Schweppes Bitter Lemon: You are looking at a practical girl. Last year, during the Bitter Lemon draught, even Commander Whitehead could spare her only a six-pack. This year, she isn't taking any chances. As you can see above, she's hoarding cases of Schweppes Bitter Lemon. Bitter Lemon is the newest triumph of the House of Schweppes. It was an immediate sensation in England. In America, connoisseurs are drinking it as if there were no tomorrow. Schweppes Bitter Lemon is a great mixer. You'll get a remarkably good drink when you mix it with gin, vodka, bourbon, rum - you name it. Schweppes Bitter Lemon is also the first adult soft drink. It has a tart, lemony taste. So sophisticated, that it's the only soft drink children don't like. All the more for you. The extraordinary demand for Schweppes Bitter Lemon goes on and on. So, rush to your store now! Caution: To get the real thing - make sure the label on every bottle reads "Schweppes Bitter Lemon."
Who? We think you know! With the recent release of Disney's 47th animated Feature, Bolt, we're finding out a little more about one of its stars, John Travolta....Mr. Saturday Night Fever....., Mr. Grease...., Mr. Pulp Fiction. Yep, he's a dachshund lover, and her name is 'Prudence.' He and his wife Kelly Preston and their family have 3 dogs: a Rhodesian Ridgeback, a Dachshund, and, like Oprah, a Cocker Spaniel.
Excerpt from The Star: Travolta felt comfortable getting under Bolt's fur. He has three dogs of his own. "I have a Rhodesian ridgeback, which is close to the size of a white shepherd. I also have a cocker spaniel and a dachshund, which are more my daughter's dogs. The ridgeback is more my size. My daughter likes little dogs; I like big dogs."
Excerpt from Kelly Preston, meanwhile, calls Prudence the dachshund “Prudie” and says she “rules the roost.” She says this with a chuckle and a sense of pride best understood by true dog lovers.
If anyone has any photos or more information on Prudence, by all means please send it in!
Meet beautiful black and tan smooths 'Jasper' and 'Matilda!' What a fantastically festive photo. Don't worry you two....tomorrow will come and that turkey will be yours!
The Dynamic Duo sent the sweetest note:
Happy Thanksgiving from our pack to yours and thank you for The Long And Short of It All....we love to come read all the dachshund news and we wanted you to know you're someone we are thankful for. :)
Hugs and wet nose kisses, Jasper & Matilda
Wow. What a nice thing to say, thank you so much.
May all the turkeys fall on the floor this year in every dachshund household. Be safe and have a great one.
Gosh we love Miss Patti Page. Thanks again to our pal 'Clancy' for keeping us updated on the important re-write of Miss Page's 1952 hit Doggie in the Window for The Humane Society of the United States.
Meet handsome red smooth 'Boz.' Go Go Go Agility Boy! Click each photo to enlarge. Thanks to 'JPaleBlue' for sending in such beautiful photos of their little champ.
His human notes: Boz was adopted 4 years ago from the West Valley Animal shelter. He had all of his grown up teeth--so the vet estimated he was at least one year old--but he weighed only 6 pounds. Judging by his weight, the vet guessed he had been on the street for about two weeks without food. Needless to say, Boz is my best buddy. He is a sweet loving soul.
And look at Boz now. Wow! It's amazing what love can do.
Who? Alexander Brailowsky (16 February 1896 - 25 April 1976) was a Russian pianist who specialized in the works of Frédéric Chopin. He achieved most of his fame between the two world wars. Brailowsky was born in Kiev (although some sources suggest he was Polish), and later became a French citizen in 1926. Brailowsky gave the first complete Chopin cycle in history in Paris in 1924, using the composer’s own piano for part of the recitals. He then went on to present a further thirty cycles of Chopin’s music, including New York in 1938 and then in Paris, Brussels, Zurich, Mexico City, Buenos Aires and Montevideo. In 1960 he decided to repeat the cycles in Brussels and Paris; although his playing by now was past its best, it nonetheless still delivered some superb nuances and an overall mastery. Alexander Brailowsky died in New York aged 80, of complications brought on by pneumonia.
We don't know the name of his beloved red smooth dachshund. Find out more about Alexander Brailowsky at wikipedia.
Enjoy Alexander Brailowski - Chopin, Valse Brillante in A flat
What a warm and fuzzy reunion just in time for the holidays. Woof, WOOF! Handsome red smooth dachshund 'Tootsie' was reunited with his family yesterday in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, after he went missing 5 years ago. Thanks to his microchip, he was found as a stray in Pittsburgh, some 350 miles away from his Pleasantville, NJ, home. Imagine the stories that Tootsie could tell, if only he could talk. Above, Tifanie Tiberio, left, of the Animal Rescue League of Western Pennsylvania, gives Tootsie back to Elda Arguello, of Pleasantville, N.J., and her children, Daniel and Edna Colon. Read all about the story at the Pittsburgh Post Gazzette. There are several news videos of the story circulating, but here's a direct link to the best one at the Pittsburgh Post Gazzette.
UPDATE 12/1/08: Voting is over, we didn't win, but thanks for your support! The winning yellow lab sticker is great! If you're interested, you can see the winning stickerhere.
We need your help! Chicago, Illinois, is the world headquarters of The Long and Short of it All, and the vote for next year's City Vehicle sticker is underway through tomorrow, Wednesday at 5 PM CST (possibly Friday depending on who you ask!). Each year, local high school students compete to have their artwork on the city stickers, and this year's theme is "Dog Friendly Chicago." The above dachshund design is by Lookman Muhammed, Lawrence Hall Youth Services, Grade 10. It would be great if a dachshund graced the 1.3 million vehicles in our fine city! Cast your vote for lucky #7 at the Office of the City Clerk! As we do in Chicago, vote early, and vote often! Thanks for your support. Thanks to Veronica for the story tip!
Above, Angie and Ralph Snodgrass, who hailf from Fairbanks, Alaska, pose together with their pet dachshunds for the 2009 Dogs of Fairbanks Calendar. Proceeds from the calendar go to benefit the 20-acre Fairbanks Dog Park. Read all about the contest and calendar at
What a fantastic story! Meet the miracle boy with 6 toes on one of his feet, red smooth 'Tootsie,' who is being reunited with his family today in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, after being lost for 5 years! Tootsie originally hailed from Pleasantville, NJ, and how he ended up as a stray 350 miles away near Pittsburgh is anybody's guess! We're just so happy that he's coming home. Excerpt from 6abc:
Through confirmation via an implanted microchip on the dog, the Animal Rescue League of Western Pennsylvania will reunite owner and pet in Harrisburg, PA on Monday, November 24, 2008. This incredible discovery was made late last week when Edna Colon, daughter of Elda Arguello, responded to a letter that the family received from the shelter in Pittsburgh. "We appreciate the Animal Rescue League. If not for them and the microchip, we would never have seen Tootsie again. Because (the Animal Rescue League) understands animal lovers, they did all that they could to find us. We are so thankful to (the organization) and their work to get Tootsie back to our family," said eighteen year old Edna Colon.
Read more and see the news video at 6abc. Catch another nice news video at cbs3.
Airing last Thursday, Late Night talk show host Conan O'Brien offers up three of Late Night's dogs for adoption by the Obama family. You can vote for your favorite dog at NBC, the poll probably won't be up for too long. The Really Tall Dachshund is in last place! (A direct link to the poll would not work - problems with the apostrophe in O'Brien!)
Enjoy this great old article and an amazing cover from Sports Illustrated, December 12th, 1955. Click each image to enlarge and read. Can we get a woof? From Joey and Maggie's personal collection.
A dachshund comes to Western Union and hands the clerk a telegram to send that says "Woof Woof Woof Woof. Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof."
The Western Union clerk says " Y'know, the cost of a telegram starts at 10 words, so you could add another woof here, and it wouldn't cost you any more."
The dachshund says: "Well, then that wouldn't make any sense!"
There's nothing sweeter than sleeping dachshunds. There's a new flickr group called Dachshunds on the Move!, and they're having a photo contest: Sleeping Dachshund(s)! Your hosts, Joey and Maggie, are entered at #25. Don't miss all the beautiful photos.
Speaking of kang_a_ji, she is one of our favorite photographers on flickr. This amazing photo, Demonic Dachshund, starring 'Felix,' taken in 2006, is a true classic. Here's a link to all her photos tagged dachshund: don't miss them!
Meet cute little red smooth 'Honey,' who hails from Cooper Township, Montour County, Pennsylvania. Honey is seen in the arms of her human's brother, Noah Troutman, after
a fire yesterday destroyed her family's home. Over 50 firefighters were on the scene, and Honey's humans were treated at the hospital and released. Two other dogs were also rescued. We're hoping the family can pull their lives back together quickly. Read about the unfortunate incident at The Daily Item.
Enjoy this newest installment of Uncle Peterfritz's Lively Tails for Little Dachsies. It's especially poignant after the recent election.
Words and Drawing by FRANCES MEUSEL for The American Dachshund, June, 1965.
ONCE UPON A TIME (said Uncle Peterfritz) when half the world was water and our ancestors hadn't decided whether to be sea-eels or Dachshunds, the familial tail was quite different from what it is now. It was broad as a beaver's, flat as a salmon's, and as awkward to carry around as a fur-lined surf board with fringes, which is what it mostly resembled. "Really, we cannot go on like this any longer!" declared one of the Elders, "the country is getting too crowded for it. A year from now there won't be enough room to wag properly. Yes, the time has come for us to evolve into one thing or an otter; either we detail or go float; it's to sea or not to sea; and I say we should put it to vote immediately." They all agreed to do this, so an election day was set, a polling place designated in a neutral area neither sea nor land, and the electioneering began. There were barbecues, drag-races and free biscuits, sponsored by the Reds who were in favor of staying on land; there were beach-parties, regattas and free fish-fries sponsored by the Blacks who favored the sea; there were orations by everybody. It was very exciting. But those who enjoyed it most were the little whelps who were too young to vote. All the old dogs were so busy politicking they let the pups run loose, so they attended every rally, gorged on free fish and biscuits, and altogether had a glorious time of it. One day, however, when all the little whelps were sitting around the polling place resting up from the fun, they started to argue among themselves. "The Blacks are the Good Guys," remarked one, "my Papa says so, he's a Black." "You're poodled!" scoffed another, "it's the Reds are the Good Guys. My Mama's a Red and she ought to know." "My Papa said your Mama is a dupe!" declared his neighbor. "He says she'd believe anything. He says just because some people can't tell tails from flails is no reason to deprive -" "All blacks are back-biters, so there!" snarled the second whelp, and he brought his tail down in a loud slap for emphasis. Remember I told you the polling place had been set in an area which was neither land nor sea? Well, this sort of terrain is called a swamp, and when anybody makes a slap on a swamp it's likely to send the landscape flying, which is what the second whelp's tail did. "Who threw that mud in my eye?" yelped a whelp on the edge of the crowd. "I'll show you!" and backing up to a puddle of red gumbo he brought his tail down in a sharp THWACK! That did it! Withing minutes there wasn't a whelp that hadn't joined the war; tails were slapping down faster than you could count, red mud and black mud filled the air, and by the time the adult dogs came rushing up to stop the fight there was nothing to distinguish one whelp from another - or from what was left of the swamp itself, for that matter. It took hours to separate the combatants and days to get them cleaned up to the point where a matron could be sure she had her own whelp - even so, a few Manchester and Doberman free-loaders, who'd been caught in the fray, weren't identified for several months. In fact, to this day they haven't been able to get down to the original color of those whelps who'd been operating in the LaBrea area, and you know yourself that there's not a neutral acre left anywhere in California. Naturally, after the worst was over nobody had any energy left for electioneering, even if they had found the ballot box - which they didn't, or had wanted to vote, which was no longer necessary because all the dogs of both parties had reached a simultaneous and unanimous decision: the big tails must GO! they were just too dangerous for whelps to play with. So this is why our ancestors became land-dwelling Dachshunds, and why our tails look like paint-brushes instead of surf-boards. It is also why we Dachshunds are non-partisan and avoid all political discussions. After all, eyebrows and a drop-seat are one thing - but have you ever seen a Dalmatian?
Meet gorgeous red longhair 'Edgar,' who hails from Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, just a few miles outside of Minneapolis. It breaks our hearts to share his tale, as he was recently stolen from his home during a break-in. His mom, Meaghan Dop, is a great dachshund lover, and Edgar has his own beautiful page on Dogster. Here's a short excerpt from
When asked if she had a message for those who took her dog, the response was direct, and emotional. "Edgar has a home, a mom who loves him very much, and wants him back home."
If you live in the Twin Cities area, please keep an eye out for Edgar. There is a reward for information that leads to his return. Read more about him, and see a news video at See more pics of Edgar, and stay updated on the story at Dogster.
Meet pretty black and tan 'Jewel,' who hails from the Denver, Colorado, area. Jewel is a dog that us dachshunds can aspire to. See, she earned her therapy dog registration, and then went on to be a literacy dog; she reads with a second grade student once a week in Denver. Woof! The hopes of the program are to "assist kids with basic math, language and reading skills, and encourage them to appreciate education and finish high school. We would like them to go beyond that, to trade school or college." Read all about the therapy and literacy dog program at
Thanks to J-Rose over at flickr for letting us share this beautiful photo of Ami and his humans as they celebrated Ami's 2nd birthday yesterday! Talk about dachshund love! Woof! Oh yeah, we can't forget Ami's beautiful dappled sister 'Sammy' in the bottom right-hand corner. If you want to see some amazing photos, there's over 2,500 of them over at J-Rose on flickr.
Meet handsome red smooth 'Chewbacca' and his human John Guevara, who hail from Victoria, Texas. Mrs. Guevara came home to find her daughter and sister incoherent, and called the fire department, who thankfully rescued the household, including Chewbacca, who was busy doing "what he gets paid to do," guarding the house.....four firefighters had to corner him to scoop him up and get him out. 'Charlie,' the family's other dog, was also safely rescued from the home. Read all about it, see a news video, and get some tips on safeguarding your home against carbon monoxide poisoning at The Victoria Advocate.
After months of waiting, the Premiere issue of the new quarterly dachshund magazine Doxie Digest arrived in the mail today! The collars are off and the pages are glossy....we've got more reading to do! It's even better than we expected....nice articles, cool colorful photos, fun ads, and interests to please everyone....very well done.
Hello, Beautiful! Seventy-five dachshunds strutted their stuff at the 27th Annual Dachshund Fanciers Association of Berks County show yesterday in Bern Township, Pennsylvania. The poor econmy is being blamed for a slight decrease in the number of dogs entered this year. 'Sam,' a meticulously groomed standard longhair took the top prize, best in breed. Above, pretty black and tan wire-hair 'Maysa,' foreground, waits to walk while being shown by Michael W. Reed of Cinnaminson, N.J. Read all about the event at the Reading Eagle. You can also see a short news video at 69 News.
Wouldn't these look great at your next dinner party? British design duo Jimmie Martin Ltd. offers up their Dog Chairs in many breeds starting at just £1,250 ($1,900 US) each; you can even commission your own design of your dachshund. Each chair is upholstered in artist’s canvas and decorated with an individual canine portrait; the woodwork is painted matte black or finished in gold or silver leaf. Find out more at Jimmie Martin Ltd.
This fantastic 1946 advertising proof was intended to be used as a billboard, not sure if it ever was. Could you imagine seeing this giant dachshund on the highway?
Proving once again that you can never underestimate the tenacity of a dachshund, here's a dachshund news roundup on a brisk, slightly wet fall day, November 14th, 2008. Woof! Above, meet handsome 10-year-old red smooth 'George,' who hails from Littleton, Colorado. George is recovering from a horrible coyote attack, the lone survivor of 5 dogs attacked by coyotes in the area over the last week. Read more, see another pic, and see a news video of George at We're hoping George can come home soon.
In other dachshund health news, The Morris Animal Foundation has awarded a grant to Florida Veterinary Specialists & Cancer Treatment Center (FVS) in Tampa to conduct a pilot study to explore the feasibility of developing a pre-operative test to determine whether an animal with IVDD (intervertebral disk disease) will benefit from expensive and difficult spinal surgery. Additional funding for the yearlong study is being provided by Frankie's Friends Charitable Pet Foundation and the Dachshund Club of America Health and Welfare Trust Fund. Read more about this important study at
Meanwhile, Dream Dachshund Rescue out of Atlanta, Georgia, is attempting to rescue up to 30 dachshunds from a "mountain family," where the dogs are breeding indiscriminately, and their diet appears to consist mostly of apples that have fallen from trees. Keep up with the troublesome story and the good work that Dream Dachshund Rescue does on their blog.
In working dachshund news, meet Gary Huber, left, with 'Kita,' and his 16-year-old daughter Kari Huber with 'Beya,' who hail from the Buffalo, New York, area. Kari is joining her dad in working with their dachshunds to assist hunters in finding their downed big game. If hunting is your bag, don't miss the article at The Buffalo News.
Like to spend that excess cash on your wiener dog? So does Josephine Daniel, 34, a jewellery designer who lives in South-West London with her beautiful English Crème, 'Daisy,' aged two. She has spent over 6,000 pounds (over $9,000 US) on her loved one including: Travel accessories: £200. Collars: £750. Bed and bedding: £1,100. Vet fees/insurance: £468. Grooming: £1,200. Food: £480. Toys: £2,000. And Daisy gets a bath every day after her walk. Read all about it at Mail Online.
Finally, 'Sponge,' a miniature wirehaired dachshund, takes a break on the shoulder of Damon Lumpkins of Mansfield, Ohio, during the Old Fort Cluster Dog Show at Memorial Coliseum in Fort Wayne, Indiana, on Sunday, November 2nd, 2008. The event happened a few weeks ago, but this pic was awesome. You can still see lots of pics and read all about the show at
Enjoy this nice dachshund breed profile from Dog Tales, a website with "a weekly half-hour television series all about dogs and the people who love them."
Who? Every dog's hero, that's who! Cesar Millan, born August 27th, 1969, is a professional dog trainer (although in his words, he "rehabilitates dogs, trains people"). He is best known for his television series, Dog Whisperer, which is currently in its fourth season and airs on the National Geographic Channel. He is also the co-author of the best selling books, Cesar's Way, and Be the Pack Leader. Like most dog lovers, we're literally glued to our seats every Friday night watching Dog Whisperer, and there was never a more exciting night for dachshund lovers than when Cesar adopted his own dachshund in Season 3! Cesar Millan Inc. was gracious to provide the above beautiful photo of Cesar with his red smooth rescue 'Molly' for The Long and Short of it All. This is Molly's story from Cesar Millan, Inc.:
In season three of Dog Whisperer, Cesar worked with the volunteers at United Hope for Animals in their mission to rescue stray dogs from the streets of Tijuana. While there, he fell in love with a rescued dachshund named Molly!
"I've always wanted to own a dachshund, and I guess I came here to help these wonderful ladies with a little knowledge, but they're going to help me to fulfill my dream!"- Cesar Millan
If you've never been to one of Cesar's live seminars, we can attest that they are a great learning experience. His only 2008 appearance is right around the corner in Atlanta, GA, on December 6th. Here's a great excerpt from a seminar in Baltimore, MD, in September 2007:
"I just want you to understand that instincts are just as important as love. Instincts are just as important as intelligence. Instincts are just as important as spirituality. In the end, they all work together, and to me, that is the experience of being complete. To have the ability to be instinctually, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually connected. Dogs can give you access to that -- animals can give you access to that -- but they must be balanced. The balance is what gives you the connection. An unstable dog will not trigger that. You can pray all day long, and a dog will not become balanced. You actually have to do the exercise and practice the discipline in order for him to become balanced, because he is part of Mother Nature. You can’t just wish for something. You must act on it. If you want a balanced dog, you have to practice what creates the balance. And you have to listen to your dog when he says, this human is unstable. Absolutely, I don’t go to a meeting without Daddy present. He’s my instincts; he’s my guidance. If he fights, flights, or avoids you, we’re not doing business. He’s that honest. To me, a dog represents honesty, integrity, and loyalty…which are sometimes hard to find in humans!" - Cesar Millan
For more information on the upcoming Atlanta seminar on December 6th, and to purchase tickets, check out this link at Cesar Millan, Inc, or here's a direct link to Ticketmaster. Premium tickets, which include a Meet-and-Greet with Cesar after the show, will be on sale for $250. Regular tickets range from $150 - $25, depending on how far they are from the stage. Don't miss it...woof WOOF!
We've got a very special post today. Last weekend, in several of our on-line dachshund and dog groups, there were multiple messages and photos about a lost dachshund named 'Dash.' The support from the dog community to find him was enormous, and it was such a relief to hear a few days later that he had been found. We had to find out more about this special handsome boy, so we contacted Marilyn, his human, to see if she would share his tale, and she graciously agreed. So without further ado, meet Dash, UKC CH RBIS TAC's Dash Of Teeny Weenie Perfection. This is his story:
On Friday Nov. 7th we traveled from our home in Cairo, West Virginia, to Chesterfield, Virginia, to participate at the Mid Atlantic UKC dog show. Dash was awarded Best of Breed and a Scent Hound Group 2 placement, thus giving him his final win that was needed to make him a Champion with UKC. Having friends in the area, we drove to Hopewell VA. after the show to spend the remaining part of the weekend with them. On Sunday, instead of heading straight home we decided that since it was such a beautiful day, we'd ride the motorcycles to Surry Va. and take the ferry across the Jamestown. It was a beautiful trip until right after lunch when we got the call that puts fear in any dog lover! Dash had been left at my friends house inside with their Dachshund mix and with their teenage daughter to look after the dogs. Either the storm door didn't get latched, or crafty Dash managed to push it open anyway. The phone call stated that Dash was missing and she didn't know how long he had been gone or where he was. The ride back to Hopewell seemed to take forever although I know we were moving as quickly as safely possible to get back. We started searching for Dash right away. I placed my own clothing out in the yard hoping that his scent hound nose would lead him back to me. The area he was lost in was city streets and traffic and not something that Dash is familiar with at all. I placed a call to friends in California and Michigan asking that they announce on all groups that Dash was missing. I spoke with his breeder to get his microchip number and contacted police as well. At one point we were given hope by the police and sent to a specific area that they said a female officer spotted Dash and that he ran from her. We searched there but to no avail. On our way back to my friends house I got a call saying that my mother had been in an accident and was being life flighted to an Ohio hospital. It doesn't get much worse than that! Immediately after getting back to my friends house, the police call and say they have found a dog hit by a car in the area that they'd had us looking in. The officer didn't know his dog breeds and asked us to come and look at the dog. I sent my husband knowing that if it were Dash I didn't want to see him like that. Unfortunately for the Yorkie that was hit it was too late, but lucky for us it wasn't Dash! At 9 p.m. we gave up for the night. On Monday morning I got up and started calling vet hospitals, clinics, animal shelters, animal control, the police, and put an ad in 4 newspapers. We went and had flyers made with his photo on them to post around as well. Then the phone rang and THAT call came in! One of the local vet hospitals that I had called that morning called and said that a person had called them and they thought she had Dash. I was given her phone number and talked to her immediately. A good Samaritan named Sherry Hardin had been driving through Hopewell apparently not long after Dash had gotten loose and she spotted him walking down the middle of the street. Thankfully he went to her and she placed him in her car. She took him around the neighborhood trying to find his home and contacted police but no one knew anything of a missing Dachshund, we were still on our way back from Jamestown at that point. Sunday night Sherry took Dash in her house and even let him sleep in her bed with her. Monday morning having to go to work, Sherry dropped Dash off at her mother's house in Hopewell and I was able to pick him up there. He looked just like he did when I had last seen him and was very eager to see us. Monday afternoon we made the return trip home to West Virginia and Dash is back to his normal life keeping pups in line and playing with his girls. To Sherry and her mother, I can never thank them enough for what they did for Dash and I. I was so certain that I would never see my boy again. Thanks to all the folks who posted missing bulletins about Dash and to those that cross posted them far and wide. Thanks to the VA. folk who called me offering to come and help us look for our lost boy. Thanks to everyone and most especially thanks to Sherry and her mother! They kept my boy safe and brought my little prince back to me, and for that I am forever grateful!!! If anyone would like to see more photos of Dash you can do so on our website just click on Dash's page.
Thanks so much again to Marilyn for sharing Dash's tale. Congrats on his new title, and we hope your mom is doing well.
It's Veterans Day in the United States, and we honor our 24.9 million military veterans. Above, ACME news photo from Joey and Maggie's personal collection: STARS AND STRIPES UBER ALLES: CHATTANOOGA, Tennessee, January 30th, 1942 - This war has gone to the dogs, and Hampton Fritz, local dachshund, hastens to profess his loyalty. He's prized American-born property of W.H. Butler, local theater manager.
Woof! Don't miss some amazing stories of dachshunds and the military from the archives:
Thanks to imperturbe over at flickr for this nice vintage photo....we love the retro lifestyle. It's an historical image: a publicity shot of the owners of a new house in the Pontchartrain Park subdivision in New Orleans, playing with their dachshund.
From wikipedia: Pontchartrain Park was developed after World War II. It was one of the first subdivisions developed by and for middle class African Americans during the Jim Crow era of racial segregation in Louisiana. Pontchartrain Park includes a golf course; it has been home to such prominent New Orleanians as mayors Dutch Morial and Marc Morial and district attorney Eddie Jordan. Adjacent to the Pontchartrain Park golf course is the campus of Southern University at New Orleans. Pontchartrain Park flooded badly in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, taking on water first from over topping of a section of floodwall of the Industrial Canal from storm surge channeled in to the city from the MRGO Canal, then from the major breaches in the London Avenue Canal.
See more of imperturbe's historical photos over at flickr. There's also a nice set of 174 photos from October's Howl-O-Weenie Atlanta!
Hey animation fans, you can catch the adventures of 'Mr. Weenie' in Open Season 2 for free over at Just watch out for an adult-oriented pop-up that we encountered if you're watching with the kids. It's a little over an hour in length, and will be released on DVD in the US in January, 2009.
Plot Details: Boog and Elliot are back for more crazy adventures. Mr. Weenie is lured out of the woods by dog biscuits placed in the wild by his owner who is still looking for him, a year after he disappeared. However Mr. Weenie is kidnapped by a group of pampered pets, determined to return him to his owners. Boog and Elliot and their friends launch a full-scale rescue mission and soon find themselves in enemy territory: the world of the pets. Led by a toy poodle named Fifi, the pets do not plan to let Mr. Weenie go without a fight.
At his first press conference yesterday, the President-elect, Barack Obama, dealt with the biggest issue to date: The Dog. Seems like every dog discussion board wants their breed chosen, and every shelter and rescue organization is eagerly stepping forward to to provide the perfect canine as The First Dog for The First Family. But let's face it folks, we hate to be the bearer of bad news, the "merchants of doom and gloom," but a dachshund probably isn't going to make it to the White House this time around, as a dachshund isn't commonly "hypo-allergenic," a necessary requirement because of Malia's allergies. We're hoping at least that a perfect "hypo-allergenic" dog or puppy can be found through a great rescue organization.
This of course begs the question: Has there ever been a dachshund in the White House? Has a dachshund ever been First Dog? We can answer this with a resounding YES!....a dachshund HAS been First Dog!
John F. Kennedy: John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy, often referred to by his initials JFK, was the thirty-fifth President of the United States, serving from 1961 until his assassination in 1963.
This photo shows a young JFK, on a tour of Europe just before the outbreak of war, where he bought "a dachshund of great beauty" in Germany. The dog became a mascot on the journey. Source. We aren't aware that JFK had dachshunds while President however.
Dwight D. Eisenhower: Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower was the thirty-fourth President of the United States from 1953 until 1961 and a five-star general in the United States Army.
While there is a rumour floating around the internet that Eisenhower had dachshunds before becoming President, we unfortunately don't fully trust the source. The disclaimer at this website reveals: Not all of the information on this page is entirely accurate, and not all the photos are in exactly their original state, but we believe, nonetheless, that it makes for an entertaining read.
Theodore Roosevelt: Teddy Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States, serving from 1901 - 1909. A leader of the Republican Party and of the Progressive Party, he was a Governor of New York and a professional historian, naturalist, explorer, hunter, author, and soldier.
This is a photo of Teddy Roosevelt relaxing and reading with what is often attributed to be his pet "dachshund" on his lap; photo taken in 1905. The "dachshund" in this photo appears to be 'Skip,' a mongrel black and tan terrier of unknown breeding. We see some dachshund genes there though, and he sure is happy to be on his master's lap. You can read more about Skip and see more photos in a nice article at Terrierman.
Which brings us to Grover Cleveland: Stephen Grover Cleveland was both the twenty-second and twenty-fourth President of the United States. Cleveland is the only President to serve two non-consecutive terms (1885–1889 and 1893–1897) and thus is the only individual to be counted twice in the numbering of the presidents. He was the winner of the popular vote for President three times—in 1884, 1888, and 1892—and was the only Democrat elected to the Presidency in the era of Republican political domination that lasted from 1860 to 1912. Cleveland's admirers praise him for his honesty, independence, integrity, and commitment to the principles of classical liberalism.
Joey and Maggie, your investigative journalist hosts of The Long and Short of it All, did some research on dachshunds in the White House at a local University, and we found this interesting piece of news about Grover Cleveland from the Chicago Daily Tribune, February 12th, 1894, here's an excerpt:
PETS IN THE WHITE HOUSE GROUNDS: Besides the two babies, Esther and Ruth, there are innumerable pets at the White House. Scattered through the broad demesne belonging to the Chief Magistrate are myriads of hares running wild in the grounds and furnishing rare sport for the foxhounds and dachshounds (sic) belonging to Mrs. Cleveland. In the limpid pools of the rose and orchid houses attached to the conservatories are hundreds of imported fish, the principal being the many-tailed Japanese variety of goldfish and the famous paradise fish from Siam. Game chickens of the shawineck breed are conspicuous whenever a visit is paid to the stables attached to the White House, and Coachman Willis is justly proud of the success which has attended his efforts in raising these pretty fowls. In quadrupeds there is almost every known specimen at the little pagoda-shaped sentry box on the east side of the mansion, where the White House babies in charge of their nurses can be seen every fair day. Gamboling about toddling Ruth, or hiding under the carriage containing infantile Esther, can be seen a cocker spaniel, beautifully marked in white and brown, or a collie, which, though a new arrival, seems perfectly at home amid his new surroundings. Hector, the well-known black French poodle of Mrs Cleveland, is at Buzzard's Bay for the winter, as a companion for the St. Bernard, famous as a medal winner. A bow-legged, squat-figured Dachshund, with long flapping ears, is a great pet with the occupants of the White House, being a recent importation from Germany. Until a few days ago, a voracious tulip-bulb fiend in the shape of a raccoon could be seen climbing up and down the trees facing the Treasury Department, but he made one foray too much, and the story is that a gardener's spade cut his earthly career short. Mrs. Cleveland's ponies, a handsome pair of animals, which their mistress usually drives to a low and easy going phaeton, complete the list of pet animals contiguous to the White House, birds being tabooed inside the mansion.
So, dear dachshund readers, that's the long and short of it all, and all we can state at this time is that the last time a pure-bred dachshund was in the White House was under the leadership of Grover Cleveland, over 100 years ago. That's about 8 - 10 generations ago for us dachshunds....way too long! If anyone has any more information on a Dachshund First Dog, by all means please send it in!