
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Never Ending Story

And so the saga continues.  First off, thanks again for all your love and support for your 'Long and Short of it All' host Joey in his recovery after his bilateral adrenalectomy, and the complications which ensued.  Honestly, it means more than you'll ever know.  We wish his story would have had a happy ending by now, but a week after his surgery, it goes on.
Yesterday was another ruff day.  After being discharged from the veterinary specialty center on Monday, when he was eating and doing fine, he wasn't in the best of shape just a few hours afterwards.  We should have recognized this fact when he refused to eat a small piece of cheese which was offered to him when we stopped at a friends house, before he even came home.  From yesterday's update, he had vomited several times at about four in the morning on Tuesday, and so off to the local veterinary emergency clinic he went.  He received fluids while there, and we then transported him to his regular vet at about 9 AM (not the specialty center where he had his surgery).
Once at his regular vet's office, he didn't seem much better.  He was salivating when he was removed from the car, pointing towards the fact that he was still nauseous (he was on meds to help prevent him from vomiting), and that he was probably also dehydrated.  He was withdrawn and looked quite depressed.   After spending a good hour with his regular vet, we discussed the fact that Joey has really hardly eaten anything in a week's time, and it didn't seem like he would be magically better by 6 PM that day when Dad could pick him up from work, and he wasn't well enough to be left unobserved at his regular vet's office overnight.  If he would need Total Parenteral Nutrition at any point soon, that was something which was beyond the scope of the regular vet's practice. 
So, after visiting two vet offices in the morning, it was off to the third, back up the veterinary specialty center for Joey, where he has been admitted again.  The thought is that his digestive tract has been out of commission for so long, that it doesn't really want to move the food through, so he has been started on a medication to help with that.  His pancreatitis is probably flaring up again as well, but his amylase/lipase values really haven't changed. 
He was running a slight fever last night.  This morning he is "OK."  The good news is that his labs look good, he has had no vomiting, and that he has drank a little water and kept it down.  But he will not eat.  Hoping to have a better update tomorrow.


Anonymous said...


We're crossing paws big time for you.


Podgirl said...

Get better soon little wiener. We'll keep our paws crossed for you too.


Anonymous said...

OH Joey -- hang in there! We're sending our love and prayers. The sun will come out tomorrow.

Molly from McLean

Oscar and Hans said...


It sounds like you are truly having a RUFF time of it again. :(

Just wanted to let you know that we are still rooting (burrowing?) for you to come home soon with a clean bill of health! You, dad, and Maggie remain in our thoughts.

Us Doxies are nothing if not tenacious - we know you can beat this!

Lots of love and biscuits,

--Oscar, Hans, and Holly

impromptublogger said...

So sorry for the setbacks and hopefully it is only very temporary. Max and Echo send their good thoughts (and wet kisses) to Joey.

Jerry S. said...

Tell Joey that his many fans are hanging on your every update and eagerly awaiting the day -- soon -- when all is right with his world.

doxieshar said...

Joey, we am soooo sorry to hear about this current setback. We are at a loss for words, yet still filled with hope for you.

~Shar, Sawyer, and Abby

Cynthia (Geneva's mom) said...

What a bummer that this is dragging on. Count me among the many, many Joey fans who are checking in often and rooting for the gutsy little guy. Thanks for the frequent updates. They mean a lot!

Anonymous said...

Hi Joey, sorry for this set back. Saying some extra prayers for you and your Dad. I know this is frustrating but given he has rallied and was on track, there is every reason to believe he will get past this. With him being "OK" this AM, that is indeed a small first step forward. Don't lose heart. We are all praying for you and your Dad.

Baxter's Mom and Dad

Earl said...

No sick weenies! That's what I hope for.

John said...

John and Ozzie are so sorry to hear about Joey’s setbacks, but confident and positive that their beautiful friend Joey will pull through to health and happiness because of all the loving care he is receiving from his Dad and caregivers and because of all the healing thoughts and prayers of all of the Dachshundlove Nation. I just received a special prayers card from the Sisters of St Francis the other day and sent it in with intentions for Joey, almost as if they knew prayerful intervention was needed. John & Ozzie - CDL,MWDR

angie said...

hang in there joey, you're going to feel so much better when all this is over!!

Anonymous said...

My heart is heavy for Joey, and for Dad, too. Sometimes things in life just make no sense at all. It is so hard to know what to do. Keep on loving each other and listen to your heart.


Anonymous said...

Dear Joey, I'm wearing my prayer box and your name is on the top of the list inside as it has been since before your surgery. I'm hoping these setbacks are temporary and you'll be back to well-dachshund status soon - eating, drinking and laying in the sun.
Love, Kay

Lexi said...

We are praying for you

Lex and Bismarch

Lexi said...

We are praying for you

Lex and Bismarch

Anne said...

thanks Dad for all of the updates!! that is good news that labs look good and no vomiting - it's really good! those little bodies need time to heal so hopefully better news tomm.

Hang in JOEY - FIGHt, FIGHt, FIGHt - YOU are a TOUGH DOXIE!!!!! still praying for you and sending you lots of doxie love - Roxie Lou, Coco Beane and Auntie Annie Em!

Anonymous said...

Hi Joey. Twix told me abouts your recent woes and I just wanted you to know that I'm sending you my most powerful brindle wishes that you gets better soon! I know I don't look like a doxie, but my dee-en-ay test said I have a teensy bit of doxie in me and that makes me luv dachshunds even MORE! And I think you are Most Handsome!

Wiggles & Wags,

Anonymous said...

Oh my Dog!! We are keeping our paws crossed and sending more healing prayers. Joey you get well Buddy cause we all love you, our piabald host. Dad hopes your home soon too, its just not the same there without ya. Great idea to pray to St. Francis (Saint of all animals and birds) to watch over you and say a special prayer for you. We are sure he has a lot of "pull" up there so we are praying real hard to him. Licks and doxie kisses from Sass the Bold, LollyPop Wiggle Butt, Shilo Baby Bean and Maggie Muffin from Quebec Canada

Linda Moss said...

oh poor Joey, so sad that you both have to go through such an ordeal. Think it is good that he is back at the specialty center and hopefully they can get him some nutrition and his doxie appetite will return soon when he has healed up a little more, thanks for the updates, we check constantly and will keep praying and sending good vibes to Courageous Joey!
Linda, Frankie and Maggie

Northerncharger said...

God bless you little Joey, hope you get better fast...Wolfie my LH Teckel sends his best too!

Brian and Wolfgang
Barrie, Ontario

DoxieTimesThree said...

As the mama of Ava, a doxie w/ Cushing's, my heart goes out to you and you are all in my prayers. Thank you for all the updates.

Jane said...

Get better. poor baby. I am thinking about you and have been checking in to see how you're doing. I have three dachshunds, including a little pibold like you, and three cats. My furry family and I are sending you our love all the way from Hawaii!

firstyouleap said...

Joey Joey Joey you handsome piebald, you! Take your time getting home, let everybody love you, enjoy all of your messages and know that your reach seems to extend beyond the dachsie universe (hi Mango). Love love love to you Joey. Kisses from Jeeves and Melinda

Kim said...


Keep on healing boy! You can do it. Surgery is tough and we need lots of rest, care, and time to heal. We are all sending our love, healing energy, and prayers to you all.

Jayne D. said...

Joey, you are still in our prayers, and we hope and pray that you will soon feel better and be able to eat a little something. Am anxiously awaiting news that you are feeling better! With love, Jayne D. and AnnieBelle

Anonymous said...

We're all rooting for you Joey! (and sending good wishes for Maggie and dad, too)

Nahlah said...

Joey! We think about you everyday and pray for your health! Continue to push through and we look forward to your 2nd (and final!) homecoming.

pam said...

Well Joey!!! We have come from Twix and want to say pip up and get better old man. Don't be sickies for long (get it yer a long dog arrrr rooooo we crack ourselves up!!!)

Our mommy is prayin and we've crossed paws little dood.

Bobo and Meja

Unknown said...

All our wishes and prayers for Joey's speedy recovery.. we are thinking about you in virginia beach. Joey - come home soon!

Duke said...

We just came from Twix's blog, Joey! We are sending you TONS of AireZen and our paws are crossed for you!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

We are thinking and praying of you all, hang in there little Joey.

Paul Rasmussen said...

There were times when I thought my little boy would not recover. He was just home from the hospital, refusing food and quite weak. He was tearing out the catheter when I was at work, also trying his best to escape his crate (which the doctor said was essential if his back were to heal) and I was starting to think the situation was lost. After he started eating again, there was constipation. More worry. The catheter finally came out for good after several trips to the hospital to have it replaced. That was followed by, you guessed it, a urinary infection.
It was weeks before he was himself again, but both Poncho and your truly learned a lot about patience in those days.

Hang in there Joey! You are loved.

Paul n Poncho

Anonymous said...

Sweet Joey, you are in our prayers in SC! We know you must feel terrible to not eat cheese; cheese is our favorite treat! Faith even has a special cheese dance.

Our mom recently spent 40 days in the hospital, three weeks were on life support. She had complications from surgery, too. Mom is home now and knows that recovery can be a bit bumpy at times. We pray that you will be home to Dad and Maggie soon!

Sweet Joey, stay strong!

Love and tons of tail wags,
Faith, Tigger and Petie (and their mother)

Anonymous said...

Yogurt! Get some good bacteria going in there agains. Even one or two teaspoons to start!

3 doxies said...

Hey , it's me Puddles! I know, I has been furevers since I've dropped by but, I heard bout Joey's surgery and hads to come by to tells him I be's thinking reall good doxie vibes and be sending my thoughts to him to his dad and maggie, and mom. Please knoww dat ya'll is all in ourt hearts.
We pulling furs ya Joey, you can pull through dis!


Anonymous said...

Joey, we'll have oodles of cheese waiting for you for when you're better!!! Keep fighting! We're all cheering for you! Lotsa love, Fern + fam (Montreal, Canada) xoxoxo

Trinket's mom said...


Lots of times recuperating takes longer than we'd like and it's hard to be patient. Trinket and I have faith that all you need is a little bit more time in the hospital to get your GI tract back on track.

Still sending positive vibes to you, Maggie and your Dad, from South Carolina.

Love, Trinket and her mom

Anonymous said...

We are pulling for Joey! Poor little guy! I have a doxie boy that exhibits these same behaviors when he has bouts with pancreatitis. I have had to bottle feed him a couple of tablespoons of a pedialyte, rice, and chicken blended mixture every four hours. It seems to do the trick...just in case that helps down the road. It is absolutely the worse thing when they don't feel well! Lots of love and prayers for Joey and your family!

The Gannons
Laura, Will, Stella, Hannah, & Otis

Sharon W. and the Fab Four doxies said...

We are praying and wishing the best for sweet Joey.
Please know that my Rocky was diagnosed with a pancreatic tumor and given 2 months to live. We brought him home to baby him for his remaining time, carrying him on pillows, showering TLC on his every piece of furry body. I cooked home-made turkey noodle and veggie soup and gave him a wee bit at a time, smashing everything into mush with the broth. He ate very little at first (of course, we did not really want him to vomit again) but he really sniffed at and did manage some broth. Within a few days, he felt lots better and was eating more. I continued to cook this soup with slight variations for his two months and he was miraculously better. No one knew if he was in remission, or what as he'd suffered miserably thru pancreatitis a few other times --- but he continued to improve. He was healthy and very very happy for 18 months, until liver cancer quickly sickened him beyond repair. But we had those precious 18 months when they'd said there was no hope. PLEASE DO NOT FALTER IN YOUR BELIEF IN JOEY, AND IN T.L.C. KEEP THE FAITH.....

Furry hugs to you all,
SSW and Charlie, Rudy, Solly & Dora Lee (all rescued mini longhaired doxies)

Anonymous said...


We are thinking and praying hard for you out here in San Diego -- you've been through a lot in the last week and it just takes time to get back to normal again! It's always so scary when dachshunds, the foodies of the dog world, refuse to eat. I always get nervous when one of my kids doesn't have the full dachshund scarf-it-all-up appetite.

But Joey, you can get through this latest setback and get your good appetite and health back again. We're sure of it! (and we're thinking of Dad Carson and Maggie too).

Nelly, Minnie, Kirby and Henry and Mom Lyn

Ammo the Dachshund said...

Hang tough Joey. we're all pulling for you!

Anonymous said...

You can make it Joey! Hang in there! We are continually pray for your recovery.


Jablana said...

We are sad to hear this news!! but we still know Joey will pull thru and we're hoping for the best for the three of you!
Dont give in Joey!

Lilli said...

Come on Joey! You can do it!

Please please please get well soon. We've got our fingers and paws crossed over here in Sydney, Australia.

Love from
Lilli xx

Anonymous said...

awe poor Joey and Dad, we are sad reading this update today but we pray for brighter and better days ahead! You can do it Joey, rest up and hopefully you will feel better soon! Lots of love and tail wags!

Taia & Slinky

Keren Hening said...

Guinness, Merlin, Beau and Ima DoraBelle all say, "Yip, yip, yip, AAARRROOOOOOOOO!"

Hang in there and take it one puppy-sized step at a time. We love you "bery bery mush."

Auntie Karen and Da Herd

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