UPDATE 12/1/08: Voting is over, we didn't win, but thanks for your support! The winning yellow lab sticker is great! If you're interested, you can see the winning sticker here.
We need your help! Chicago, Illinois, is the world headquarters of The Long and Short of it All, and the vote for next year's City Vehicle sticker is underway through tomorrow, Wednesday at 5 PM CST (possibly Friday depending on who you ask!). Each year, local high school students compete to have their artwork on the city stickers, and this year's theme is "Dog Friendly Chicago." The above dachshund design is by Lookman Muhammed, Lawrence Hall Youth Services, Grade 10. It would be great if a dachshund graced the 1.3 million vehicles in our fine city! Cast your vote for lucky #7 at the Office of the City Clerk! As we do in Chicago, vote early, and vote often! Thanks for your support. Thanks to Veronica for the story tip!
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