Judging Dachshund by Samuel Falk - click it to enlarge
"Woof." Judges rate this the best feature picture of 1937. It won first prize in that division at the Press Photographers' association exhibit in New York. It is a "spot" news picture of a judge in action at a Madison Square Garden dog show. Its show title is "Judging Dachshund." Source: Chicago Daily Tribune; Jan 30, 1938. Photo: Joey and Maggie's personal collection.
The original text on the back of the photo read:
NEW YORK CITY - On Feb 10, 11, and 12 thousands of dog lovers jammed into Madison Square Garden to witness the sixty-first annual exhibition of the Westminster Kennel Club. The 3,144 dogs entered, representing 96 breeds from all parts of the world set a record. The Wide World Service has already brought you general views of the show and its champions. In this set of pictures, made by a staff photographer working with a candid camera, Wide World now brings you some of the scenes visitors saw in the judging ring and at the benches of the blue ribbon event of the canine world.
A dignified Englishman takes his judging seriously, getting down on his hands and knees to evaluate a Dachshund, one of the most popular breeds in the show.
February 13, 1937
Teckels were one of the most popular breeds at that time, then the war broke out. Alas, that was the decline of their popularity for years to come. Never could understand why pick on the dog because of where its from. Narrow minded I guess.
I love this picture! It cracked me up. Is this why they put the dogs on a table now? All the judges must have gotten tired of having to hit the floor for an up close and personal inspection.
ahh the days before tables. so somebody 'splain to me why the wirehaired mini didn't win yesterday!!!
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