
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wirehair Wednesday: Tracking Deer With City Boy Zeus!

Just because you live in the city doesn't mean you still can't track deer in your spare time - and this handsome wirehaired boy named 'Zeus' is a perfect example.  Zeus lives in a condominium in downtown Columbus, Ohio, with his human Patrick McCaffrey Jr., a busy lawyer.  But they love to spend their free time helping fellow hunters find their wounded game - for free!  Excerpt from The Columbus Dispatch:

He shares a name with a Greek god, but — with his short legs, big nose and hairy back — is easily underestimated.
“Most people laugh when they see him — until he gets out in the woods,” said McCaffrey, an outdoorsman, 51, who spends more time these days helping fellow hunters than bringing down game himself.
“He gets a whiff of blood, and he’s a wolf. The blood tells him there’s an animal out there that he needs to hunt down.”
This time of year, Zeus is the cat’s meow for dozens of hunters who have shot a deer but can’t close the deal.
Zeus finds the deer about 30 percent of the time — sometimes dead, sometimes alive, McCaffrey said.
The dog’s small stature proves to be an asset: His nose stays close to the ground, and he is easier to control on a leash — which the state requires for tracking dogs.

Read more about Zeus and his adventures, and see another photo at The Columbus Dispatch.

Day in the Life of Bentley the Dachshund

Bently is a busy boy! By vimeoer Brian Albert.

A Dachshund in Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer?!!

We had no idea!  Thanks so much to our pal 'Poncho' for writing in to let us know!  He writes:

Dear Joey and Rowdy,

I was watching Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer this evening when I saw what looked like a Dachshund leading Yukon Cornelius' dog sled. 
After the show, I asked my human to verify the sighting on the Internet and he came up with this screen capture.

That's a doxie up front with a St. Bernard!  Ho ho ho!

Happy Holidays,

Dachshund Menorah

Celebrate Hanukkah in style this year with this sleek Dachshund Menorah from Jonathan Adler.   Measuring in at a whopping 14 inches long and 5 inches tall, you'll be the envy of all your neighbors with this gracing your home!  Looks simple and modern with the blue candles.  It ain't cheap at $120, but it's something to keep forever and pass down to your children.  It's made of high-fired stoneware with a matte white glaze.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dachshund Watering Can: Shazam..It​'s a Girl!!!

Thanks so much to our good pals 'Turbo' and 'Lily' for writing in with a fantastic Dachshund holiday gift suggestion!   They write:

Dear Joey & Rowdy,

It's that time of year again! If you're like us, every year we search high and low to find something extra special to get our humans for Christmas. Usually mom helps us out since we got into all that trouble with the PayPal people. (We didn't know the Namibian Meerkat is an endangered species. It's amazing the things you can buy on the internet!)

This year we're playing it safe. For only $49.95 we're splurging on a dachshund watering can from Wireless!  The fact that it's a 'girl dog' watering can makes it just that much more wink-a-dink special. There sure are a lot of dachshund gifts out there these days. It's about time we came into our own.

After all....nothing's cuter than us weenie dogs!

Now I wonder what mom & dad's getting US this year??????????????

Turbo & Lily

Modern Dachshund Humor

Death from the ankles down.....

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Vintage Dachshund postcard circa 1910

Dear Gentle Readers,

May you have the warmest of Thanksgiving celebrations this year. There's a lot to be thankful for when there's a Dachshund in the house.  And save some turkey (but easy on the fatty skin!) for those Wiener Dogs.....they deserve it. 

We'll be back next week. 

Yours in Dachshund Love,
Joey and Rowdy......

Jerry Seinfeld's Dachshund Dog 'Jose' on Live With Kelly!

Thanks to all our readers for all the tips that Jerry Seinfeld's new Dachshund puppy was going to appear on yesterday's Live With Regis and Kelly!   Given the odds of Dachshund coats and patterns, we were expecting the new pup to be a red smooth, but were surprised to find out that he was black and tan longhair!  What a cutie he is!  Best of luck to the Seinfelds on their new adventure, and we hope to hear lots of funny stories about the little guy in the future.

Related:  Celebrity Dachshund Watch: Jerry Seinfeld Joins The Club!

Special thanks to an Anonymous Dachshundist for sending in some screen captures of the event!

Weenie vs. VACUUM

Thanks to Stacy Digregorio for writing in with a funny little video of her funny little black and tan 'Weenie!'  She writes:

Dear Joey and Rowdy,

I just found your blog and LOVE it!! Such great doxie stories!

I'm sending a link of a video of our dachshund, Weenie. We rescued him from Dachshund rescue of Illinois, and he has become a fierce protector of our family! He's sweet and snuggly most of the time, but when he sees the mail carrier, another dog, someone walking by, a shadow, hears a strange sound or, God forbid, if I try to vacuum, he goes a little bit nuts!

I just think it's especially funny when he goes in for the sneak-attack of our vacuum from under our bed.

Those Special Dachshunds: Meet Arthur!

Thanks so much to Emma Macpherson for sending in such a beautiful photo of her new beloved Dachshund puppy 'Arthur!'  Will you look at those eyes?  She writes:

Dear Joey and Rowdy,

I love your blog and just wanted to share this photo of our Tan & Black Miniature Dachshund Arthur, he's 8 weeks old. He loves playing outside and chewing leaves! :)

My partner Andrew and I used to have a black and tan mini, Ziggy, however he passed away from a very rare Mycobacterium infection in December of 2010.

Miniature Dachshunds are the best dogs in the world to me and I am so excited to be embarking upon a loving friendship with one all over again.

Congrats on the new addition to your family!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Support Dachshund Rescue And Win This Dachshund Christmas Tree!

Deck the Halls Dachshund style this year by winning this Dachshund Christmas Tree, which is being raffled off right now by MidWest Dachshund Rescue.   Raffle Ticket prices start at just $1 for one ticket, 12 for $10, 25 for $20, or 70 tickets for $50.. Hurry though, the drawing will be held on December 1st so that you have your tree in time for the holiday season.
"Someone`s in the Kitchen with Doxies' table size (3 ft) Christmas tree is decorated with 18 handmade one-of-a-kind dachshund ornaments complete with handmade tree topper. Most of the ornaments are made from polymer clay in a candy/baking theme perfect for your kitchen, and include several doxie chefs, doxie gingerbread cookies, and even a gingerbread dog house.
The tree includes 50 multicolor LED ball lights along with a string of 10 large peppermint lights, and has several strands of multicolor tiny candy garland. The peppermint candy tree skirt made of fleece and rickrack, finishes off the tree nicely.
There are two ways to buy tickets:
  • Use the Paypal donate button on the MWDR home page (please indicate in the notes section that the donation is for raffle tickets)
  • Or mail a check to:
        8073 Stonegate Dr
        Tinley Park, IL 60487
The tree can be shipped to the winner if outside the Chicagoland Area.

Sign This Speedster Up

Good luck catching this contestant in the annual wiener dog race during halftime of Sunday's Seahawks-Ravens game (November 13) at CenturyLink Field in Seattle. Baltimore could have used the lil' fella, as the Ravens stumbled to a 22-17 loss. 

Via US Presswire.  Thanks to our pals 'Lily' and 'Turbo' for sending this in.  They wanted to add:  This would make sitting through a football game worthwhile​!

Dachshund Christmas Cards 2011

The inside reads:  Have yourself a merry little Christmas! 

Available in box of 15 for $12.95 online at, or find them 30% off at your local Barnes and Noble bookstore.

Ideal Dachshund

We can't think of anything more ideal than a Dachshund in the house - Home Comfort, indeed.

Via the front cover of the November, 2011 UK magazine Ideal Home.

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Art of Pestering

Pes·ter (ˈpestər):  transitive verb. to annoy constantly or repeatedly with petty irritations; bother; vex.

This golden retriever named Sophie gets pestered by dachshunds Harley and Hunter as he rests after playing ball at the new Torrey Pines Park dog park after its grand opening Saturday by the Murrieta Community Services Department in Murrieta, California.  Source.

Celebrity Dachshund Watch: Jerry Seinfeld Joins The Club!

Congratulations to top comedian Jerry Seinfeld and his family for making the right choice and adding a Dachshund puppy to their household!  Mr. Seinfeld spilled the beans about the new addition on last Wednesday's Late Show with David Letterman:

"We got a Dachshund, a mini-Dachshund.  Because the regulars are so big, you know."  He goes on to talk about the dogs name, which is 'Jose,' "You want to know why the dog is named Jose? ... The dog is named Jose because I feel like we may lose Jose Reyes, and we're trying to keep a Jose. Because I'm a Met fan. It's actually my wife's idea, which is why I love my wife -- she comes up with ideas like this. That's a marriage right there, a wife that says, 'Let's name a dog after the Mets' outgoing shortstop.' That keeps the love alive."

The Dachshund talk starts on the video at about 5:20 in.

The Seinfelds in 2009:  Jerry and Jessica with kids Shepherd, Julian and Sascha

Friday, November 18, 2011

Baby, can we pleeease get a puppy!?

You'll have your work cut out for ya!  We should know.  Awesome Piebald Madness Video by vimeoer Jonathan Sontag who claims:  My fiance's parents are helping their friend raise some piebald dachshund pups. So I thought, why not... film em in slow mo. Because puppies are awesome... and I'm trying to convince my fiance to let me get one. Pleeeeease Rachie!!!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Dachshund Versus Joe Paterno

Ed Temple drives around Beaver Stadium at Penn State in State College, Pa., with his Dachshund and a life-size cutout of Joe Paterno.

What's the difference between a Dachshund and Joe Paterno?  Dachshund Lover Ed Temple explains it quite clearly, via masslive:
STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — If only it were possible to block out the world's harshest realities — the way the people of Happy Valley have done for decades now — this week's crystalline skies might have set the scene for one more perfect chapter in local lore.
A glorious sun bathed Mount Nittany's fading foliage in a rusty glow. Hundreds of Penn State students gathered once again in the protective shadows of Beaver Stadium, pitching 81 tents in the instant colony called Paternoville. Another Big Game lay just ahead.
But when Ed Temple, class of '70, put down the convertible top of his meticulously restored 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air this week and set out for a drive around the stadium, he came to mourn.
In the back seat of a car usually reserved for alumni parades, Temple propped up a life-sized cardboard cutout of Joe Paterno, benevolent ruler of this valley for nearly half a century — but now the ex-football coach, fired this week in the midst of a spiraling scandal centered on allegations of child sex abuse by one of his former assistants.
In the front seat, Temple's dachshund, Snoopy, gazed out at the passing campus from his master's lap. "Unlike a human, this guy will never lie to you or deceive you," Temple said, stroking the dog's head.

Dachshunds Just Cannot Leave a Pile of Leaves Untouched

Right?  Via youtuber d23echo who writes:  Dachshunds and puppies having a blast playing in the leaf pile. Just a bit of Fall Fun for Everyone.

Monday Drabble

Thanks to 'Princess Leia' for writing in:  We're sending you the newest Wallie cartoon to brighten up your Monday...

Read more Drabble.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day 2011: HEIL HITLER!

We paws on this day to honor our military veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.

This striking Dachshund Hitler image was actually an American postcard circa early to mid-1940s.  History would show that Dachshunds, due to their German association, did not suffer in this country during WWII to the extent that they did in WW1. 

If you are a new reader at The Long and Short of it All, you will want to visit the archives for some absolutely amazing military-inspired Dachshund tales and images:

Dachshund Homecoming Video

Happy Memorial Day

Veterans Day and Dachshunds

Dachshunds in Pop Culture: Fritz and the "Jane" Cartoon Series

Dachshunds in History: The Saga of Sgt. Wally D. Hund

Dachshunds Reunited with their Dads in the News

Dachshunds and Veterans Day

Dachshunds Teleconferencing with their Dads in Iraq in the News

Dachshunds in History: Mimi, A Most Unpopular Dog During WW2

Memorial Day Dachshund: Meet Gus

Dachshund News Roundup! - story on Vietnam War Veteran Jim Quick and his dachshund

Dachshund News Roundup! - story on Iraq War Veteran Scott MacKenzie and his new rescue boy

Dachshunds in History: Hark! Hark! The Dogs Do Bark!

Dachshunds in History: Dogs of War

Friday Drabble

Thanks again to our Slovenian friend 'Lea' for sending this in!

Read more Drabble at GOCOMICS.

Smile Baby, It's Friday

Smiles Everyone, Smiles!

Viral photo; source unknown.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mein Training zum Dackelrennen 2012

With the passing of Dachtober, 2011, most of the wiener races across the country and around the world have come to an end for the season, save for the Wienerschnitzel Wiener National Finals which will take place in sunny California in December. 
But it's never too early to start training for next year's Dachshund races - here the incredibly handsome black and tan wirehair 'Jasper von Kiebitzhörn' shows that he's one to watch out for in 2012.  Take notice.

Dachshund Optimism

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wirehair Wednesday

Whynot a Wirehair by batterie61

UH-Oh! Bath time! by dog patch critters

we represent the lollipop guild by wee(n)faerie

På spaning på Österlen by Sundaybrunch Photography


Even an everyday chore like fixing Breakfast is a blessing when there are Dachshunds in the house. Video by Australian Vimeoer Chris Angelius.

The Aerodynamic Dachshund

Sturdy, sleek, short, and long, Dachshunds are one of the most aerodynamic creatures on the planet.  What could possibly go better with an Airstream? 

Read the fall 2011 issue of Airstream Life Magazine at Timeless Travel Trailers.  Above, Airstreamer Rhonda Coleman with her beautiful black and tan longhair Dachshund puppy. 

Thanks to Lisa Hirsh for sending in the link to the photo!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Spokane Dachshund Lovers Get Their Panties in a Bunch Over Picture of Puppies in Glass Tank

Oh, Facebook - you love it, you hate it, but you keep going back.  Dachshund Drama erupted on facebook over the weekend when someone took a photo of Dachshund puppies which were being housed in a glass tank at Rasmussen Reptile in Spokane, Washington, and then posted the photo to the KXLY News facebook page. 
It didn't take long for a war of words to appear in what is over 220 comments about the photo as of this morning.  Then Rasmussen Reptile started getting the angry phone calls and visitors.  Excerpt from KXLY:

“[They] have been actually pretty rude, saying that we should be shut down, we should have our dogs taken away from us,” Jodi Rasmussen said.  “I understand where they could get the idea of it especially just seeing a picture and not being in our store."
She says there's more to the story than what people are seeing in the picture. The dogs are the family pets and they were kept in the glass enclosure so she could keep an eye on them while they fed from their mom. The complete enclosure also assured dirty human hands wouldn't infect the not-yet-immunized puppies.
Jodi admitted she understands why the glass reptile tank would look odd holding puppies, but said it was all for their safety. The mother was let out often to roam in the back room, and returned to the tank when the puppies needed feeding.
They were only in the store for two days.
“They're at home with their mom right now, you know, in their bed,” Jodi said.
Spokanimal received numerous calls from angry Facebook users, and investigated on their own. The officers found nothing illegal about how the Rasmussens had housed their dogs because the mother had adequate room to get up and turn around – required by law.
“The dogs were in good health, the babies were in good health from what we could see and all we had to go from was the picture,” Spokanimal spokesperson Gail Mackie said.
Rasmussens doesn't think what she did was wrong, but said she learned her lesson that one picture and one persons opinion can open Pandora’s box. Next time, she'll keep the puppies at home or in the back room.

Vintage Dachshund Fun: Family Circle

Family Circle, February, 1950:  Did someone say "8 PRIZE-WINNING CHEESE RECIPES??!!!!"  YES!!!

Family Circle is an American women's magazine published 15 times a year by Meredith Corporation. It began publication in 1932 as a magazine distributed at supermarkets such as Piggly Wiggly and Safeway. Cowles Magazines and Broadcasting bought the magazine in 1962. The New York Times Company bought the magazine for its woman's magazine division in 1971. The division was sold to Gruner + Jahr in 1994. When Gruner + Jahr decided to exit the US magazine market in 2005, the magazine was sold to the Meredith Corporation.  Source.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Adele: "It’s Just Me and Louis"

How long is he?

In the December, 2011 issue of Cosmopolitan, Adele lets it all out about her past loves and losses, via the Mirror:

Adele wrote her multi-platinum selling album, 21, about the messy break-up from her mystery ex, believed to be the ridiculously named musician Slinky Sunbeam, whom she dated in 2008.
She says: “It’s bittersweet because I wouldn’t give up this success for anything.
“But at the same time, I’d do anything to be with him.
“I miss him.”
She wrote the song Rolling in the Deep after a particularly vicious row in which her ex called her “needy”. The single went platinum five times in the US – which is a pretty decent retort.
Bizarrely, although she can write songs which tap into the mindset of the heartbroken, Adele says she has problems opening up and articulating her own emotions.
She also tells Cosmopolitan magazine:“It’s so hard for me to share my feelings.
“I’ve actually never told a guy I loved him.”
After a pal told her off about that, she has since written to all her exes, letting them know she did kinda, sorta like them, once. (Except the one she swore at)
At the moment men are the last thing on her mind. She is about to have throat surgery, after suffering a nasty chest infection then a vocal cord haemorrhage.
It meant she had to scrap her planned live dates.
“I’m fed up with the lot of them – it’s just me and Louis,” she says, referring to her pet dachshund. “I’d like to get married one day. But he’d have to sign a pre-nup... Can you imagine?”

Related:  All About Adele

Viral Dachshund Relaxation Photos

Find A Sunbeam, Take A Nap

Photo source unknown - came in an email with multiple animal photos. 

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Walk

Thanks so much to Mandy van Leeuwen for sending in this short sweet video of her short sweet Dachshunds 'Bastian,' 'Albie,' and 'Tegan!'

And this is a reminder to get out with your Dachshunds every day and weekend you can, while you can - Old Man Winter is right around the corner.

Friday Drabble

The Food Gods will provide - it just drops from the sky.

Read more Drabble.

Thanks to our pal 'Princess Lea' for sending this in all the way from Slovenia!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wirehair Wednesday: Elizabeth Taylor




Dachshund Fed LSD by Naked Couple is Hit by Car

In the News We Don't Like to Report Department, a Dachshund named 'Oscar' who hailed from Snellville, Georgia, has met his fate after his naked humans fed him LSD that was placed into a gummy worm.  You can't make this stuff up, which is why this story has gone viral:

A dog was hit by a car Sunday night after its owners gave it a gummy worm laced with LSD, police said. 
Snellville police Capt. Harold Thomas said Monday that officers initially responded to the Pinehurst Road home of Nicholas Modrich and Jamie Hughes at about 8 p.m. after neighbors reported seeing the couple running down the street naked.
When police arrived, Modrich and Hughes opened the door and were "obviously on something," Thomas said. Modrich was wearing nothing but socks and Hughes was topless as they told police they had given LSD to "Oscar" and he was missing.
Oscar turned out to be their daschund.
Officers quickly learned that Oscar had been struck by car on a nearby street when Modrich's mother and younger brother showed up at the scene. The dog, whose condition was unclear Monday, was taken by Gwinnett County Animal Control after it bit them.
The suspects will likely face drug charges and officials are weighing reckless conduct and animal cruelty charges, Thomas said.
"I've been doing this for 31 years," Thomas said. "This is a first."

Initial reports indicated that Oscar was taken for follow-up veterinary care and was recovering, but reports today indicate that he has been euthanized. 

TechniTrader® Dogg Street

Do you dream of leaving the 99% and joining the 1%?  Maybe a couple of Dachshunds can help you out.  TechniTrader is proud to present the debut of: The Adventures of Teknie and Traydr Stock Trading Doxies. Come join the fun and antics as two dachshunds trade the stock market.  These adventures are sponsored by: as part of their corporate mission to spread financial literacy.  Here is Teknie and Traydr's first adventure. 

Day of the Dead Skeleton Dachshunds

Day of the Dead (Spanish: Día de los Muertos) is a Mexican holiday celebrated throughout Mexico and around the world in many cultures. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. It is particularly celebrated in Mexico, where it attains the quality of a National Holiday. The celebration takes place on November 1–2, in connection with the Catholic holidays of All Saints' Day (November 1) and All Souls' Day (November 2). Traditions connected with the holiday include building private altars honoring the deceased using sugar skulls, marigolds, and the favorite foods and beverages of the departed and visiting graves with these as gifts.  Source.

Commission your own Dachshund at Clay Lindo.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Georgia On Our Minds

Thanks so much to Jacquie Rudolf for writing in with such a beautiful photo: 

Dear Joey and Rowdy,

Miss Georgia, up here in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada wanted to wish everyone a safe & happy HalloWEENIE!"

Awesome!  Your Long and Short of it All host 'Joey' says "Love Those Spots!  This is the sexiest Halloween costume I've seen this year!  Call me for a date Georgia, and, ahem, bring that getup."

Happy Halloween From The Sheridan Avenue Boys

We sure were glad to get some Halloween photos of our favorite boys who live on Sheridan Avenue!   Although, we're not so sure we'd walk down that street on a brisk spooky Halloween night!  Jack, Jetson, Jordan, Lincoln, and Lego are scary!   Thanks guys!

Engineering Dachshund: Run, Roxy, Run!

And no, it's not the 2008 viral "Jerry and his ball-throwing machine video," but just as great if not better! Go Roxy!  By youtuber ToTheFun who writes: While this is cute, we need to keep the repercussions in mind. If this dog can build itself a harness so it can walk again, then what else can dogs do? What else can they build?
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