Personally, we always preferred one of those OTHER "medical drama television programs." Either that, or a Dachshund named 'Sloan' will get a day in court. Thanks so much to The Squirrel Patrol for sending this in; they write:
Joey and Maggie,
Here is a little bit of news that has come into our little doxie circle in Va Beach that we thought we should pass on to you and all the other Dachshundists out there:
On the ABC show Private Practice last night they were slamming Dachshunds and Dachshund owners. This is what is said:
"Sloan is a DACHSHUND...Dachshunds like to eat POOP; right up off the street - other dogs POOP. They're more concerned with their OWN needs than they are with making you happy - they're FILTHY and IMMORAL. The OWNERS of Dachshunds are DESPARATE - desperate for AFFECTION. But it's the wrong KIND of affection; the kind that makes YOU always take care of THEM."
As posted by our pals on The Hotdog Blog, where they suggest that emails be written to ABC. Watch it right here on ABC, start at about 18:30 minutes in; or watch the below video which isn't the best quality, but a litte quicker to view:
I know many dachshund owners and their dogs well. While this statement is not an absolute(in truth), it is revealing.
1)Many dachshunds eat their own and others poop. TRUE
2)Dachshunds are self serving and not altruistic. ABSOLUTELY
3)Many Dachshund owners are desperate for affection. TRUE.
I guess it is what it is...
In VA BEACH?! Email me! I've got a wiener and would like to be part of the 'circle'! johnnyz1234 - AT - hotmail dot com
I would love my dachshunds even if they ate poop....and I am not starved for affection nor am I desperate...I guess my three girls are not the norm...I get plenty of both!! LOL
But.....shame on Private Practice writers.....just sayin'...
Mine has eated poop too and rolled in it, but that doesn't make him filthy. It's in his nature and fine with me. But I must say Iori is kinda smart, after his second poo eating'n'rolling and 5 baths in a row he hasn't done it again.
Eating poop is a not breed specific and not every dog of every breed (including dachshunds) are obsessed with doing that.
Dachshunds are discerning. Once you are one of their people, much affection (accompanied by manipulation) will follow. Obviously the fictional Sloan was wise enough to ignore this thoroughly annoying writer.
Owners? Again the whole affection need etc is not dachshund specific. I would say that Dachshund owners are a proud lot and dachshunds have a love for their own kind so seeing them all together is a wonderful thing.
My verdict--this guy ticked off a dachshund and its relatively needy owner OR he dissed the owner and the dachshund knew he was a jerk.
Our dachshund has NEVER eaten excrement. Emails should be written, if not about dachshund bashing them at least about how terrible the writers are even if you hate dachshunds
I was outraged! it was not said as a joke but very mean-spirited. i couldn't believe what i was hearing! I am a fan of Grays Anatomy and Private Practise (not so much) and i could not believe how insulting this was. My Dachshund has NEVER eaten poop, nor is he self-centered. Mark Sloane is no Dachshund - he should be so lucky.
This is an absolute case of profiling. My doxie isn't self centered, she doesn't eat her own poop, and I am not desperately needy. It was unkind and Private Practice writers should be ashamed.
Tulip has never eaten poop. I watch dog behavior shows like "its me or the dog" and she addresses dogs eating poop all of the time with all breeds. In fact I watched her show not too long ago and the poop eater was a pug. As far as owners I have no idea what you can say is "needy". No one I go to school with or relate to out of my family even know I have a dachshund. That is kind of a weird even random insult.
Tulip may not be the norm but she gets along with EVERYONE. She loves all people and other dogs in fact I have been approached a couple of times about certifying her to be a therapy dog. I am often complimented on how sweet natured she is. How is a dog immoral anyway?
I have never had a doxie who eats poop (although he will eat practically anything else.... OTOH, our new American bulldog puppy Echo loves to eat poop and I sure wish we could break of that.
This is preposterous! My wirehaired dachshund Riley has never eaten his own poop, let alone the poop of other dogs! It's just not of interest him. We've even come across dead birds, garbage, etc. on our walks and his only inclination is to lift his leg and pee on these things!
As for dachshunds only being concerned with their own needs - that's off the mark too! Nothing could be further from the truth. Like any pet, they like to be the center of attention, however they are very in tune to their "people" and want nothing more than to be with them and shower them with affection. Riley is very loving with extended family members as well.
I believe it would only be the right thing to do to email ABC and complain about how offensive their dachshund hating comments were:
~Christy Krueger
Honestly, they can say what they want about dogs. Everyone (who doesn't live with a dog) has their blanket opinions about breeds. But really? Saying a blanket statement about the OWNERS? I think I'm more offended by that! How dare they assume that since I own a dachshund I am needy and desperate for affection! If you ask anyone who knows me, they would know that I'm probably one of the most independent people they know. And I'm sure I'm not the only one. This entire statement just seems incredibly ignorant and there are some major assumptions made. I sincerely hope that this statement is meant to go along with the character, because maybe the character is supposed to be ignorant and rude, and NOT a reflection of the writer's opinions. Either way, I think it would be nice to hear an explanation/apology from the show.
am i the only one who watched this and wasn't offended? i thought it was funny. i heard it and laughed. and addison cuts in there when she realizes he's getting off the dachshund metaphor and directly onto sloan - "dachshunds are immoral?"
you have to take it in the context of the show - especially the owner part. he was saying addison was "the owner" desperate for attention.
i just laughed and said, yeah, probably some of that is true, but nah, there are obviously no true dachshund lovers on the writing staff! dachshunds are NOT filthy! well, okay, they like to roll in the nastiest stuff they can find. but other than that!
Why are you people debating this??
It was vile, mean spirited and had no place being said on prime time TV; especially in the hostile tone that it was said. E mails should be sent, letters written to ABC and the public relations departments of the sponsors.
Don't debate this among yourselves, take a few minutes to let those in a position to do something about it that this will not be tolerated again.
I've got to agree. My wife and I thought it was hilarious too. We even backed up the DVR to hear it again. Now we're referring to our Dachshund as our "immoral" dog.
It's not worth taking it too seriously. It's a perfectly forgettable TV show. It wasn't even a very coherent argument. How does a dog eating poop equate to immoral?
I think the writers must have been pretty desperate and needy to put this in thier show. Maybe one of them was recently turned down by a dachshund rescue. Funny, I would rather have one of my four eat a piece of poop than be a piece of crap like this was.
Goodness me! Instead watch a re-run of "The Finder" where a long-haired dachshund was featured with a guest star from the popular show "Bones." The lead character susses out that the "bad" man had stolen the doxie to cover his tracks on his getaway hike. The Finder gives chase as he takes the doxie and hands him off to Dr. Hodgins to hold in his loving arms. Must better casting of a doxie! :) The husband & I must have watched that episode a few times to know it so well! xo
All of this is ABSOLUTELY TRUE....My girlfriend is a dachshund owner and this is EXACTLY that dog (and her). Especially #2 - that dog only exists to serve its own needs. It's good for absolutely NOTHING!!!! I hate it!!!
Anonymous said...
I know many dachshund owners and their dogs well. While this statement is not an absolute(in truth), it is revealing.
1)Many dachshunds eat their own and others poop. TRUE
2)Dachshunds are self serving and not altruistic. ABSOLUTELY
3)Many Dachshund owners are desperate for affection. TRUE.
I guess it is what it is...
January 16, 2010 at 8:33 PM
My BF has a dachshund and I can't stand it. It's a spoiled brat and only cares about one thing: Food. It shows zero affection to people and really just reminds me of a cat. One time my mom was grabbing something on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and the dog tried to get in there. My mom gently shood it away and IT BIT HER. that dog is an a**hole and tries to manipulate to no end. I've known other Daschunds just like that.
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