
Friday, August 20, 2010

What A Difference A Day Made

What a difference a day made
Twenty-four little hours
Brought the sun and the flowers
Where there used to be rain

We've got nothing but good news to report on your 'Long and Short of it All' host 'Joey' and his continued recovery after his complex bilateral adrenalectomy, vena cava tumor removal, and spleenectomy.  His surgical complications have included a pulmonary embolism on Wednesday and identification of post-surgical pancreatitis on Thursday.    
Dad and a friend went to visit him last night, and got tail wags a-plenty.  Tail wags!  He wanted so badly to sit in Dad's lap, that he struggled to jump off his little bed.  The vet tech noticed this and said "It's OK if he wants to sit in your lap."  Really?  Can he?  What about all his tubes?  "He'll be fine," she said.  "Just be careful." 
So he was carefully placed on Dad's lap, and he was so incredibly happy.  He just sighed and rested his little head in the crook of an elbow.  We had placed all the comments and emails for Joey in a Word document and printed them off, and began reading them to him one by one by one.  He listened intently to each one with eyes wide open, eyebrows twitching every time his name was spoken.  His breathing was a little labored at first, but it began to slow down and became much more normal as Dad read on.  It was the most normal breathing we had seen from him since his surgery.  Finally he fell asleep.  We put him back in his little bed, and the vet tech taped all his comments and emails to the glass wall behind him, about a foot above his head.
This morning's visit saw him a little less animated than last night, but we still got tail wags and he got another visit to the lap.  Again, we read him more comments and emails which had been written for him.  He was quite tired today and closed his eyes while we read.  But the best news to report from today is that his breathing has continued to vastly improve, and the high lab values which pointed to his pancreatitis were reduced by 50%.  50%!  He may be able to try food and water again tomorrow night.
We'll continue to take every day and deal with every complication one at a time, but the last 24 hours have been heaven.  The emails and comments have meant so much.  Thank you.

Meanwhile, Maggie's new soapstone counters were finally installed today, and she anxiously awaits the faucet to be hooked up and the return of her brother so they can enjoy their new Dachshund jacuzzi.


  1. What great news to start the weekend with. We will lift a glass tonight to long life and good health for Joey.

  2. Oh Carson! Oh Joey! Oh Maggie! I know you are going through a lot but how true what a difference a day makes! The cable guy is here and thinks I'm nuts to be crying for joy at my computer. But he's never met Joey!
    Love, love, love love you Joey, Joey, Joey baby!

  3. I can't tell you how happy I am to hear things are going better even if there is still a long road to go. Its nice to hold on to and celebrate the small milestones that make life so worthwile. The Long and the Shot of It All was the very first Dachshund blog I stumble
    d upon to and has opened my eyes to soooo very much. Its been a joy to read and learn from. Heres hoping for Joeys continued good news.

    Oh, and tell Maggie the soapstone is exquiste. Another job well done.

    Harley, Daisy, Scott and Heidi

  4. Hi Joey,

    We have been checking here all day for an update. This is great news. You are the best Joey (and Maggie too).

    Schatzi, her cat Lulu and her Mom


    Keep fighting! We're so happy for you and pulling for an even better update tomorrow! :)

    --Oscar, Hans, and Holly

  6. How we needed to come home to this wonderful news! Be sure to tell Joey that Poncho says hello. He's in my lap as I type and wants Joey to know he knows how tiring it can be to go through a major procedure. But Ponch is as good as new and it sounds to us like Joey's on his way too.

    Best wishes!

    Paul n Poncho

  7. Great news! We have been watching the blog all day to hear what is happening. Hang in there and keep on loving little Joey!

  8. Yay for great news! Thanks for the update!

  9. Wonderful News! Prayers continue to be answered. But, no let up on those prayers for Joey and Joey's Dad. Lord, please keep watch over Joey and Joey's Dad this weekend. Keep healing Joey! Will be watching for updates this weekend!

  10. Joey! We are very happy to hear your good news and my humans and I continue to cross our paws and say our prayers for you! We are very excited to soon read Maggie's and your post on how nice your jacuzzi is. Hang in there, Joey!

  11. Yes, Joey, the good energy and love that Jeeves and I have been sending you is still being directed your way! We are grateful that you are feeling better but are still in major support, love, healing energy, prayer mode for you, Maggie and Carson. Love that Joey Joey Joey (like the sound of your name, Joey?)

    By the time the cable man left (see above) he was in awe of Joey's circle of family and friends:-)
    Melinda and Jeeves

  12. What wonderful news Joey and family! If any little doxie is deserving of a warm lap snuggle, this week it is you sweet Joey! We will continue to pray for you.

    Wishing you tons more tail wags and lap snuggles,

    Faith, Tigger and Petie (and their mother)

  13. Hang in there, Joey, we are thinking of you here in Alaska-sending so much love and good wishes your way! Rebel, Meghan and Bruce

  14. Joey, old Barney dog and I check your updates daily. I wrote a message last night but then I made an oops and lost it all. Anyway, we are glad to know you were able to enjoy the comfort of sitting on dad's lap! You are a lucky dog with a loving family. Today I saw a parade float of a giant weiner dog parked at the local community college. Of course, I had to stop and take a picture of it. Hang in there Joey! We love you! Kisses and Hugs to you and your family.
    Karen and Barney

  15. With as many medical maladies that both my two dachshunds and I have undergone, I can almost predict that Joey's recuperation process will seem like one step forward and two steps back at times, but giving him the chance to enjoy more years with you makes this rough ride of emotions worth it. Your willingness to hope has given Joey a chance to thrive. What a gift of love you have given your "son"!

  16. Hearing the good news about Joey's progress makes my heart sing! May his condition continue to improve.
    Trinket and I are still holding you all in our hearts.

  17. I forgot to mention in the above post that my "son" had developed his second cancerous mast cell tumor, and while some people encouraged me to just let him live out his natural life, I opted for surgery. He is thriving now, but I know that MCTs recur. As long as my boy seems to have a willingness to live, I will fight for his right to do so. You did the right thing. Joey's tail wags and easier breathing in your presence is a testimony to his willingness to live. Way to go, Carson and Joey!

  18. YES! I am SO glad that Joey is doing better!! Keep us updated, I can't wait until he's all ready to come home! I bet Maggie will be so happy, and I know you will be Dad!

    All I can say is YAY! We are so happy for the good news, we have been following Joey's progress constantly.

    Best wishes!

  19. Joey, we are so happy that you are doing a bit better today!!! We will continue to send many prayers for you and your family, we hope that every day you just keep getting better and better, and that you can come home very soon ^-^ God bless! *hugs*

    Debi & Ringo

  20. What wonderful news!!!! lovie an i are so
    Happy for you!!! Get well really soon joey!!!!

  21. Yay! Good news! We are so happy for Joey. :) We know that Maggie is eagerly awaiting her jacuzzi experience as well! We are all ears for the next update! Love, Piper and Gracie

  22. Wonderful wonderful news! Keep getting better sweet Joey. Your fans hope you will be home and blogging about the new kitchen soon!

    -- Rosie, Felix, Maisy and Mom.

  23. Now, this is awesome news to wake up to! Great to hear about his improvement and I am so, so glad Joey was able to get his first post-op cuddles with Dad, sounds like it was incredibly therapeutic! And I'm glad he has a medical team that understand the importance of keeping all his adoring fan mail near the bed! : )

    Keep on rockin', Mr. Joey! You are so tough and strong, and such a good, good, good boy! And you have "jacuzzi hydrotherapy" waiting for you at your gorgeous in-home spa to continue helping you with your recovery! Kisses and snuggles to you, Joey-dawg!

    Becky and Michael

  24. So glad to hear the encouraging news! Keep up the progress, Joey and you'll be home soon. Kirby & Wally send you their best licks, as well as high fives from fosters Joey and Fritz. Will continue praying for healing for you and peace and strength for Maggie and your worried Dads.

  25. Woo-hoo, Joey! Go, go, go! Get better quickly so you can get home to your beautiful new kitchen, your dachshund jacuzzi, and Maggie!
    Lots of love,
    (black and tan dappled smooth mini girl)

  26. outstanding to hear that joey is doing better. like others have said we check through the day to see if there's been any updates. schnitzel; winnie; wilbur and i will continue to send good thoughts joey's way. lots of love.

  27. Down here in Arizona, Holly the Wiener Dog sends happy tail wags to Joey.

  28. yay Joey!!!~ ;p

    can't wait to see photos of both Joey n Maggie tryin out the Dachshund jacuzzi! hopefully it will be really soon...

    get well soon, Joey!

    Best wishes from Jolyn & Jed. :)

  29. Great news to start off the weekend!

  30. Go Joey Go!!! You're an outstanding little guy and we're sending you OODLES of Love!! Joey's Dad- Thank you so much for sharing your family with us. We're pulling for you in Montreal and praying for only sunshine. Maggie- we're sending you tonnes of scratches in your favorite places. Amour + amitiés, Fern the sausage princess, Carmon, James, Rex the cat (Montreal, Québec, Canada)

  31. A great, great day. Tail wags make all the difference! We're all wagging here for Joey, Maggie, and their amazing dad. Love you all.
    Christa, Zep, Bruno & Olga

  32. Cynthia (Geneva's mom)August 21, 2010 at 9:11 AM

    You've made our day. What wonderful news!

  33. All we can say is, four paws up!

  34. Hi Joey,

    Rhett Butler here in NJ sending lots of healing thoughts your way. Keep getting better so you can have lots of treats!!

  35. Great news, Pepsi, Max and I are thinking of you, get well soon

  36. I'm so glad he is on the mend. Those tail wags are so encouraging when your pup is sickly. I hope there will be many, many more tail waggin' days.

  37. John and Ozzie are overjoyed at Joey's improvement in his
    condition. We can but imagine in our wildest dreams how
    much those lap times and message readings have done to lift
    Joey's and all of your spirits. Staying positive, hopeful, and
    prayerful is such a positive force for all concerned.
    John and Ozzie send their best and keep Joey, Carson,
    and Maggie in a very special place in our prayers and healing

  38. Just take "one day at a time' or even "one hour at a time" - and don't forget to - Let go, and let God. Will continue to keep Joey and you all in my prayers. Love and prayers can do wonders and that is my fondest wish. Love to little Joey. Jayne D. and Annie Belle

  39. !!!!!!!!!!

    WAGGY TAIL!!!!!!!


    Honey, Chili and Teddy are much relieved to read this good update on their Pal Joey.

    The 3 Mutts (H, C &T Kearley)

  40. Fantastic news!!! We pray he will improve like that every day to come. Well done Joey!!
