Dachshunds know that to stay in the know, you've got to read the monthly stories at
Dachshund Delights. This month, one of their features is about a new company called
The Longdog Sauce Company out of Mineola, Texas (where else?). With flavors including "Meaner Wiener," "Double Dog Dare 'ya," "Steam'n Weenie," and "Jalapeenie Weenie," you can't go wrong.
Read all about it at
Dachshund Delights, and visit
The Longdog Sauce Company.
I think I'm officially part of the dachshund cult when using dachshunds can make me want a product I wouldn't otherwise care about. "Jalapeenie Weenie" Awesome!
"we have good taste"...they must have good taste, they have a dachshund on their logo.
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