Here's a dachshund news roundup on a warm and sunny Monday, July 28th, 2008. Woof! Above, 'Mickey,' a 1-year-old smooth black and tan, enjoys looking out the window when his owner, Maggie Sierras-Trotts, of Indiana, takes the wheel. To protect his eyes from the wind, Mickey is attired in a pair of goggles purchased from a local pet groomer. Source.
Congrats goes out to the busiest dachshund we know, Frankie the Walk N' Roll Dog, for winning the costume contest on Saturday at Germanfest in Milwaukee. How could Frankie NOT win with such a great costume? Watch a great news video featuring Frankie at the festival by clicking here, and also enjoy another fun news video of the wiener races by clicking here.
Smooth black and tan 'Rambo' sat with his top hat next to owner Colleen Russo of La Mesa during the 20th Annual Dachshund Picnic on Sunday at Balboa Park in San Diego, California. There were dog-and dachshund-related vendors, doggie treats, artists and people food. Source.
Logan Seaton of Evansville, Kentucky, gives smooth black and tan dappled 'Silver Speck' a big hug after the dog won the fourth annual Wiener Dog Races at Ellis Park on Saturday. Silver Speck, owned by Seaton's father Dave, placed second in last year's race. Proceeds from the event go to the Riverview School in Henderson, Ky., for special needs children. Read more and see some great pics at the Courier Press.
Enjoy a fun news video from the races at Ellis Park in Henderson.
Madeline Silverstein, 11, of Masonville, Colorado, waits with her wire-hair 'Smoochie' before going into judging for the novice juniors competition during the 4-H dog showmanship and obedience shows Sunday at the Larimer County Fair and Rodeo. Read all about the event at the Reporter-Herald.
Finally, The Fourth Annual West Virginia Hot Dog Festival packed Pullman Square in Huntington, West Virginia, for a pooch parade, wiener dog races, a hot dog eating contest, root beer chugging, a bun stacking contest, and a lot of entertainment throughout the day on Saturday. Read all about it and see over 50 pics at Huntington News.
Have a great Monday! We're sure all the doxies are taking it easy today after such a big weekend.
Whew!! There were alot of busy wiener's this past weekend!!! Great stories and awesome photos! Thanks for posting all that.
I can attest to the fact my little wiener, Frankie (the walk 'n roll dog) is resting today. She is snoring away at my feet in her little periwinkle bed in my writing studio. A well-deserved nap I might say. We are so proud of her!!
Mom & Author of Frankie, the walk 'n roll dog
I have had so many positive comments from people who have seen Mickey's picture. Most people laugh at first then they ask "why does he have glasses?". I explain it is to keep the bugs, wind, dirt, and whatever else is blowing around out of his eyes when we are driving down the road. Mickey is a rescue dog he came to me as a foster from a family who could no longer care for him. He has fit in so well at our house, including getting along with our 5 Maincoon cats, that we are going to be his forever home. Thank you so much for the awsome website. Maggie (Mickey's mom)
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