
Monday, August 30, 2010

Love Letters

This is just a sampling of the many Love Letters for Joey.  Thank you.

Love letters straight from your heart
Keep us so near while apart.
I'm not alone in the night
When I can have all the love you write.
I memorize every line,
I kiss the name that you sign.
And, darling, then I read again right from the start
Love letters straight from your heart.

Hello Joey and Maggie,
we went to the sea side the other day, when Lea decided it might be sweet sending some sunny fotos of Croatian cost line for Joey to have some sun...
we keep our paws crossed for Joey. We're keeping him in mind and share Maggie's nervousness end worries!
Lea hopes the sun will bring some smiles on Joey (cause she says he's cute:)
Good luck Joey, hang in there Maggie...
kisses to both...

I know where you're at right now.  My Poncho went in for spinal surgery almost 2 years ago and it was one of the most stressful times of my life! You are all in my thoughts tonight. Wish I were there to lend a hand to, in some small way, make life a little easier. It's a very good thing reading the blog, something I look forward to at the end of each day when I get home from work. Poncho's always in my lap at the 'puter, so he's kinda in on it as well.

Hope Joey gets better quickly!  Turbo and Reilly are thinkin' about him! We Love all the hard work he and Maggie put into the blog....

Joey knows that he is loved more than anything in the world. I can't tell you how my heart aches for you, because I know exactly just how painful it is. It's a pain that will never go away, but when it's painful like this, you know what a special bond you share with your babies. Joey couldn't have asked for a more loving daddy. We are going to keep thinking positive thoughts of Joey, and wishing a miracle to happen soon... Please keep us posted on his progress. Be strong for Joey and Maggie.
Yours in doxie love, Chopper, BP, and Colt

Dearest Joey, our Mum here in England has just read out your latest bulletin... She and Dad are so so happy and we are both over the moon. Mum was really frightened when she saw the photos of you with Maggie, she said in your eyes you looked too too poorly and it reminded her of our brother Stanley on the day they brought him home (Stanley was lost to myelomalacia following back surgery). Mum says today you look like a different dog entirely, your eyes look good and bright and the old Joey spirit is shining through. Mum says that in your latest photo, you look like a dog that has turned the corner, and we are all so very pleased and proud of you little man. Good thoughts coming across the pond from England every day, Mum checks your blog several times a day for updates because of the time difference, and we don't mind telling you, you have brightened our Saturday evening so much. We love you little man xxxx And we say well done to your Dad, Maggie and your close friends who have kept the faith each and every day :0)
Much love,
Louie and Milo

Nikita sends big kiss to my little friend Joey. We love this site, we love dachshunds, here in Brazil we are called "linguicinhas" (I think it is the same as sausage) 
Woofs and Kisses ....


  1. You've seldom been out of my thoughts these past two weeks, Joey. I'm really hoping to hear a good report on your ability to eat and drink today.

  2. What great love letters from all over the world! Joey, Joey, Joey (wanna hear your name one more time? Joey baby) Jeeves and I are channeling that healing energy to your ability to drink a little water and maybe hold down a bit of food today and/or tomorrow. Lots of love, locally here in Chicago, from your loving buddies, Jeeves and Melinda

  3. Dearest Joey,

    You are looking so much better! I hope you can keep the water and food down today. You're in our thoughts and prayers dear Joey!
    You are a very good boy who is loved by followers all over the world. Did you know you were such a celebrity?

  4. Joey, you have some good looking friends!

  5. Wheeew!!! We 4 were on paws and needles all weekend waiting for an update. Wow, we are so so happy Joey to see you looking so much better. Eat up and drink harty and get strong buddy. Your on the right road now!! Your 4 cyber space friends from Quebec, Canada

  6. Joye, you have best love letters, i have ever read. your friends look cool in the pictures. thanks for sharing!
