Here's a great excerpt from a seminar in Baltimore, MD, in September 2007:
"I just want you to understand that instincts are just as important as love. Instincts are just as important as intelligence. Instincts are just as important as spirituality. In the end, they all work together, and to me, that is the experience of being complete. To have the ability to be instinctually, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually connected.
Dogs can give you access to that -- animals can give you access to that -- but they must be balanced. The balance is what gives you the connection. An unstable dog will not trigger that. You can pray all day long, and a dog will not become balanced. You actually have to do the exercise and practice the discipline in order for him to become balanced, because he is part of Mother Nature. You can’t just wish for something. You must act on it. If you want a balanced dog, you have to practice what creates the balance.
And you have to listen to your dog when he says, this human is unstable. Absolutely, I don’t go to a meeting without Daddy present. He’s my instincts; he’s my guidance. If he fights, flights, or avoids you, we’re not doing business. He’s that honest. To me, a dog represents honesty, integrity, and loyalty…which are sometimes hard to find in humans!" - Cesar Millan
For more information on the upcoming Atlanta seminar on December 6th, and to purchase tickets, check out this link at Cesar Millan, Inc, or here's a direct link to Ticketmaster. Premium tickets, which include a Meet-and-Greet with Cesar after the show, will be on sale for $250. Regular tickets range from $150 - $25, depending on how far they are from the stage. Don't miss it...woof WOOF!
I love that picture of Cesar and Molly! I have always been a fan of the Dog Whisperer show, but the show became extra special when he adopted Molly. I always smile when I see a glimpse of her running around with the pack, but she needs more airtime! Although, she is on the cover of one of his newer training DVDs. Also, I've been to one of Cesar's seminars and it was so worth it. Great story!
I loved it when Cesar said at the end of a show while holding Molly:
"I don't have any favorites in my pack, but if I did, it would be this one!"
While I highly recommend Cesar to people looking to understand dogs, and that means all dog owners, I learned the hard way that Cesar is not a dog trainer. Training your dog to sit and wait, among other things, will make your dog much easier to live with. A lot of people and organizations feel that Cesar's methods are harmful to dogs. Trying to use Cesar's methods to train your dog will not work.
To really get along with your dog, read about Ian Dunbar, who is a dog trainer and is all about being gentle with your dog. And his methods guarantee success.
Read about my problems with Cesar here:
Thanks Tanya, Cecile, and Matt! We hear what you're saying Matt, but Cesar's methods have worked well with Joey and Maggie, they are great little dogs. They've never needed the pinch behind the ear, but generally, some of the good tips he has like "exercise, discipline, and affection," in that order work great for them. They get a lot of affection, but the exercise and socialization is still top on their list. All of their real training has been reward based, and Cesar's ideas blend well for them. Enjoyed the link!
[...The Dog Whisperer adopts his first dachshund!...]
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