
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Appetite Satiated At Last

Joey looks up from reading his emails and comments, Monday evening, August 30, 2010

The update is late, but the news is good!  Your 'Long and Short of it All' host 'Joey' has eaten food and water for over 24 hours now without any vomiting!  He doesn't eat much - it will take a few days to get him used to food again, but he's eating enough to slightly form his stools, and keeping it down without the aid of any anti-nauseants. 
Dad had a ruff morning, hence the late update - it seems that Joey has developed some "sludge of the gallbladder and mucocele" which is potentially quite bad, and after reading about it on several veterinary sites, Dad went off the deep end a bit and couldn't handle another issue with the boy, and couldn't muster up an update.  But after taking the day off work at the last minute to talk to the internal medicine veterinarian about it, all is slightly better, as the vet doesn't think it is a huge issue, it has not led to mucocele as previously reported, and Joey should be able to come home tomorrow.  Let's repeat that:  JOEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO COME HOME TOMORROW!   Lesson learned (again):  stop reading about stuff on the internet and making assumptions about things you know nothing about. 
His pancreatitis is resolving itself, and his amylase/lipase values are both now within normal range.  The ultrasound shows a better picture of the pancreas.  The sludge of the gall bladder is evidently not surprising based on the shape that his pancreas was in.
And this will brighten anyone's day:  when we arrived at the hospital today, the vet tech was telling us that she went to Joey's pen and there was blood all over.  A scary thought, yes, but it turns out that he was wagging his tail so much against the netting on the side of the pen, that it has started to bleed!  He now has a little white bandage taped on the end of his tail, poor little man.  The vet tech said he chased it in circles for a while, but he didn't seem to mind it so much when we visited him today. 
Meanwhile, Maggie has been staying at a friend's house this week - what with Dad working all day and then visiting Joey in the evenings for several hours, that's a long time to be home alone by herself.  Tonight she's at her first (and probably last) agility practice and will do some "fun runs."  She's a gal on the go. 


  1. I am so very happy for all of you..... this has been a long road.. but tomorrow Joey comes home!!! How terrific!! Hopefully soon - you (with Maggie and Joey) will all be able to take a well deserved rest. Continued best wishes for Joey's ongoing recovery... he looks like such a sweetie!!! the boys from va bch -- Hogan and Leo...

  2. Yep, reading about stuff on the internet is a bad idea! When I had my gallbladder surgery recently I decided to research it first. The first thing that came up on google was an article about a man who went in for gallbladder surgery and woke up with both of his legs amputated. Needless to say a panic attack followed. But things turned out just fine.

    The internet is not always good! Joey is going to be just fine, and I'm glad that things are really looking up! I know tomorrow will be a great day for you guys!

  3. Oh Joey, such good news. You'll be home for the last holiday of summer resting in the sun and telling Maggie all about where you have been. GO JOEY.

    Your Pal


    PS You look so handsome.


    That is the best thing we have read all day.


    --Oscar, Hans, and Holly

  5. Praise the butterflies and the trees and the birds and the bees and everything else in the world!!! Little Joey is on the mend and back in action!! So, so, so happy to hear this news. We've been checking in over and over today and can now breathe a sigh of relief and think only happy thoughts!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo.

  6. Wonderful, wonderful news! Sorry about the latest "setback". I know exactly how you feel, but it was smart to log off the computer and chat with the vet. Joey doesn't put much stock in the internet anyway. Looking forward to tomorrow's "home again, home again" report!
    Ralph & his person

  7. Joey, we are so glad to hear that you can come home tomorrow. I am sure that dad is over the moon over the news :). Thank you for sharing your issue with us, it gives us hope.

    Lex and Bismarch

  8. Joey,

    What fantastic news that your appetite has returned and that you've kept everything down. Trinket and I are keeping paws and fingers crossed that your recovery will continue without any further complications.

    Trinket and her mom

  9. We're so happy to hear Joey might go home tomorrow, we're also happy to hear he's keeping food down! Looking forward to more positive updates! Lots of love and tail wags!

    Slinky & Taia

  10. Oh I'm so happy to read that sweet little man Joey is coming home. OH HAPPY DAY!!!, he has gone through so much bless his little heart. God be with all of you and send His healing happiness.

  11. Sweet Joey, what wondeful news! Well your Dad did say your tail was a whir, just maybe slow it down to half a whir sweet boy. Continue to eat yummy things and, hopefully, go home soon!

    Love and tons of tail wags (gentle ones),
    Faith, Tigger and Petie (and their mother)

  12. That is wonderful! What a sweet, sweet boy you are. Hang in there and take it slow & easy with the food. Hugs and tail wags. We are pulling for you!

  13. This is such fabulous news- we are so thrilled for your family!

    The Gannons
    Stella, Hannah, and Otis

  14. I am so happy for your family and you, Joey. Love the photo of you reading the emails. As a retired teacher, I haven't been able to teach Sawyer and Abby to read. Instead they have me trained!

  15. Joey,this is great news. I hope you will continue to gain strength. I'll bet you are anxious to get back to regular eating. You look great. So bright eyed! Will continue the prayers for you. Carson, we are continuing to pray for you too. I hope that God will help you achieve some peace and relief.

  16. I must admit I was worried that there had been no post today. Thankfully my worries were unwarranted. I'm glad he kept his food down and I hope his recovery continues to go well.

  17. So happy to hear the good news. Just what I wanted to hear..........eating and it staying down and the tail awaggin........although I didn't mean to wag the tail THAT much but glad that you felt like it. Continue to take it a step at a time Joey and not overdo too much. Your little tummy has to get use to that yummy stuff again. Love ya Joey....our thoughts, best wishes and prayers still coming your way for continued tail wags.......

  18. We never doubted you, Joey, though we were plenty worried. Keep up the good work, big guy.

  19. Joey: Huge smile here! :) Poncho sends his best.

    Paul in the Burgh

  20. Whew..... Glad to read the report tonight. Hang in there, all of you...Baby steps...


  21. Joey, we are so happy that you've been able to eat, and that you can come home!!! That's wonderful. We pray that you will continue to get better and better.

    Looking up stuff on the internet isn't always good, especially health stuff. I've gotten really freaked out about Ringo's health and my own more than once doing that... But things are getting better, so try not to worry quite so much (easier said than done, I know) ^-^

    We hope Maggie is having fun at your friend's house!

    Hugs & Love,
    Debi & Ringo

  22. Paws crossed, Joey! Keep pushing through and getting healthy.

  23. Yay! Double yay! OMD! I am so happy I could just.....well, never mind ;o) Me and momma have the biggest smiles on our faces. Joey! I knew you could pull through. But you didn't take my advice and hold out for scrambled eggs. Try it when you get home, it works, promise ;o)
    Love to you and Maggie and Dad,

  24. So happy to hear you are doing better Joey! In the latest pic from the blog you're looking better too! So, so happy for you and your family! I know you'll continue to improve, you are a tough doxie!
    lots of tail wags and kisses,
    Al and Max

  25. Dearest Joey,

    So glad to hear your good news! We've been wondering how you have been ALL DAY LONG. If it was a long day for me, I can't imagine what your DAD has been going through.

    Our healing thoughts and prayers continue for you all--Here's to a happy homecoming!!!!

    Yayyyyyyy! Joey!
    Love and kisses to you, you handsome boy.

  26. very good news! Joey sure looks happie to be reading all the comments. here's one more for u... :)

    From Jolyn & Jed

  27. happy homecoming Joey!! we atill wish you all the best...
    some more kisses from LEa ( i think she's smitten by now;)

  28. AWESOME! Such happy news! Way to go, Joey! You're doing so great! I bet you just can not wait to get home and be reunited with dad and Maggie. Keep on eating and drinking, you're a rock star!

    Sending love

    Becky and Michael dog

  29. Dear Joey's Daddy my big sister (Jasmine the Golden Retriever) had some sludge in her bladder and she is fine. So fine in fact she's currently snoozing on the lounge next to be because she spent all day running around with me!

    I love the pic of you reading your comments. I hope you read mine and saw my spunky picture ;)

    Love & Hugs
    Lilli xx

  30. Thats great news Joey! Hang in there buddy!

    Fred and Haylie

  31. Joey, Joey, Joey we knew you could eat! And Carson, you should have something healthy to eat too. And Maggie, I bet you are running with the champions if I know where you are staying you lucky lady. Jeeves and I have paws, fingers, (even dew claws!) crossed in hope of you coming home to an uneventful first few days.
    How wonderful that there is an actual 3 day weekend holiday coming up for you, Carson. Love love love Joey Joey Joey, baby! Melinda and Jeeves

  32. There couldn't be a banner big enough to welcome Joey home; wish we could all sign it!

  33. Carson, you will need a vacation after all of this, it's amazing you haven't freaked out intil now!

    Joey, you look absolutely amazing and I am so glad you are up to reading your mail. If I had known, I would have sent a picture of my piebald, Annie- she has had a crush on you for years! Be careful at home, and don't give Dad any more heart attacks!

  34. Awesome news Joey! Isn't it great to eat? That's one of the things dachshunds do best, besides being adorable. Bet you can't wait to get home to your own bed and Maggie. I'm sure the vet was wonderful but there is no place like home. Keep getting better!

    Your doxie friend,
    Rhett Butler

  35. Way to go Joey!!! This is such great news! Just remember to take it easy when you get home and don't over do it. Sending lots of hugs from VA!

  36. So relieved to have this good news. Had my fingers crossed for you the whole time. ♡

  37. Just look at that face! Why would anyone want any other kind of dog?
    (You're right about the internet. It's much better to discuss anything with the Dr. who knows.)
    Way to go sweetie. Hope you're soon playing with Maggie.

    Love from Zimmie and the gang

  38. Jayne and AnnieBelleSeptember 1, 2010 at 8:37 AM

    Joey,, Let's hope today is the lucky day when you will be able to go home!! Take it slowly, and feel a little bit better each day. Try not to give your Dad any more gray hair (from worrying)! Keep on reading these emails, so you will know there are so many people who love you and pray for you. Be careful with that wagging tail!! Love, Jayne and Annie

  39. Hello Joey and family!

    We have been away for 12 days, and I had very little access to internet, but the one thing that I asked our daughter to check online was Joey's progress.
    Joey, your eyes look so much brighter and happy!! Now, with delicious food in your tummy and so much love from your dad, Maggie and a world of friends, your recovery should continue toward complete success!
    Your dad needs to recover too, because the stress could make him feel poorly...and nobody wants that to happen! Keep wagging that tail and give him lots of kisses to make dad feel really happy.

    I'll bet y'all can't wait to use that beautiful new kitchen too. There is so much to look forward to...

    Warm regards,
    Alicia and Oskar's family

  40. Cynthia (Geneva's mon)September 1, 2010 at 8:51 AM

    This news makes my day! Good for you, Joey. What a traumatic couple of weeks it has been for you - and for your family.
    I'll bet you all just sleep for days once you're home!

  41. We are clapping our paws. Way to go Joey!!! Rest up and keep getting stronger so you can get more and more yummy treats. Now maybe your awesome or rather paw-some dad can get some rest too, oh my dog -he must be stressed out and dog-tired. Take it easy, one day at a time. Love and doxie sloppy kisses, tail wags and woofs to you. Your 4 cyberspace friends from Quebec Canada

  42. Oh Joey! I'm so happy that you're doing so well! My tail is wagging at top speed, and I think I'll do some laps around the yard too (I can run really fast--unless I happen to be entered in an official race). Much love to you and best wishes for your speedy full recovery.

    Mina Marie the Mini Doxie

  43. Joey-- What a long, long road this has been. But it sounds like things are truly turning in your favor. We've both had our fingers and paws crossed for our dachshund family in Chicago. Keep up the good work. I know you'll be happy to be home TOMORROW !! Love, Molly in McLean and mom Melinda

  44. Eating and you get to go home soon? Excellent news!! Wish I could give you a pat.

  45. Great to hear such good news!

    Wanted to send you a card and balloons to celebrate but then decided to make a donation to my local dachshund rescue in your honor instead.

  46. Oh Joey! You look 140% better! I'm so happy to hear that you are eating and drinking. Here's hoping you are home with dad and Maggie very soon. I think Maggie's been waiting to try out that new doxie jacuzzi!

  47. "My sides! My sides!" we couldn't be happier for Joey, his pancreas and most importantly his BELLY!!! Yea Joey - you did IT!!!!! I too, have been scared to death over online info, but have to leave it to the doctors. I probably call mine all too often, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. 3 cheers to Joey & Maggie too!! still sending you our love, prayers and support!

    -Roxie Lou, Coco Beane & Auntie Annie Em

  48. Joey, Carson, Maggie it sounds as if your loving patience and persistence has paid off. John and Ozzie pray that this is so. You are and continue to be an inspiration to us all.

  49. Excellent news!! Good boy Joey! Nothing better than a wagging dachshund tail. :) It's been a rough ride and your a trouper. So is your dad. Give him lots of licks and snuggles. He deserves them too! All the best for your journey home real soon.

  50. It's so great to hear that Joey is wagging his tail...but I'm sorry it has caused him to have another bandage!

  51. I'm sure "Dr. Maggie" will be very happy to get Joey back home with her where she can keep an eye on him. Our bulldog pup Echo had a respiratory infection, and Max wouldn't let my dh go to the vet without him. He wanted to make sure she was okay and he "supervised" the vet and the vet tech when they examined her. Doxies make the greatest docs!

  52. Woof! We are so happy to hear the good news. Joey looks like a different dog! Mom is so excited that we got extra treats today! Love, Piper and Gracie

  53. woof; woof; woof!!! great news to hear about you, joey. now you rest and take it easy. before you know it you'll be home. schnitzel; winnie; wilbur and i are still sending good thoughts your way. love and lots of tail wags.

  54. Great, wonderous news. We are so happy for you all.
    Love Ruby & Penny

  55. Go Joey Go! We're sending sunshine and positive thoughts your way!!!! xoxo and smooches smothered in poutine (a dish with french fries, gravy and delicious cheese curds) from Fern in Montreal, Canada

  56. My Cooper-Angel also had "Happy Tail" once. We're SO HAPPY you're feelin' better!! Remember: EAT, DRINK, PEE, POOP, SLEEP!! Good Boy!!

    Auntie Karen and Da Herd

  57. My Cooper-Angel also had "Happy Tail" once. We're SO HAPPY you're feelin' better!! Remember: EAT, DRINK, PEE, POOP, SLEEP!! Good Boy!!

    Auntie Karen and Da Herd

  58. Good morning Joey! How are you?


  59. Good afternoon.

    Ya know, no news is not good news for us out here in internet-land.

    Joey, we're concerned.


  60. ditto. Praying very hard for a good update... very...

  61. Cynthia (Geneva's mon)September 2, 2010 at 2:59 PM

    Add us to the list of concerned readers. We keep checking, but there's no news! Hope you're OK, Joey. Please be OK!!!!!

  62. Joey Where are you? All your fans want to know that you are OK.

    Schatzi and family

  63. I'm echoing other readers' wishes for an update on Joey! We are thinking of him, and of you too, Dad.

    With all good thoughts and prayers for continued health for your doxie boy

    Becky (and Michael)

  64. We keep checking for an update too!

    Hope you're ok xx

  65. Oh pretty little Joey, we have been following your postings for several weeks now. I hope you made it home and that your people are so busy waiting on your every whim that they don't have time to answer our questions here. If not, please know that you were dearly loved by very many and that we are all still hoping for the best.

  66. our deepest thoughts with joeys family; still holding out hope.

  67. {{{Joey, Maggie, and Carson}}}

    Still keeping you all in our hearts.

    Love, Trinket and her mom

  68. (paws in prayer mode)


  69. Hi Joey, keeping you, your Dad, and Maggie in prayer.
