Saturday, June 30, 2007
The Incredible Dachshund
Friday, June 29, 2007
Dachshunds in Pop Culture: Man Ray
The Legendary Artist took this photo in 1925. From Man Ray Trust: Legendary Photography, painter, and maker of objects and films, Man Ray was one of the most versatile and inventive artists of this century. Born in Philadelphia in 1890, he knew the worlds of Greenwich Village in the avant garde era following the 1913 Armory show; Paris in the 1920's and 1930's, where he played a key role in the Dada and Surrealist movements; The Hollywood of the 1940s, where he joined others chased by war from their homes in Europe; and finally, Paris again until his death in 1976.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Dachshund Creation

I can't find the original source of this amazing little photo. It's simply titled fred_dachshund.
Source also unknown
On the first day, God created the dachshund and He saw that he was good.
On the second day, God created man, and well, God was not impressed.
On the third day, God and the dachshund met to decide what to do with the man and they determined he should be the dachshunds servant.
On the fourth day, God and the dachshund trained the man to get food, get water and to make a fuss over the dachshund.
On the fifth day, the dachshund said to God, "Hey, Big Guy, this is kind of fun to be waited on foot and foot, but what's next? " So God created woman. That same day, God and the dachshund began the woman's training.
She was trained to tell the man exactly when to get water and when exactly to get food so that God and the dachshund would not have to be bothered.
On the sixth day, the woman found some apples and told the man to take them to the dachshund. The dachshund, on seeing the apples said, "Hey! Those are God's apples off His tree, we are not supposed to eat them!"
The man said, "OK, I will eat them my self!" And he did and shared them with the woman. Well, God got pretty ticked and He threw the man and woman out of the area. And God was left alone with the dachshund.
On the seventh day, God thought about taking a rest, but the dachshund was hungry and thirsty and God had to get up early to take care of the dachshund because the man and the woman were gone.
Once God got used to getting up really early to tend to dachshunds needs, things settled into a sort of routine. God would get up, dig the dachshund out of its warm burrow in the clouds and take the dachshund to an area to take care of business. This is where hail comes from.
Later, God would find the dachshund food and feed it from His own hand and give the dachshund over to the angels with which to play. The dachshund would race back and forth over the clouds with the angels in tow, racing here and there and tearing up the sky. This is where tornadoes come from; from dachshunds running back and forth over the tops of the clouds.
In the evening, after the dachshund was really tired after playing with the angels, God would take it back into His bed, burrowed in the clouds.
But the dachshund always wanted a night light on. This is where sunsets come from; the dachshund night light.
And God has been looking after little dachshunds ever since.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Dachshunds With Erections Can't Climb Stairs
by Les Barker.
Each night she's on the balcony
He loves her from afar
His soft, sad eyes are hypnotised
She shines down like a star.
His heart will break forever
His kind can't have affairs
For Dachshunds with erections...
Can't climb stairs.
His home's a humble bungalow
And her's a penthouse flat
He cannot go where she can go
And that, they say, is that.
He never can be near her
Although she knows he cares
For Dachshunds with erections...
Can't climb stairs.
You want to win a woman?
Just be cool... be aloof
The dog who doesn't hit the stairs
Can make it to the roof.
The dog who doesn't care
Will be the dog who wins the day
You'll never get to heaven...
With your chopper in the way.
The spirit soars, the body falls
And heavy lies the heart
That cries out with the pain of love
Be still my broken part.
How painful is the passion
And painful the repairs
For Dachshunds with erections
Can't climb stairs.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Dachshunds in Pop Culture: American Ballet Theatre
Playbill Arts recently had a look at the canine friends of New York's American Ballet Theatre dancers and staff - and their contributions to the company. Of course there are dachshunds!
Excerpts: To see dogs casually moving among dancers with the confident assurance of superstars, you must visit ABT's headquarters on lower Broadway. At presstime, the dancers and the staff owned 24 dogs, and it's not unusual to find half a dozen or so patrolling the corridors or monitoring classes with an aplomb only those at the center of attention possess.
Principal Marcelo Gomes's three-year-old dachshund, Lua, may occasionally bark in time to the class pianist but is generally content to wait until her master is free and can gather her up in his arms. "I try to speak to her only in English," Gomes says (instead of the Portugese of his native Brazil). "If I knew any German, I might try that." Photo by Katsuyoshi Tanaka.
Dancers visiting massage therapist Olinda Cedeno can expect a tongue facial from her brindle dachshund, Jimi! Photo by Jerry Ruotolo.
Excerpts: To see dogs casually moving among dancers with the confident assurance of superstars, you must visit ABT's headquarters on lower Broadway. At presstime, the dancers and the staff owned 24 dogs, and it's not unusual to find half a dozen or so patrolling the corridors or monitoring classes with an aplomb only those at the center of attention possess.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Meet Rocky! "Handicapped" Doxies in the News
By Rachael Mason, Excerpt from the Gwinnett Daily Post: In many ways, Rocky, a black-and-brown dachshund, is a lot like any other friendly little dog. He’s eager to check out new people, often sniffing and licking them in greeting. He enjoys going outside. He plays fetch with a small blue ball and loves getting treats of sliced turkey.
But no matter how good he’s feeling, Rocky, 6, never wags his tail. In fact, he’s not able to move the back half of his body at all.
Read the rest.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Sunday Morning Dachshund
CBS Sunday Morning featured the Wiener Races at Buda a few years ago. This is a great little clip to watch while sipping your coffee this morning. Thanks again to Susan L for the link!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Dachshund Evolution
Click on image to see full size. Figure from page 12 of British Museum of Natural History. 1981. Origin of Species. University of Cambridge, Cambridge. (QH366.2)
Old-style dachshund according to wikipedia. Rothschild Zoological Museum, Tring, England.
This looks to be a picture of the exact same dachshund on an old cigar band.

Friday, June 22, 2007
I'm A Dachshund
You'll be singing this hilarious song all day long, so prepare yourself! "I'm a dachshund, I'm a dachshund, DON'T CALL ME DASHOUND!" Thanks to Terri K. for the link!
Dachshunds in Pop Culture: That '70s Show
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Dachshunds in Style
We love those stylish 70's! This photo is an image from a vintage knit pattern. "Liveinreality' might be able to hook you up with a photocopy or scan of the actual pattern if you can't live without it! Her fantastic collection of retro pattern photos is right here on flickr.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Dachshunds and Baby Seals in the News
Here's a picture you don't see very often!
Excerpt from The Bellingham Herald: While walking the shore, Mike Bezona, 49, found a seven-day-old female harbor seal alone on the beach near his Lummi Shore Road home. Concerned it had been abandoned, Bezona brought the seal to his house. Rudy, Bezona's one-year-old dachshund, appeared protective of the pup, sniffing and licking it, even letting the seal bite its hind leg.
Excerpt from a follow-up story: If you see a baby harbor seal alone on a Whatcom County beach, don’t assume it’s been abandoned and needs rescue.
Its mother simply may be out foraging, and hauling the pup away actually does more harm than help, said wildlife and marine officials.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Swim Dachshund Swim!
Archie, a double dapple dachshund, spends most days in his pool, trotting the summer away.
If You're In Chicagoland This Weekend
If you're in the Midwest this coming weekend, why not come to Chicago and play with some dachshunds on Sunday? It's Chicago Dachshund Lovers June meetup on the 24th. It will be indoor/outdoor at a great facility; there will be potluck, a canine first aid/CPR class geared towards doxies, a wading pool, and lots of doxies to admire! Just shoot me an email and I can send you all the details!
Monday, June 18, 2007
The Modern Dachshund
These dachshund lamps are designed by Megasii Design Group, Hong Kong, and are available in six colors: Soft White, Mellow Yellow, Sky Blue, Sunset Orange, Hot Pink and Misty Green. Shop smart on the net, you can find these for half the price listed at Megasii Design! Modnest offers free shipping.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Dachshund Meets Rottweiler in the News

TINY dachshund Jimmy Choo is a dad after mating with a huge ROTTWEILER.
Jimmy really scaled the heights of passion to get giant mutt Helga pregnant.
Owners Alan and Louise Crowshaw had assumed a male rottweiler called Romeo was responsible — but were stunned when Helga’s six pups looked just like 11-month-old Jimmy.
Alan, 29, of Fleetwood, Lancs, said: “We let Jimmy sleep with Helga as we thought it was impossible for them.
"Obviously he had other ideas.”
Happy Father's Day Mr. Dachshund
Happy Father's day to all the doxie dads out there! This photo is called "Kisses for Daddy." Check out all the pics of stephxhoney's little princess 'Chloe' right here on flickr.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Dachshunds Attending Socialite Funerals in the News
"Lady" attends the funeral of one of her moms, Sydney socialite Dawn O'Donnell. Dawn O'Donnell's partner Aniek Baten, holding Lady, greets artist Margaret Olley at O'Donnell's funeral.
Excerpt from the Sydney Morning Herald: Arriving at yesterday's funeral service at St Canice's in Elizabeth Bay, O'Donnell's partner, Aniek Baten, carried one of the couple's dogs, Lady, and led the other, Bella, on a leash.
The dachshund and doberman were well behaved throughout the 75-minute service, barking only three times, once to the Tchaikovsky waltz.
The dachshund and doberman were well behaved throughout the 75-minute service, barking only three times, once to the Tchaikovsky waltz.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Dachshunds in Pop Culture: Grete Mosheim
Who? Margaret "Grete" Mosheim (1905 - 1986) was a German film, theatre and television actress of Hungarian Jewish ancestry.
Find out more at wikipedia.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Dancing With Your Dachshund: Emily and Henrietta
Because sometimes, you just gotta dance! Thanks to Susan L. for sending the link, this is hilarious! For more information on Canine Freestyle visit the Musical Dog Sport Association.
Dachshunds For Your Refrigerator
You've already got the dachshund salt and pepper shakers, now spice your fridge up with these super fun dress-up dachshund magnets! Hours of entertainment for just $9.95 at What on Earth.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Dachshunds in Art: Mona Lisa
Who knew Da Vinci was a dachshund lover? This print is available at artpaw, but like the original Mona Lisa, it ain't cheap.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
She Looks Lovely: Meet Niu Niu
What a beautiful black and tan dachshund girl! Check out all the pics of Alex Lin's little princess 'Niu Niu' right here on flickr. There's a whole album of fantastic photos!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Meet The Breed: Dachshund - Eukanuba advertisement
Regardless, the clip is put together well, and there are pretty doxies to admire, and crazy dachshund people to smile at.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Dachshunds in the Old West
A three-legged dachshund walks into a saloon in the Old West.
He slides up to the bar and announces: "I'm lookin' for the man who shot my paw."
Check out all the pics of Ethan J. Brown's little cowboy "Otto" right here on flickr!
Clint Eastwood doesn't have anything on Otto's stare!

Saturday, June 9, 2007
Dachshund Hand Shadow

Amaze the children with your slight of hand or maybe freak out your doxies. From "Hand Shadows To Be Thrown Upon the Wall" by Henry Bursill, 1859. You can view the whole book at the link!
Friday, June 8, 2007
Dachshunds in Pop Culture: John Wayne

Who? We think you know! Marion Mitchell Morrison (born Marion Robert Morrison; May 26, 1907 – June 11, 1979), better known by his stage name John Wayne, was an American film actor, director and producer. He epitomized rugged masculinity and became an enduring American icon. He is famous for his distinctive voice, walk and height. He was also known for his conservative political views and his support, beginning in the 1950s, for anti-communist positions.
A Harris Poll, released January 2011, placed Wayne third among America's favorite film stars, the only deceased star on the list and the only one who has appeared on the poll every year since it first began in 1994.
In 1999, the American Film Institute named Wayne 13th among the Greatest Male Stars of All Time. Source.
And oh yeah, he was a Dachshund Lover. Here, The Duke relaxes with his boy 'Charlie,' his manly, apparently unneutered smooth black and tan. "Talk low, talk slow, and don't say too much."
A Harris Poll, released January 2011, placed Wayne third among America's favorite film stars, the only deceased star on the list and the only one who has appeared on the poll every year since it first began in 1994.
In 1999, the American Film Institute named Wayne 13th among the Greatest Male Stars of All Time. Source.
And oh yeah, he was a Dachshund Lover. Here, The Duke relaxes with his boy 'Charlie,' his manly, apparently unneutered smooth black and tan. "Talk low, talk slow, and don't say too much."
Don't mess with The Duke, Pilgrim.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Dachshunds in the News: New Device Helps Save Dachshund

Hopefully Rooney will have a quick recovery!
Excerpt from 'Action News 36' in Lexington, Kentucky. By Chris Dietz.
A recent addition to the Lexington Fire Department is being credited with saving the life of a dog. Rooney, an 8 to 10 year-old, tan dachshund was pulled from his home on Mc Connell Trace Blvd. early Wednesday morning suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. A new plastic nose cup recently donated by the Lexington Kennel Club helped firefighters give Rooney badly needed oxygen.
Rooney was taken to Kesmarc in Versailles where he was treated in the facility’s hyperbaric chamber for small animals. Dr. Mindy Johnson tells Action News 36, the initial treatment of oxygen Rooney received with the special dog nose cup was essential to his recovery. Rooney will receive another hyperbaric treatment Wednesday night and a third one Thursday morning, but Dr. Johnson says the dachshund should make a full recovery.
A recent addition to the Lexington Fire Department is being credited with saving the life of a dog. Rooney, an 8 to 10 year-old, tan dachshund was pulled from his home on Mc Connell Trace Blvd. early Wednesday morning suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. A new plastic nose cup recently donated by the Lexington Kennel Club helped firefighters give Rooney badly needed oxygen.
Rooney was taken to Kesmarc in Versailles where he was treated in the facility’s hyperbaric chamber for small animals. Dr. Mindy Johnson tells Action News 36, the initial treatment of oxygen Rooney received with the special dog nose cup was essential to his recovery. Rooney will receive another hyperbaric treatment Wednesday night and a third one Thursday morning, but Dr. Johnson says the dachshund should make a full recovery.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Interview With a Dachshund
This "interview" was published in Connect Savannah last fall for some upcoming local wiener races. It's absolutely hilarious! It needed to be documented before it disappears off the net forever. By Linda Sickler.
Interview With a Dachshund
As part of our ongoing commitment to pushing the journalistic envelope, Connect Savannah recently caught up with a top contender in this year’s Wiener Dog Races, to be held Saturday morning as part of the annual Oktoberfest celebration on the river.
Born in the Ukraine, “Poochinski” was raised in Hamburg, Germany, and came to Savannah in 2002. He claims to be a four-time champion from 1995 to 1999 in Austria’s 28km Dachshund Drag Race. Poochinski retired from the world of professional Wiener Sports shortly before arriving in the Coastal Empire.
Known in Europe as the “Kosher Krusher,” Poochinski has not raced locally. He says prodding by friends and neighbors has convinced him to return to the race course.
Connect Savannah: Why did you first walk away from Wiener Sports?
Poochinski: I’ll tell ya. At a certain point it gets boring being The King. You know what I’m sayin’? I mean, how many times can some hot chick ask you for your pawprint? Once the waiters at the fanciest dining halls across Europe start ushering you to the best table legs in the house, where can one go from there? America, that’s where! I thought I’d slow down the pace, rest on my laurels, and sign some lucrative spokescanine deals. Unfortunately I found out the hard way that in the “Land of The Free,” everybody’s just a little too busy to keep up with Continental Wiener Sports champions! Over here, I’m seen as less than an athlete and more like a circus freak. And who wants to eat the same cereal as a circus freak?
Connect Savannah: How did you end up in Savannah?
Poochinski: Like everybody else. I read that damn book and thought any place where a young hustler can get shot was a good enough place for me.
Connect Savannah: Who are your owners, and are they involved in Wiener Sports?
Poochinski: Owners?
Connect Savannah: You say you’ve attended the Savannah races in the past, although you haven’t competed. How do they compare to the races in your, um, homeland?
Poochinski: Not to brag on myself, but if you wanna know the truth, I could probably win this race by falling asleep. Uh-huh.
Connect Savannah: You say you’re a four-time champion. How many other races have you competed in, and did you win any of them?
Poochinski: I played amateur for years before turning pro. I ran in five televised races. Look ‘em up on YouTube. I would have won all five, but they disqualified me for a doping thing that I don’t want to get into right now.
Connect Savannah: What do you do to prepare for a race?
Poochinski: Eat a lot of wheat germ and riboflavin. Sometimes I fantasize about the Powerpuff Girls.
Connect Savannah: How many hours a day do you train?
Poochinski: I’d have to say “a negligible amount.”
Connect Savannah: How did you get the nickname Kosher Krusher?
Poochinski: Well, even though I was born in the Ukraine, my mom was Welsh and my dad was Hungarian. Do you get what I’m layin’ down? Oh, yeah. Ounce for ounce. Where it counts.
Connect Savannah: What do you want the other contestants to know about you?
Poochinski: I’m there to win. I’ll destroy you. I’ll send you back home to cry in your little blankets. But it’s nothing personal. It’s what I do. It’s who I am. Poochinski, THE BEST.
Connect Savannah: Why do you want to destroy your opponents?
Poochinski: Americans deserve to get put in their place. They’re arrogant, ignorant, self-absorbed bullies. The dogs, I mean.
Connect Savannah: Why do you think you are “the best?”
Poochinski: Lady, if we weren’t talkin’ on the phone you wouldn’t have to ask me that.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Dachshund Trivia: Test Your Dachshund Knowledge
If you have 5 seconds to spare, check out this fun dachshund quiz:
See more pics of gizzypooh's little buddy Solomon right here on flickr.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
The Gardener's Little Helpers
It's that time of year, and there's nothing more fun and relaxing than gardening with your dachshunds. They're such great little helpers! Check out more pics of Pixie Led's little buddy Kinczem right here on flickr.
Friday, June 1, 2007
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