It wouldn't be a holiday without a special photo from our buddies The Sheridan Avenue Boys Gnomes. Thanks to 'Jack', 'Jetson,' 'Jordan,' 'Lincoln,' and 'Lego' for being so incredibly handsome.
We'd never get away with posting this wonderfully dark and well done video if it weren't Halloween. Be safe this All Hallows' Evening - it's a dog eat dog world out there.
By Vimeoer Studio Film Bilder.
Gather 'round Dearest Dachshunds, and snuggle up close and tight next to your human - it's time for the annual telling of Poe's first draft of 'The Raven!' We post this every year at this time because, well, you can never get too much of a good thing:
The Dachshund Once upon a midnight dreary as I plodded weak and weary
To my bed with visions full of Slumberland’s enchanted shore.
I was taking off my socks and suddenly I spied my dachshund
Curled up like a sleeping fox in just the space that I yearned for
“Move yourself off of my bed, please, I am weary and footsore”
Quoth the dachshund, “No. You snore.”
Startled by the stillness marked by such display of cheeky snark
Quickly did I point my finger toward the bedroom’s open door.
“Get thee hence, you little brat, I’ll take no sort of sass like that,
Upon my bed I’ll stretch out flat, my wearied senses to restore.
After all my toil I crave the yielding mattress’s contour.”
Quoth the dachshund, “Try the floor.”
I had scarce the strength to quibble, “Listen here, you know that kibble
That appears as if by clockwork in your dish upon the floor?
It does not grow on the trees, nor does the salve that wards off fleas,
So I would think you’d try to please the person who buys treats galore.
If I do not get my rest, I’ll not be going to the store.”
Quoth the dachshund, “You’re a bore.”
And the dachshund, never stirring, lay just like a kitten purring,
By my lack of will inferring his was now the winning score.
Anyone who owns a dachsie must concede they’re full of moxie,
Both directly and by proxy, your commands they will ignore.
Best admit that any chance of winning you long since foreswore.
You’re the master nevermore.
As we know, there is a fierce custody battle over Obie the Obese Dachshund. Yesterday in court, a judge decided that Obie is to stay in his current foster home with foster mom Nora Vanatta - he will not be returned to Oregon Dachshund Rescue (ODR) - for now. A lack of paperwork and contracts seems to be at the center of the decision.
ODR will continue their efforts to get Obie back, as the case will go to full litigation, possibly even a trial.
While we feel that Obie is getting the best of care with his foster mom, and that he is probably better off with her for now, we do understand some of the concerns that ODR has. While we don't see that the national television shows that Obie appeared on were "sensationalistic," we were honestly a bit shocked that Obie was allowed to travel across the country in the condition that he was in - something that ODR may have originally agreed to. But ODR was not aware that he would be traveling in cargo on the long plane rides. This may not have been the best decision for Obie.
In the meantime - all of this will work out in the courts, and we ask that dog lovers everywhere relax and take a deep breath. Comments such as this one on ODR's facebook page are simply uncalled for: "You and your sleazy, ambulance chasing lawyer should crawl back into the hole you came out of."
Let's just remember that the Obie's well-being is really what's important right now. He's actually pretty lucky - folks are fighting over him to give him the best of care - all dogs in need should have such a dilemma.
Debbi Reefer carries red smooth 'Tinkerbell,' as volunteers and the staff of Orphans of the Storm, an animal shelter in Kittanning, Pennsylvania, that sits close to the Allegeny River, work to evacuate animals in anticipation of possible flooding from Hurricane Sandy. Via the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
We certainly hope that our East Coast friends stay safe.
Thanks so much to Candace and Mike, who hail from the wonderful world of Los Angeles, California, for sending in this great Dachshund Halloween photo! They write:
Dear Rowdy and Joey,
Longhairs Laszlo and Zazie, along with their naughty nephew, soft-wirecoated Scrapple, not only found these bones but put them back together in the right order!
Congratulations to 10-year-old 'Cody,' who hails from Loveland, Colorado for taking first prize in the costume contest hosted by Dog Owner's General Store yesterday. Via The Reporter Herald:
Wearing a T-shirt and cap that would make most dogs squirm, Cody strutted in
front of the judges with a box carrying faux hot dogs on his back pushed by a
stuffed monkey in a costume that played on his breed's nickname, "wiener dog." Human Ken Ferguson has been dressing Cody in Halloween costumes for about seven years and said he always manages to think of something
unique and different. It can be both fun and rewarding -- Cody took home a
D.O.G.S. gift card on Sunday, and in past Halloween costume contests he has won
a Wii game set (he lets his family use it, too).
(click image to enlarge and enjoy the awesome graphics)
Budweiser Beer: Your Dachshund is something more than beer...he's the Companion of Contentment: For fireside fishing, let a tall bottle of sparkling Budweiser keep you company. And, bobbing in a boat, or beside a driftwood fire, at thirst-time or at lunchtime, cold, bubbling BUDWEISER is the companion of contentment - always. Live life...every golden minute of it. Enjoy Budweiser...every golden drop of it. ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC. ST. LOUIS
Thanks so very much to Elspeth S. and her smooth black and tan 'George,' who hail all the way from Glasgow, Scotland for writing in:
Hi Joey and Rowdy,
Someone in the UK might already have sent you this advert, but in case they haven't...Keep watching to the very end. And for your non-British fans, Hank Marvin is British rhyming slang for 'starving'. Hank was the lead guitarist in The Shadows.
Dachshund Quotes To Remember: In describing "feisty" Italian tennis player Sara Errani's WTA Championship match in Istanbul with Sam Stosur, penned:
Stosur didn’t accomplish the slim chance to survive in what for her was a single-elimination tournament., losing to Italy’s feisty Sara Errani, 6-3, 2-6, 6-0. It was a hot mess of a match, through no fault of Errani’s. The WTA No. 8 was her usual self, as difficult to shake as a dachshund that has locked onto your ankle.
'Neo' and 'Latte' are all decked out for Halloween as the Princess and the Frog. What are you dressing your Dachshund as? Via Suburban Chicago's Daily Herald.
Obie and Nora Vanatta; Video no longer on net, was at:
We're quite sure that you remember 'Obie,' the Obese Dachshund, who we have featured many times here over the past few months through his rescue and impending stardom - appearing on national television shows including Live with Kelly and The Today Show.
Well, as noted by our hero, British singer Morrissey, above, Obie got the fame, he got some money to help him out - now bring on the lawsuits. Oregon Dachshund Rescue (ODR) has filed legal papers in Portland, demanding the return of Obie from his foster home. His foster mom and caretaker, Nora Vanatta, released this statement yesterday on Obie's Facebook Page:
Dear Obie supporters, As you have all been following this story and supporting Obie's journey as he in turn inspires you, I must tell you of the awful news I just received. When Drew Martin Lee initially reached out for help to get Obie out of his dire situation, Jenell Rangan recognized that she didn't have the resources to properly care for him and she publicly shared the letter. I stepped up and said that I would foster him if someone would bring him to me. I had absolutely no idea what to expect but I knew that I could help him. Patricia Malone (Bosello) volunteered to pick him up and bring him to me. I took it upon myself to take him to the vet the next day to get an exam and blood work. Linda Klein graciously stepped up and offered to pay for his first vet visit as well as start a FB page to help with the subsequent care required to rehabilitate him. I am committed to his full rehabilitation even though it will be much longer than I anticipated. The FB page exploded with supportive people from over 20 countries and many people have donated money for his care. He became very popular and national networks contacted me and asked to share his story. I realized what an inspiration he was to people and that his story was helping so many in their own journeys to get healthy and bring awareness to the effects of obesity on people as well as their pets. The attention was overwhelming at first but I was always thinking of the mission that Obie could share and I was very careful of what people wanted to write about him. I made it clear that this was a positive thing and that it wasn't about bashing the previous owners or exploiting a fat dog. I turned down several media requests because I didn't like where they wanted to go with the story. Obie has a story and a mission to share and help other people. I am working on starting a non-profit to continue to help and inspire others in their mission to lose weight. Jenell Rangan, owner of ODR is now demanding that I give Obie to her and actually deliver him to her lawyer's office. I must appear in court Monday morning (Washington County at 9am). She is claiming that Obie belongs to her, that I am misusing funds, and not providing proper veterinary care. It is very upsetting that Jenell is using doxie-saving money to take him away from me especially since she has received donations and support thanks to Obie and me sharing his story. She has admitted to not being able to handle him and that he is doing well with me. He has bonded to me and Hunter and Noggin. She clearly doesn't have his best interest in mind and is only interested in him now that he is famous. I am going to fight for him and I need your continued support. I am not in a position to spend money on a lawyer but it is just not right to make Obie adjust to a new home now. I am asking for your continued support to help Obie stay with me. Thank you, Nora
While we would certainly like to hear more from Oregon Dachshund Rescue on this matter, the facts as known show that Ms.Vanatta has done a great job with Obie - he has lost 15 pounds, she has shielded him from sensationalist exposure, and he is getting great veterinary care. Guess we'll all find out what happens on Monday in court. We must add that all of this drama isn't good for anyone at this point - especially Obie.
Obie already has over 10,000 signatures on a petition at supporting that he stay in his current foster home.
We're sure that you're familiar with the underwater dog photography by photographer Seth Casteel - we featured another one of his Dachshund shots way back in March of this year, and the photos are all over the interweb. Well, new shots are emerging from his brand new book called Underwater Dogs that you can get at Amazon where it's ranked number 12 in the best sellers! Wow! Find out more at Facebook, and see more doggie photos at
Thanks to our friend Mrs. Driver for sending in the link!
CBS Atlanta 46
A 1-year-old Dachshund was dropped off at animal control in Clayton County, Georgia last Wednesday after being discovered with wounds from an attack by someone with a paintball gun and a BB gun. According to CBS Atlanta, Bonnie Adams with Partners4Pets took the puppy to a veterinarian, who diagnosed him with a poison-infected wound from a paintball gun and six wounds from a BB gun. The pup's brother was also attacked and sustained cuts or tears to his ears. Here's an excerpt from the story:
Investigators with Clayton County Animal Control are working on leads in the case of animal cruelty against two dachshunds.
Bullet, a barely 1-year-old puppy, was dropped off at animal control on Wednesday, along with his brother Pistol.
Someone shot Bullet at close range with a paintball gun and a BB gun.
It's a case of animal cruelty that could have cost Bullet his life if Bonnie Adams with Partner4Pets hadn't stepped in.
The nonprofit group took the dog to the Union City Veterinary Clinic for emergency surgery.
"Generally if we're not here, animal control would have to call a vet in to euthanize the dog because they don't want a dog sitting in the back suffering," said Adams.
The vet told CBS Atlanta News Bullet was dangerously infected with poison from the paintball attack when he arrived on Wednesday. He also had six small wounds from a BB gun.
Tubes were inserted into his hip area to help with drainage.
Pistol wasn't shot but he was abused. He appeared to have cuts or tears to his ears and needed medical attention.
If you have any information about the abused dogs, you are urged to contact Clayton County Animal Control. The Atlanta Humane Society announced Sunday it is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible. PETA announced yesterday that it has added $2,500 to that amount.
We certainly hope and pray that Bullet and Pistol make a complete recovery and find the loving homes that they deserve.
A group of New Yorkers bring their dogs out each Friday night to do weekly battle against the scourge of rats. WNBC's Marc Santia reports. Source. Thanks so much to our good pal 'Geneva' for writing in:
Dear Joey and Rowdy,
Check out this cool news story about dogs on rat patrol. Wait till you see how many of them are Dachshunds!
Over 2,500 spectators cheered on over 400 costumed canines on Saturday for the 22nd Annual Tompkins Square Halloween Parade in New York City. More than $8,000 was raised by the sponsor, Friends of First Run, to benefit the city’s largest and oldest dog run. Above, 'Pepper' poses as a tough little turtle. Source.
This pretty black and tan Piebald, 'Gretel,' is dressed as a 'Mars Rover.' Source.
It seems that Dachshunds are always on the cusp of Popular Culture, and this isn't more evident than finding out that Puerto Rican professional boxer Orlando Cruz has a handsome red smooth of his own, who goes by the fantastic name of 'Bam-Bam!' Mr. Cruz made headlines this month by becoming the first boxer to come out as gay while still active professionally, stating that "I have and will always be a proud Puerto Rican. I have always been and always will be a proud gay man."
Well, he's also a proud Dachshund Lover. Thanks so much to our pal 'Jack' for sending in the link to this news and photo. He pens:
Dear Joey and Rowdy,
I thought you guys may be interested in this story in the British newspaper, The Guardian, that my Dad found about the boxer Orlando Cruz, which talks about, amongst other things, his Dachsie Bam-Bam.
"I decided to be free," Orlando Cruz says with piercing clarity as he looks out across his home city of San Juan. The Puerto Rican fighter, who this month became the first boxer to declare publicly that he was gay, remains on the balcony of his condominium as a blue and humid sky darkens. Cruz ignores the drops of rain that glisten on his bare torso as he whistles to Bam-Bam, a cheerful sausage dog who jumps on to his lap. The 31-year-old then talks with increasing passion about his new-found liberty.
"They can call me maricón, or faggot," he says with a wry smile as he tickles Bam-Bam behind the ears, "and I don't care. Let them say it because they can't hurt me now. I am relaxed. I feel so happy. But to make this announcement to the whole world I had to be very strong."
Cruz flexes his tattooed arms while deflecting Bam-Bam's urge to lick his face. He might usually be besotted with his little dachshund but, now, Cruz is fiercely concentrated. On Friday night, in Kissimmee, Florida, he faces the most testing bout of his career, a WBO world featherweight title eliminator, but he needs first to explain the far harder struggle he has finally won over fear and prejudice.
Please pardon our absence as our Dad's Dad, our Dachshund Grandpaw so to speak, has passed away, and was laid to rest this past week. This really puts a damper on our Dachtober 2012 festivities. We searched and searched for some photos of him with us to post here, or with Maggie, and nothing was to be found. So make sure you get those cameras out right now because you never know when it's all going to be over. It's been a trying week or so. We loved him very much and miss him every single waking moment. He was a wonderful man, husband, and father.
Here he is in 1956 when he was about 18 or 19 with his mom in St. Louis, Missouri. We really love this crazy old photo. The doggie photo bomb is courtesy of a handsome guy named 'Inky' - apparently doggie photobombing is not a new phenomenon!
Dad always got along well with Joey and Maggie, although they were a little afraid of him when he would come marching through the house, clunking those heavy cowboy boots that made such a racket. Rowdy on the other hand, who lives for chaos, worshipped those noisy cowboy boots.
CHICAGO: Autumn arrived in the Northern Hemisphere, 9/23, and in Chicago area Theodore Rysman was accompanied by his dog, Gretchen, as he surveyed his pumpkin crop on his Cook county farm field.
It's been the longest time since we've had a Wirehair Wednesday, and your Long and Short of it All host 'Rowdy' is a little miffed about the whole situation. To help make up for it, here's little 'Livvy' (you may remember her from Pack Your Suitcase - Livvy Goes On Vacation) showing how many tricks she can do in 60 seconds! Impressive. By youtuber Livvy Dackel.
When you think your day isn't going so great, and life has handed you a bunch of lemons, consider what happened to Ellen "Kim" McKelvin last Saturday when she was driving to the vet in Hernando County, Florida, to have her Dachshund euthanized. Via Bay News 9:
The Hernando County Sheriff’s Office is calling out one of their own for a job well done. Early Saturday morning, Ellen "Kim" McKelvin was run off the road by another vehicle while taking her 13-year-old Dachshund to the vet to be put down, deputies say. The dog had been suffering from cancer. McKelvin careened into a ditch and hit a pole, rendering her vehicle inoperable. Deputy Robert Santoro was first to arrive on the scene. According the sheriff’s office, McKelvin asked Dep. Santoro that the situation with her vehicle be allowed to wait so she could walk and carry her dog to the animal clinic so that she could end his suffering. Instead, Dep. Santoro asked her to step back to his patrol car and have a seat. He then picked up the dog very gently ("just like he was handling a newborn baby," according to McKelvin) and handed the dog to her. Dep. Santoro then drove them both to the animal clinic so she could take care of her beloved pet. McKelvin called the sheriff's office on Monday morning to express her sincere gratitude (through many tears) for the kindness, consideration, sensitivity and professionalism demonstrated to her by Dep. Santoro. In a released statement, Sheriff Al Nienhuis wrote; "It is easy for law enforcement professionals to get the reputation of being unemotional and uncaring. Here is yet another example of an agency member going out of his way when a citizen is in an emotionally devastating situation and in desperate need of assistance. Although this is an extreme example, there are similar things happening on almost a daily basis that are known only to the agency member and the citizen. I am very humbled and proud to be the Sheriff of an agency with many individuals like Deputy Santoro.”
Thanks to Liz S. for sending in the link to the October, 2012 edition of Costco Connection magazine where they discuss the benefits of bringing your dog to work with you. Liz pens: "If you are going to have a dog at the office, it needs to be a Dachshund. Well behaved and doxies...well, that's another story." The article notes:
Thanks to our pretty pal 'Princess Lea' who writes in all the way from Slovenia with the latest Drabble. She says "Wally perfectly demonstrates why i don't have stuffed toys! My dad would go broke!!! Kisses for a new week ahead..." Read more Drabble at GOCOMICS.