May 21, 2009 - Look at the Glamour Girl! The news continues to be good for little Joanie. While she hasn't gained much weight (she's holding steady at 8.5 lbs) her coat is looking better and she's feeling GREAT! She's alert, active and is pretty much Cindy's shadow around the house. What Cindy does, Joanie does; if there's yardwork or gardening to be done Joanie's right in the middle of things; and she has a bed set up in Cindy's office so she can monitor all activity in there as well. When she's not with Cindy, she's set up in the utility room with beds and several piles of blankets & sheets so she can hide in different parts of the room - and she does; she goes from pile to pile! Her energy level is good; she can trot down the driveway and does it almost daily! This past weekend Joanie attended a local animal event with Cindy and she spent some time visiting our volunteers while they worked the booth. She got plenty of laptime as they took turns holding her in one of her new beds. Here are some photos taken on Sunday, May 17th. What a beauty!
Keep up with Joanie's story at All Texas Dachshund Rescue.
Related: Joanie Needs Your Help
Yay Joanie! You Go Girl!
What a testament to the will to survive! Do you mind if I make a post about this story and link to your blog? ~Twix
No problem Twix. The more people that know about Joanie the better. Feel free to link directly to the ATDR site.
aw yay!! Shes looking so much better!!
I'm following Joanie's story from way down in the Pacific in New Zealand....Wishing Joanie a speedy recovery, Face licks & tail wag's.
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