She made such an impact in the American fashion world, that she inspired a common term at the time, as coined by Americans: Fräuleinwunder. Loosely, the term stood for the young, attractive, modern, confident, and desirable German women of the 50s.
But to say that she led a wholly glamorous life is far from the truth. When the Red army marched into Berlin in 1945, she was shipped off to a camp in the Ural Mountains, and did everything from mine coal to carry bricks on a Russian construction project. Newly married, her husband was sent to the Russian labor camps as well. She never saw her first husband again, and spent 2 years in the camps before returing to Germany.
We don't know the name of her pretty red longhair dachshund.
Find out more about Susanne Erichsen at this translated German wikipedia link.

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