
Friday, November 18, 2011

Baby, can we pleeease get a puppy!?

You'll have your work cut out for ya!  We should know.  Awesome Piebald Madness Video by vimeoer Jonathan Sontag who claims:  My fiance's parents are helping their friend raise some piebald dachshund pups. So I thought, why not... film em in slow mo. Because puppies are awesome... and I'm trying to convince my fiance to let me get one. Pleeeeease Rachie!!!!!


  1. :45 i boop your nose.

    love every second of it. and UGH the cuteness that is a robe full of wriggly puppies!

  2. Rachie are you crazy. How could you not get one. I want them all. Every bitey, wiggly, lovey one of them. They are fabulous. Beautiful color. I bet that little black and white one makes your heart go pitty pat Joey. What are you and Rowdy up to these days.


  3. Oh my gosh! A whole litter of piebalds, I couldn't let any of them go! I miss having pups around here, time for MWDR to take in another pregnant one so I can foster her!

  4. Awesome video...I want me some more doxie puppies...Baron is such a spoiled only 'child' I'm not sure how it would work...but I loved feasting my eyes on all these CUTIES!

  5. Carson --- speaking as a three dachsie owner to a two dachsie owner -- what's one more??? :) Joey, I think , would love a piebald sibling (smooth, standard of course!). Ike, Otto, and Linus would like it too!


  6. an old saying that it's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission. Get the puppy! We say If the fiance doesn't end up liking the doxie then you know he has to go and live life with lots of doxie luv!! Robin & Macy

  7. Rachie Jonathan does not need ONE of these puppies, he really needs TWO! (Ahem, just sayin'!)

  8. Oh my gosh is there anything cuter than a dachshund pup? They're all ears and tail and sausage bodies. Adorable!
