
Monday, November 21, 2011

Celebrity Dachshund Watch: Jerry Seinfeld Joins The Club!

Congratulations to top comedian Jerry Seinfeld and his family for making the right choice and adding a Dachshund puppy to their household!  Mr. Seinfeld spilled the beans about the new addition on last Wednesday's Late Show with David Letterman:

"We got a Dachshund, a mini-Dachshund.  Because the regulars are so big, you know."  He goes on to talk about the dogs name, which is 'Jose,' "You want to know why the dog is named Jose? ... The dog is named Jose because I feel like we may lose Jose Reyes, and we're trying to keep a Jose. Because I'm a Met fan. It's actually my wife's idea, which is why I love my wife -- she comes up with ideas like this. That's a marriage right there, a wife that says, 'Let's name a dog after the Mets' outgoing shortstop.' That keeps the love alive."

The Dachshund talk starts on the video at about 5:20 in.

The Seinfelds in 2009:  Jerry and Jessica with kids Shepherd, Julian and Sascha


  1. Perfect dog for this funny man and his family!! Jose will provide love and laughs and devotion - all the good attributes of a Dachshund.
    Kindly, Jayne and Annie

  2. He was co-host on Live with Kelly! this morning and said he'd bring Jose on the show tomorrow. :)

  3. Jose made an appearance on this morning's Live with Kelly (when Jerry Seinfeld is the cohost this week) What a cutie!
