
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Guarded Optimism

Joey, Friday evening, August 27, 2010

Your 'Long and Short of it All' host 'Joey' continues to recover from his bilateral adrenalectomy and spleenectomy surgery.  Surgery took place Tuesday, August 17, 2010, and this is day 12 in his recovery.  He survived a pulmonary embolism post-surgery and is currently dealing with severe surgery-induced pancreatitis.  His pancreatitis spiked a second time a few days ago, and he was started on Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) to feed him and to allow his pancreas to rest.  He is on his second day of TPN therapy, which will run a total of three days at this point. 
And we've got good news to share!  Joey's internal medicine vet gave us a call yesterday, and with excitement in his voice, stated that he was very optimistic about Joey's recovery!  They ran another amylase/lipase, which points toward his pancreatitis, and one of the values is back to normal!  That's the first time one of those values has been normal since his surgery!   So, this is exciting news, but the real test will be whether or not he can handle some water which will be offered to him on Monday.  If he can handle the water, he will then be offered small amounts of food.  And if he can handle the food, he will soon come home!
So, obviously we're a bit guarded with this good news - the past few weeks have been a rollercoaster of emotions to say the least.  But we're remaining positive and aren't inviting the thoughts that everything isn't going to work out great when he is finally offered some water and food.  His pancreas will be fine and well rested.  It's simply got to be so.  This boy has had such bad luck thrown his way, that the entire universe has done a full 360 - and nothing but good things will be coming his way from now on.
And thanks so much for the continued well wishes, crossed paws, and prayers.  We know very well that it's all this positive energy coupled with a crack hospital staff that pushed down those values yesterday.  We're eternally grateful. 
We still read to Joey every night all of his comments and emails that he gets.  We're quite sure that the hospital staff have decided that we're certifiably insane for doing so, but so be it.  

More good news:  Joey now rests at the hospital in a playpen because he kept jumping down off his little cot.


  1. Good news Joey! Your little eyes look better in your pictures already. We're pulling and praying for you. Get better soon so you can go home and play.

    Love from Zimmie and the gang.

  2. Wow! Even before I started reading, I knew it was good news. Joey's eyes look MUCH better. And the jumping off the cot sounds like a good sign too! Way to go, Joey! Keep up the good pancreas resting and I hope you get to go home to stay very soon.

  3. I was so happy to hear the news....thoughts, well wishes, prayers and love will continue to come your way Joey. You look so much better in your picture and your numbers will continue to improve I am sure of it. Continue to rest and heal Joey and don't over do it just yet, not good to jump off your cot, not yet anyway.

  4. Thank goodness for little Joey and his fighting spirit! He is an inspiration to us all and is reminding us of what is important in life. My heart is so full of love for him! Thank you for sharing his story with us and for allowing us all to be a strong and positive force in aiding his recovery through the airwaves and energy channels!!
    Go Joey!

    My word verification is "prize" and that is surely what Joey is!

  5. He looks so much better! His ears are up and his eyes are clearer and less red. And he's jumping around!
    Don't worry about the hosp caregivers...they probably love him too.
    Hang in there, big guy!

  6. Great to hear...we will keep hoping for continued good news! It looks like the TPN therapy is helping him get his strength back. You can see in his eyes he is improving.

  7. Joey...that face....oh, I'd love to snuggle that sweet face!! I think my Bailey agrees, I showed her your picture and she agreed, you are a handsome fellow...and she believes strong in heart, so we are positive you are going to beat this and make a wonderful recovery.

    We are keeping you in out thoughts...and the fact they had to put you in a play pen to keep you from jumping...."Way to go"!!!! That is the dachshund heart and spirit!! Take care sweet friend...get well soon!

  8. Joey,

    YEAH!!! You look so much better in your pictures. We are sure you will be home soon with your sister and Dad who both love you so much.

    GO JOEY!!

    PS I think that you are a very handsome pie boy.


  9. Sweet Joey, stay strong and show everyone just how stubborn a little doxie can be. We are continuing to pray for you in South Carolina! You are adorable in your pictures.

    Love and tons of tail wags,
    Faith, Tigger and Petie (and their mom)

  10. Dear Joey: My human "mom" holds me close and fills me in each day on your recovery. I can see that you're fightin' hard. The docs are taking very good care of you, and your dad is AWESOME! Please get well soon, buddy, so you can go home where you belong. I'm sending lots of hugs and waggy tails your way. ~Schroeder

  11. Great news Joey! You look so much better. Keep getting better. We are not letting up on our prayers for you or your Dad. Please continue to rest and get better. One step at a time. Dear Lord, please continue to heal Joey. Continue to guide the doctors and vet staff in their work.

    I don't think the staff thinks your certifiably insane for reading to Joey. I bet they think it is wonderful. Joey recognizes his name. Most importantly, he hears your voice when you read these emails and comments. And that is what helps him the most. He knows you are there.

  12. ABSOLUTELY heartened to hear this wonderful update and prayers that he just continues to get better and better with each passing minute!! Fantastic!! Joey you are a beautiful doggie and very very much loved by many. You've touched our hearts. hogan and leo from va bch send their wags and kisses.

  13. Guarded ... unguarded ... we'll take any kind of optimism we can get. Maybe it's just because we want to see it that way, Joey, but you're looking a lot less sad than you have in some of your photos this week. You will oblige your dad, your sister and your many fans if you keep on this course. We love you, Joey.

  14. Yeah Joey!! So glad to read the upbeat news. Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better and starting to get into mischief!! A playpen is bigger than those little cages. Just take it easy and keep getting better.

    Your doxie friend,
    Rhett Butler

  15. Hooray for Joey! Your eyes look brighter already! And if you're jumping down off your little cot, you must be starting to feel better, too. Poe keeps her paw crossed for you, and we'll keep sending positive vibes your way. Rest that pancreas!

  16. Joey looks so much better in the photos!

    hope he recovers soon. i bet Maggie misses him lots. :)

    From Jolyn & Jed

  17. You're a fighter Joey! A most desirable doxie trait. Keep fighting!

  18. Hey, that's great news!! We'll be praying that he'll be able to keep food and water down so that he can come home soon, being in the hospital is no fun. It's a good sign that he kept jumping down off his cot, that means he's getting some strength and energy back. Keep it up, Joey, you can beat this!! Oh, and you guys aren't insane for reading him all the comments, I read stuff to Ringo sometimes too ^-^

    Debi & Ringo

  19. Joey, you are so brave! Now you need to eat alittle so you can home with Dad! Your favorite spot is waiting for you, and Maggie will let you rest your head on her whenever you need to. I told you black spots were the strongest! If love makes you heal, you will be 100+!

  20. Yes!!! Like someone else said, you can just tell by looking in his eyes that he feels much better!!!

    Keep getting better Joey!!!!

  21. So good to hear some happier news! The gang and I have been checking in on the blog every time we turn on the computer, and we were hoping for something like this!! Keep resting and lots of love, Joey! ---Jane and the gang in Hawaii

  22. YAY! We're so happy to open up your blog to read that Joey is making a turn around. We will continue to send positive vibes your way! Joey is pretty darn cute in the play pen, we're looking forward to Joey being able to go home:) Lots of love and tail wags!

    Taia & Slinky

  23. he looks so good! keep on truckin'!

    -your piebald pal, rocky

  24. Joey, reading this update makes us happy. We know you can get through this!
    Sending lots of love.
    Ruby & Penny
    Ps - that playpen looks mighty comfy.

  25. Joey, you look positively perky in this picture! Yippee!! Now get better so you can go home and laze around all day, just like Rosie, Felix and Maisy do.

    -- their Mom.

  26. Hope you continue to get better Joey! Keeping you in my prayers daily :)

  27. Oh, what terrific news! Joey looks great in your most recent photo, and though Joey might not agree, I think it is wonderful that the clinic staff has had to move him into a playpen! It's a great indicator that his energy is improving--Joey, you are one indomitable dog! We will keep praying and sending our well wishes your way, and are so delighted to hear this optimistic update!

    With love,

    Becky and Michael-dog

  28. This news speaks to my heart! Joey's eyes in these new photos are so much more vibrant and alert. I love it! I will continue my prayers for Joesy to my personal and powerful patron, St. Jude.

  29. Joey you look so much better! Put a happy smile on that face little man, you will be well soon. Wishing you smooth sailing from here on out. I'm doing a happy doxie dance for you and sending it your way. Mom sends doxie hugs. Macy and Mom

  30. What great news! WOOF! Joey, we know you will pull through with that great Doxie toughness. Hans had a good laugh at you jumping off the cot as that is something he would do (Oscar would just nap all the time).

    Here's to even more good news in the days to come!

    --Oscar, Hans, and Holly

  31. Oh my look so much better! We are jumping up and down over on Sheridan Avenue! Stay strong little man... The boys are sending high fives to ya!

  32. Joey! Your spirits look much better in these pix. Please keep pushing forward. My paws are crossed.

  33. Joey,

    Trinket and I are so glad to hear that you're getting better. We're keeping our paws and fingers crossed that your laboratory values continue to improve (we want both your amylase and lipase values to be normal) and that your pancreas continue to heal. You're such a strong boy to have come this far.

    Naw, Carson, I doubt the staff at the vet hospital think you're certifiably nuts. They almost certainly think reading Joey the email is very sweet and that all the expressions of love can't help but help him get better.

    Trinket and her mom

  34. oh goodness, i'm so behind i had to jump ahead and see how little joey's doing. hang in there little guy!!! xoxoxo

  35. super! We have to agree with the other comments: Joey, you look so much better, especially your eyes!
    We still send you healing thoughts and hope that you will be home really soon!
    Lovie and Anette

  36. We were so happy ,Joey, to see the latest photo of you --!!! Ahhh... the power of prayers . We will continue to pray for your return to good health - so glad to hear the cautiously optimistic news - and glad you feel well enough to jump off your cot!! That is a good sign (especially for a doxie) No more jumping, though, for a long while. Hope the next days will bring more good news. Love to you, Joey , Maggie and your Dad. Jayne D. and AnnieBelle

  37. Joey - bless you little punkin'. I spent the day with Baxter's mom today and met Otto and Ike's mom, and we all agreed ... next year at Bucktown, Joey, Carson and Maggie will be stopping by to visit with us all! Molly sends her love too, Joey - she does love the handsome spotty boys ;-)

  38. Joey! You are looking so much brighter. There is a sparkle in your eyes. I just know you're over the worst of it. Dachshund instinct.

    A note for Joey's Daddy and anyone reading/commenting on this blog. I would like to offer a donation to you for Joey's care. I know this must be costing you a fortune so please let us help. Do you have a paypal account I can put some money into? If not I think you should open one. I'm happy to coordinate/put the word out. There is so much love coming through in these comments that I'm sure I'm not the only one that would help. Even if it's just $5 everything would help.

    Love & hugs
    Lilli xx
    (and her Mummy Sammi)

  39. I was thinking the same thing (donation for Joey). Even though times are tough for Schatzi and her family right now, we'd like to help out at least a little. Let us know.

  40. we've been at the other end of an involved and very long hospital stay with our doxie - the bill was a fortune. We would like to help too... can't give much - but would like to give something as well. Leo and Hogan - on behalf of their brother, our Angel Nathan

  41. Joey, all I can say is ;o)
    Sometimes you can't even take things one day at a time and you have to slow it down to one hour at a time. No matter how long it takes we are here for you.

  42. We are so glad to hear that your getting stronger.... and we thank you for being here, letting us into your lives, and teaching us just how special Doxies are, Joey you are still in our prayers

    Lex and Bismarch

  43. Yea Joey! Keep fighting! Love you. :)

  44. Oh, good boy, Little Joey! Hang in there! You have the sweetest eyes and they look happy now! Everyone loves you so much, and we are praying for you!

  45. You go Joey! I am totally expecting to see you and your sis with your dad next year at Bucktown so we can have a little doxie buddy party!!

  46. Oh Joey---You keep going little guy! We think it is a great sign that you have to be contained in a playpen for the moment. We continue to send tail wags and hugs, go dog go! Hang in there Carson & MAggie, signed Kate N Allie in Silver Spring!

  47. Hoorray Joey!
    Very good news. I hope you get better and better so you can go home soon!
    Paws still crossed here for you!
    Kisses and hugs

  48. yay, Joey! We're so glad to hear the good news! We'll be thinking of you until you are finally resting comfortably at home with Maggie and Dad.

    Franny + Nina
    The Doxiementary Gang

  49. Go Joey Go! Your eyes look so much better! Soon you will be home - yes!

  50. Joey, you look so much better today! We're sooo happy that your little body is getting the rest that it needs and we are sending you nothing but sunshiney brightness. Go Joey! Dad and Maggie- your TLC is working along with the excellent vet team. xoxo Fern the sausage princess + fam (Montreal, Canada)

  51. You can see it in his face that he is doing so much better, and is going to recover! I think the visit with Maggie cheered him up too. He sure is a very loved little dog. I am confident he will be home sunning in a few days, bragging on his ordeal and his great recovery. He'll probably want to show off his scars and all.

    Kisses from us all!

  52. Oh, God LOVES His little Joey!! And we couldn't be happier, little fellow, with your progress!
    Look how many people around the world are following your story: and praying for you too! We need you to get well, and go home, and play in the yard and snooze in the sun with Maggie. I can't imagine how much she has missed you!!
    God Bless you and heal you!
    I'd sure love a big lick, right on the face, when you get the chance...

  53. Wow, that is certainly a different Joey in the picture!
    He looks terrific, you can tell he has truly turned a corner and hopefully things will be ONLY uphill from now on! Continuing to send Joey love, prayers, positive energy, good vibes, etc. etc.! Would also love to help out with a fund for Joey. Thank you so much for posting the pictures, they really tell the story!
    Linda, Frankie and Maggie

  54. woof; woof; woof!!! joey, you look marvelous. good to see that all the prayers; good vibes; good thoughts have been helping you. schnitzel; winnie; wilbur and i would like to help as well. we did doxie dances all over the house. keep getting better, joey. lots of love and tail wags.

  55. Joey, Joey, Joey baby what a great new hospital room! And you earned it by taking your time and feeling a bit better and jumping around. Keep taking your time, our love is moving toward you in a steady stream to heal that pancreas and your other wounds. We love you! Jeeves and Melinda
