
Monday, August 30, 2010

Hungry Boy

Joey, Sunday, August 29, 2010

Today is the big day for your 'Long and Short of it All' host 'Joey.'  After resting his pancreas following the second bout of serious surgery-induced pancreatitis last Tuesday, he will be offered water and food today.  He's got to be able to keep the water and food down.  He finished his three-day course of TPN early this morning.  Next up is labs, and another ultrasound to look at that troubled pancreas.  Then he will most likely be offered some water, and then a small amount of food. 
And boy is this dog HUNGRY - which is a good sign.  He hasn't really eaten in two whole weeks, save for small amounts of baby food and a little canned food last Sunday and Monday.  When we visit him at the hospital he watches every single vet tech and veterinarian with great interest to see if they have any food in their hands.  He intently studies their every movement and facial expressions, head darting from side to side as they move across the room - DRATS!  - that crinkling sound is just another IV bag opening.  Oh, here they come with a whole bowl of food!  Eyebrows twitching, he wills them to step in his direction.  DRATS!  It's for the Labrador in the next bed recovering from surgery after swallowing a corn cob. 

You can do it Joey. 


  1. Listen to your dad, Joey. You CAN do it.

  2. Oh, we are sooo happy to see him looking better! Hang in there, Joey- you are a sweet, sweet boy and you can do it!

  3. Being hungry is such a good sign!! Good luck to Joey today when he takes on food and drink and continues to grow stronger. We will be thinking of him all day today and will be sending the most positive energy we can muster! We are going to go out back into the redwood forest and channel the healing powers of the trees and send the power to Joey!!! GO JOEY!!!!!

  4. You can do it Joey!

    If there's one thing a Doxie can do (besides burrow, bark, sleep, be awesome, etc) it's EAT. We will be waiting with baited breath for an update!

    --Oscar, Hans, and Holly

  5. Oh, Joey, once they give you your small morsel of food....just will taste like a STEAK!!! You can do it!!!!

    And I must say, your picture today looks so very are such a handsome boy!!

  6. Cynthia (Geneva's mon)August 30, 2010 at 9:55 AM

    Yes! Eat, Joey. C'mon. It's one of the things you were born to do!
    We'll be waiting for news, too.

  7. Joey! We are so glad that you are hungry and so very alert! I'm home this morning and Jeeves is a bit under the weather--He's waiting for Joey's test results too, I think. Now Joey, don't try to gulp food down too fast, just remember that slow and steady wins the race.
    Love love love Joey Joey Joey! Melinda and Jeeves

  8. Hi Joey, you look further improved from yesterday. Have said a short prayer that you will be able to keep water and food down today. Also, that the labs and ultrasound will show things are OK with the pancreas. Keeping Joey's Dad in prayer too!

  9. Just take baby bites bites. You can do this!!! You're looking better everyday! Hugs from the boys!

  10. Yea for your calmed down pancreas!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been there with my babes - waiting it out. it just takes time and before you know it, you'll be eating with Maggie like good ole times again- SOON! you are in my thoughts and prayers like one of my own. Hang in there Joey - you CAN DO IT!!!!

    love - Roxie Lou, Coco Beane and Auntie Annie Em

  11. Oh, Joey, you poor hungry little man! You can do it!!! Ringo says going two weeks without food must be like a nightmare (at least, for him it is). We are hoping and praying so strongly that you will be able to eat today, sweetie. You look so handsome in that picture...

    Hugs & Love,
    Debi & Ringo

  12. Hungry sounds like a really good sign Joey. carson's description reminds me of the Oz man alays following anything he thinks is food with his eyes. hang inn there buddies God willing good things lie ahead. John & Ozzie

  13. Jayne and AnnieBelleAugust 30, 2010 at 11:11 AM

    Joey, A hungry Dachshund is a good thing - normal!! We are hoping and praying (still) for a successful day today with the water and food. "Come Monday, it'll be all right"... Love, Jayne and AnnieBelle (Much-loved 11&1/2 year old Red 14 lb. Dachshund)

  14. Joeys face is priceless in this picture. Joey you can do it!!! we are cheering you on.....EAT EAT EAT EAT!!!!!

  15. Joey - you are lookin good! Hope the food agrees with you. Just eat slow (oh yeah right - you're a dachshund!) and we will all keep our paws and fingers crossed.

    Thinking of you,
    Rhett Butler

  16. He looks SO much better in this picture! Healthy boy! I hope he does well with the food.

  17. Awe Joey, you can do it! We're so proud of how hard you're fighting! Keep it up and rest as much as you can. Thanx to dad for keeping us all updated! Lots of love and tail wags!

    Taia & Slinky

  18. Looking good! Eat your Wheaties!!


  19. Joey - I'm so happy to hear you are hungry! Be a good boy and keep your food and water down!

  20. Joey,
    We are sooo happy you are getting hugnry again. We have been eating a little extra for you each day to help up keep up our stregth! Just concentrate on keeping your tasty morsels down. We are keeping our paws crossed for you!
    Oscar and Bailey

  21. Joey, you're lookin good today. We're praying that you are on the home stretch now.
    Love Ruby & Penny

  22. hoping that you get to go home real soon.. you look sooo much better Joey!! You and Hogan must have attended the same "anytime I hear a crinkle, it must be food" class!!! Can you hear it also from an upstairs room even though your dad tries to be really, really quiet opening the bag? I bet you can! Glad to see you looking perkier ... and praying for good news to continue...

  23. Joey, Hope you are able to eat and drink a bit - and keep it down!! What about a little Pepto to coat your (very, very) empty stomach? Sending our love, Jayne and Annie

  24. He is really looking good, I must say.

    After my dog's surgeries, they have gotten a little watered down yogurt to help re-establish their flora. You might ask- though I am sure your vet will know jsut what to do. I have heard rice water and pasta water as starting places too.

    All best!

  25. Sweet Joey, please eat for your Dad and Maggie.

    Wishing you lots of yummy treats and tons more tail wags,

    Faith, Tigger and Petie (and their mother)

  26. Hey Big Guy! Hungry is a wonderful sign! I remember that feeling after I had that nasty sickness. Tell your dad that if you are being picky about eating dog food to make you some scrambled eggs ;o) They taste really good after you've been sick. Sending lots of love and hugs your way.

  27. Joey,

    It's grand to see you looking so good today. I hope that you tolerated your water and food just fine.

    Still keeping all three of you in our hearts.

    Love, Trinket and her mom

  28. Shar with Sawyer and AbbyAugust 30, 2010 at 9:21 PM

    Joey, you're looking bright-eyed. What treats will Dad have for your first meal? Love hearing your good news!

  29. Yes! Joey you can do it! You have so many people behind you to do this and get better.

    And Joey's Daddy, don't forget to let us know how we can help you with a donation ;)

  30. yeay Joey! food is coming...:)
    its so nice to hear you're getting better!!!
    it seems kisses help so Lea is sending a bunch more...:*
    keep up the good progress!!

  31. Good morning, Joey!

    Sending warm healing thoughts your way.


  32. We're so glad you're doing better, Joey! There's nothing as scary in your dog's life as a sick pup...and nothing that makes you feel so helpless! If you're tracking food, that means that you're on the mend.

  33. Oh, Joey! You're hungry,xcellent!!

    Well, how'd it go? How'd it go? We're excited to know!

  34. here's a little Hopkins for you, big guy. Hang in there, speckled thing!

    Glory be to God for dappled things—
    For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow;
    For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim;
    Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches’ wings;
    Landscape plotted and pieced—fold, fallow, and plough;
    And áll trádes, their gear and tackle and trim.
    All things counter, original, spare, strange;
    Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
    With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim;
    He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change: Praise Him.

  35. Joey you look fabulous in that picture!! A hungry dachshund is a good sign! We are so happy for you. Keep up the good work!

    Hugs and kisses:
    Jessica, Arthur and Bauer

  36. How did your munchies taste Joey? Bet they tasted good huh!! We are paw tapping waiting for da news and maybe a pic of you licking your lips. Your looking good kid.
    Your cyberspace friends from Quebec Canada Love and doxie kisses from Sass, LollyPop, Shilo and Maggie

  37. Joining in with the Quebec Canadian dawgs with the paw tapping for da news of the day...


  38. Joey,

    How were those noms? I had to chase my cat away from mine this morning. Hope all is going well you handsome pie boy.



  39. Thinking of you today Joey and hoping you are doing well. I will go outside and watch the birds and count the butterflies and send you good thoughts!!

  40. Anxiously waiting to hear how it went and if he is now a regular chowhound.

  41. Hey Joey, its Jeeves here, feeling better and hoping that you could eat a little bit yesterday and today. Love, love, love Joey, Joey Joey! Oh yeah, this is from Melinda too.

  42. Dearest Joey,

    You're in our thoughts and prayers today. We hope you were able to chow down a little and are feeling better today.

  43. Joey - just think, when you're all better I bet your dad will give you some yummy green tripe!!

  44. You're looking really good, Joey.
    You can do it little buddy. We're all rooting for ya!

  45. We love hearing more good news! Joey's eagerness to chow down sounds like a great indicator of his growing strength! And he's looking *terrific* in his most recent photo!

    We are behind you 100%, Mr. Joey, and we will continue to send you all our good thoughts and warm wishes!

    With love
    Becky and Michael in Tel Aviv!

  46. sounds like you're moving in the right direction, joey. doxie's love food. schnitzel; winnie; wilbur; and i are still sending good thoughts your way. love and lots of tail wagging.

  47. Joey, You are looking much better! Hang in there big dog!
    Karen and Barney dog XOXO :)
