We're happy to report that 'Pink,' the little piglet who was adopted and raised by momma 'Tink' the dachshund is doing great! The tiny piglet was too small to make it with his siblings, so his owner put him with 'Tink' (short for Tinkerbell) her doxie, who had just given birth to a litter of puppies. It looks as though he will remain in his home with his foster mom Tink! Excerpt from Little Rock, Arkansas' KTHV: We emailed Pink's owner who lives in West Virginia and she emailed us this update:
"Pink is doing great and we had many adoption offers, but none just right for him. I think we are going to keep the little guy. He weighs about 6 or 7 lbs now and his siblings are 50+. My husband built him a stall in our new barn and he is really enjoying being there. He likes rooting around in the wood shavings. He still gets to play with his puppy sister everyday. We kept one of the puppies out of the litter. He is a sweet little pig."JohannaPink's Owner Read more about Pink and Tink, and see more pics at KTHV.Related: Dachshund Momma Nurses PigletRelated: Dachshund Interspecies Nursing
Read an update and see more photos from a few weeks ago at
Puppy in Training. Oink!
Rumor has it the pig is upset at the great amount the doxie can eat!
awwwwwwwwwwwww pink and tink are the best !!>o< they are so cute!!!!
same anoynomus that say awwwww um how do pigs nurse?u know the snouts are in the way?im not a retard okay so shut up .For future people who think that.
santa and the toothfairy are real!!!!!!!Ha jessica!!!!>o<
i was wondering why u losers are looking up cute dashunds mothering piglets .dont u have a life?????Dorks.ur just jelous bitchezz
who say doxie hhaaa dork
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