
Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Whirr of the Tail

Joey coming in back in the hospital after potty break, Saturday, August 28, 2010:  This is Joey's way of saying "Thanks!" for all the prayers and well-wishes that have been sent to him.


  1. Joey...You look FAB U LOUS!!!!!!!


    Your Pal Schatzi

  2. Joey, Joey, Joey!!!!! We are so excited to see you standing on the floor with the photogenic twinkle in your eyes! Lots of love, love, love goin' to that Joey, Joey, Joey! Melinda and Jeeves

  3. Lookin GOOD Joey. You just keep on improving like this and you will be home in no time. Take it a step at a time and you will soon be home. Love ya Joey..........keep the tail awagging.

  4. Joey, you look even better today than you did yesterday, but that doesn't mean that I won't continue my prayers to St. Jude for you. It looks like your road to recovery has gotten straighter, but until you're home with Maggie and Dad, your ever-expanding fan club will send you positive thoughts, prayers, and good wishes. Keep up the fight, sweet Joey!

    ~Shar with Sawyer and Abby

  5. Looking good, Joey! It's so nice to see a photo of you with bright eyes and on your feet. The wags are just extra. It's been a long row to hoe, but it looks like you're getting there.

    Keep letting all of us carry the burdens, Joey. Just get well.

  6. Sweet Joey, how happy we are to see your little tail whir!

    Love and tons more tail wags,
    Faith, Tigger and Petie (and their mother)

    PS: Faith thinks you're cute!

  7. Joey, you are amazing! Everything is looking up for you! Love, Piper and Gracie

  8. Glad to see Joey up and about and on the mend!! What an amazing pup he is!! I have been taking thoughts of Joey everywhere in my travels and daily activities and been keeping him close in my heart. Following his journey has strengthened my bond with my own doxie and also made me stop and smell the roses and enjoy the little things in life. This is the gift that Joey is giving all of us while he fights his battle!! Thank you Joey for being such an inspiration!! Keep on healing!!!

  9. Joey, you are looking like a little man on the mend and your cuteness is just shining! Lovely to see! Dad and Maggie- keep up with the cuddle therapy! oxoxo Fern the Chien Chaud + family (Montreal, Quebec)

  10. Way to be, Joey, my friend. Now save that strength up for tomorrow's food and water trials.

  11. Mr. Joey, you are looking totally awesome, up and on your feet, keep up the good work

    Lex and Bismarch

  12. Hi Joey, you're looking even better today! It is great to see you on your feet. More prayers for you to keep getting better. Prayers also for your your Dad. Continue that one step at a time.

  13. Jayne D. and AnnieBelleAugust 29, 2010 at 12:11 PM

    Joey, Your latest photo really warms my heart - so good to see you up and wagging that tail - also there is a sparkle in your eyes! Please continue to heal and make tiny steps of progress. Will be thinkng of you and praying that tomorrow goes well with the water and food!! Love, Jayne and AnnieBelle

  14. Joey, wish you a quick recovery and GET WELL SOON!
    Say hello to Maggie, your dad and your friend Davorka!!

    Many greetings from Switzerland,

  15. Sweet Joey! Your eyes break my heart. I'm so happy you're doing so much better. I've followed your story from the beginning! Love and best wishes from Colorado Springs!

    (BTW, your video, "Good Morning, Joey," is one one of my favorites. I watch it whenever I need a smile.)

  16. Oh, melt my heart! Hope you are feeling better today, and rest so you can go home soon!!! I wish I was there to pet you!!

  17. Cynthia (Geneva's mon)August 29, 2010 at 1:27 PM

    Joey, you are definitely looking much better! Something about your eyes tells me you are really and truly on the mend.

  18. Aww. Some wags. Take care and get better soon!

  19. Dearest Joey,
    I am so happy to see you looking so much better. Your eyes look brighter and happier. Yeah!
    Our prayers are still with you to stay on the mend so you can go home soon.
    We love you, Joey! Heal, boy, heal!
    PS Anyone who might think your Dad is certifiably crazy for reading you our messages does not believe in the power of positive thinking!
    We love you all and keep you in our prayers.

  20. Joey! You look like a brand new dog, with bright eyes and that wag in your tail. Congrats on the turnaround. We are so glad to hear it!

  21. Hello handsome boy, you're looking great! It makes *me* want to wag my tail in happiness, and I don't even have one! Michael dog and I are still sending out good wishes your way, and keeping you in our thoughts. With apologies to Dory in "Finding Nemo,"Just keep waggin', just keep waggin'!" You're doing great, Joey!

    With love
    Becky and Michael dog

  22. Looking great, Joey!
    Keep on wigglebutting!

    --Oscar, Hans, and Holly

  23. Lookin Good Joey!!! Bet it feels good to stretch your legs and get some fresh air! Continue the great progress Joey!

    Your doxie friend,
    Rhett Butler

  24. Joey! As we say in our house, What a good waggie-tail dog you are! Those dachshund tail wags are the best! We are keeping you in our thoughts for a continued recovery -- you are looking so good!

    Nelly, Minnie, Kirby, Henry and Mom Lyn

  25. Tail whirr = great news! Momma says that was her first sign that I was gonna make it home was when I wiggled my tail for her ;o) You are looking great my furiend! I hope you are starting to feel like your long doxie self again. Sending hugs and lots of love to you and your wonderful family!

  26. Joey's eyes melt my heart.
    I hope he is doing well.
    Take care
    Kisses and hugs

  27. John and Ozzie hope and pray that the guarded optimism of today is but a positive step on Joey's path to full recovery. stay positive as you have and he will feel your energy. Please pass along our healing prayers and wishes. Tell him i still want to vote for him at the Chicago dachshund Lovers halloween Party.

  28. Looking good Joey!!

  29. Heartwarming report, Joey. We love you!

  30. Joey!! You look marvellous, Beautiful Boy!!
    We KNEW you could do it!
    Oh...God is Good!!
    I am so looking forward to reading about your soon-to-be adventures...GOOD BOY!!!

  31. It's wonderful to see Joey on his feet, his eyes bright and his tail wagging. Trinket and I are still keeping all three of you in our hearts.

    Trinket and her mom

  32. TNX Joey! hang in there!!!!
    kisses from Lea....

  33. that's one handsome little dachshund!!! :)

    good to know u r up n about doing your er... business... haha!

    From Jolyn & Jed

  34. Looking good, Joey! You'll be home with Dad & Maggie in no time at all!

  35. Look at the sparkle and trouble in those eyes! Sooooo good to see! We love you Joey!
    Serena and the Nomistakin' Dachshunds
