
Saturday, August 21, 2010

This Thing Itches My Schnoz

Joey, Saturday morning, August 21, 2010

Nothing but more good news for your 'Long and Short of it All host!  Joey continues to mend after his surgery and post-op complications.  We went to visit him last night, and he was again fairly animated.  He was so overjoyed to get the lap again, which has been the center of the last few visits, along with reading him all his most recent comments and emails.  He just loves it.  His wonderful vet techs note that he spends most of his time in a deep sleep unless he has visitors.
He slept very well last night, so much so, that he appears to be in less pain, so they cut his fentanyl drip in half.  This morning they attached a fentanyl patch to his back, and will soon wean him off the drip completely.  They are also going to start weaning him off his oxygen, as his breathing is becoming fairly normal.  This couldn't come too soon for Joey because the tube in his nose and the stitches which attach the tube to his cheek are pretty darn itchy.  They are still restricting his activity though, so he hasn't got to sit out in the sun since Wednesday.  His vitals are all fairly normal. 
He also got to drink some water this afternoon - the first time in 48 hours.  We don't know today's status of his amylase/lipase values (which point towards his pancreatitis), but they must be pretty low if he was allowed to drink some water.  He may be offered some food today as well. 
Joey gets three visits from folks today - Dad came this morning, a friend came this afternoon, and Dad and a friend will be heading out soon for the evening visit.  He couldn't be happier - well, he'd be happier to be home, but hopefully that goal is coming soon. 

"No, really, my nose is super itchy."

Saturday afternoon snuggles with a friend


  1. Way to go Joey! Still rooting for you! I knew you had it in you little man! Keep that long snout up and you'll be home in no time.

    -S. Kate (Samson's,RIP, Mom)

  2. So happy to hear the news!! Been checking in every few hours for an update. Yeehaw!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad Joey is feeling better and on the mend!!!

  3. Way to go Joey. You'll be home in no time hanging out with Maggie and using your new jacuzzi!

    Schatzi and family

  4. Hooray, Joey! We are so glad to hear you are healing up. My humans and I continue to wish you a speedy recovery.

  5. Good job Joey. Wish we could be there to hug you and scratch your nose.
    Stay strong.
    Love Ruby & Penny

  6. Wow, this is so great! So glad to see Joey sitting up! Those sweet Dachshund eyes. The picture of your friend holding you brought joyful welling of tears to my eyes. It is so wonderful to see all of our prayers being answered for Joey to keep getting better. More prayers for Joey to continue to heal and for Joey's Dad Carson. Keep getting better Joey!

  7. We here in SC are happy to read the continued good news, sweet Joey! May your nose be scratched soon. May you be back home with Maggie soon and enjoy naps in the sunshine.

    Best wishes and tons of tail wags,
    Faith, Tigger, and Petie (and their mother)

  8. This good news just makes my day, Joey! Schnozzle cannulas are no fun, are they? Hopefully, it won't be long before it comes out. I'm so glad that you got to snuggle with your Dad. Trinket and I are still sending healing thoughts your way.

  9. I am very happy to know Joey is doing well.
    I have my paws crossed for him hoping he can go home soon!
    Take care
    Kisses and hugs

  10. Hooray for Joey! We're all rooting hard for your speedy recovery so you can get rid of those itchy stitches and that oxygen tube! Go, Joey!

  11. We are very glad to hear that Joey is doing so well, keep getting stronger,

    Lex and Bismarch

  12. We are so relieved and happy to hear that Joey is doing so well! He has the most expressive eyes! Such a handsome guy he is, and soon this will all be behind him and he will be back home with Maggie and Dad. You certainly made the right decision Carson to proceed with the surgery and if anyone is deserving of a wonderful outcome it is you and the main man Joey!
    Continuing to send love and prayers! Linda, Frankie and Maggie

  13. Woo Hoo! So glad to hear the good news...we will continue to send "get well" wishes your way, Joey. We have been checking in for updates a few times each day and we can't wait to read that you are on your way home to Miss Maggie! Love, Millie and Bess (wieners in Hoboken)

  14. This is just the BEST news!! You keep right on getting better Joey -- we're right here rooting for your full recovery. Human laps are the best, aren't they? You look so comfortable on your friend's lap. Soon you'll be home and able to get all kinds of lap time!

    Nelly, Minnie, Kirby, Henry and Mom Lyn

  15. Love the pix, especially the cuddling.

    How is Miss Maggie doing? She must be worried sick about him? Have they ever been a part before?

    Kisses for them both

  16. You're on way, Joey. Hang in there, little friend! Soon you'll be back at home to all the familiar smells and fun and sleeping in the warm sun as much as you wish.

  17. Those eyes! Made me tear up! We are very glad to hear more good news! Joey, keep up the good mending! The nose thing will be done with soon! Love, Piper and Gracie

  18. Oh, Joey, you are looking great! Those puppy eyes are too, too much! : )

    SO glad to hear he is continuing to make great progress in his recovery. I'm sure all the visits and cuddles are just what the doctor ordered. I wish I could give him a big kiss and (gentle) squeeze myself. But Michael-Dawg and I will content ourselves merely to continue following his improvement from afar, while sending you, Joey, and Miss Maggie all our love and best wishes. We can't wait to read the entry where you report Joey is back home again!

    Becky (and Michzel)

  19. OH-EY JOEY! This is so great! Keep taking it one day at a time and you will be home in no time!

    We are always thinking of you and we keep our paws crossed for even better news tomorrow.

    --Oscar and Hans and Holly

  20. oh yay! I am so glad that Little Joey- man doing better every day! Keep fighting little man! Pretty soon you'll be home with dad and Maggie!

  21. Yipppee! Thanks for keeping us all updated, it's wonderful for you, Joey and Maggie.

  22. Dear Joey

    We are very happy for the good news and will not stop praying for your full recovery.

    Love from Singapore
    Odie & family

  23. Joey you are such a strong, big-hearted piebald! Jeeves is so excited to hear about your progress and we are still sending that good healing energy to you. Jeeves is sending a little extra energy to your schnoz to keep it from itching so much--I hope they can take that out soon!
    Keep taking the gift of time to heal--all of you, Maggie, Carson and our Joey Joey Joey, baby.
    Lots of love and hugs, Melinda and Jeeves

  24. Joey, do hold that itch! haha! ;p

    really glad to hear that u r tons better now.

    From: Jolyn & Jed :)

  25. We're all pulling for ya, Joey!

    Keep up the good work!

    HTC Gang (Honey, Teddy, Chili)

  26. Your little dachsie eyes look tired sweetie. Hang in there you're on your way to feeling better. Zimmie, your Georgia cousin, and the rest of the gang are rooting for you!

    Zimmie, Chamois, Chico, Glory and their mom

  27. Doxies are tough little guys... so glad to hear that Joey is doing better with each day.. and looking for the day that you post he is home!

  28. Hi Joey,

    Lookin good! Glad to see you up. Hope that tube in your nose comes out soon - doesn't look like you can eat treats with that! Keep getting better!

    Your mini-doxie friend,
    Rhett Butler

  29. Joey, you are looking so alert. Soon you will be able to enjoy the sunshine and be back home. Get plenty of rest and don't over exert yourself. Sleep is a good thing, so take advantage of all those snuggles and empty laps. Kisses and Hugs, Karen and Barney dog.

  30. Hooray for you, Joey! So glad to see you sitting up so perky and to hear that you're on the mend, able to wag your tail and snuggle with loved ones. Sleep tight and get lots of healing rest. We are sending our love and healing prayers to you, Dad, and Maggie!

  31. Yay Joey, sounds like nothing but good news regarding your recovery, we are all happy to hear it! Can't wait to see pictures of you back home. :)

  32. Yippee Joey!!! Stay strong little man! We've got all paws crossed over here on Sheridan Avenue, and that's a whole lot of paws, that you'll be up and running around real soon! Jack, Jetson, Jordan, Lincoln, and Lego are sending best wishes your way!

  33. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus!! What a relief to see Joey sitting up and looking so good!! Our prayers continue for his quick, comfortable recovery, and peace of mind to all his family. With love, Jayne D. and Annie Belle

  34. Yay Joey! You just keep on getting better little bobo. We couldn't he happier that Joey's on the mend.

    -- Rosie, Felix, Maisy and Mom.

  35. Am praying for you Joey and know you are gonna come through this and be a new man!!! You are sooooo cute and your Daddy needs you, Sending lots of love your way. Laurie & Buddy Flori

  36. Oh Joey, those are the saddest eyes ever! Keep on Mending!!
    - the Nomistakin' Dachshunds

  37. Joey!
    We've been praying for you to pull through. All two-legged (Mom, Dad, little boy Marco) and four-legged (dachshunds Dex and Red- we are 8 years old and brother-sister littermates as well) critters in the household are behind your 100%. Hope you get to go home soon!
    Love, Jonathan, Paula, Marco, Dex and Red

  38. Oh, Joey! It is wonderful to see you sitting up and looking so alert! And your snuggle picture is just too sweet. You've got a one in a million Dad and your doctor's office sounds like they are pretty special too (just like you deserve). Hang in there little dude and get some rest and you'll be home before you know it!

  39. keep it up Joey!!! kisses from Lea...:*

  40. Get well wishes from Sydney, Australia.

    Glad to hear you're perking up. You'll be a crazy dachshund again in no time.

    Love and kisses from
    Lilli xx

  41. Yay Joey! We are so glad to hear that Joey is getting better each day, what a trooper! Your kitchen looks amazing by the way!

    Looking forward to the next update,
    Jessica, Arthur and Bauer

  42. Woof, Woof, Joey, we are barking with joy, (and of course we are all so so proud of you) we knew you would fight, you are a dachshund after all and we dachshunds are strong!! Keep resting its making you stronger each day and we are crossing our paws you will be home soon with Dad and Maggie. From your 4 fur friends in Quebec Canada XXXOOO

  43. Oh my, THOSE EYES!!! So glad to read that Joey is hanging in there and improving! Keep it up, Joey!

  44. yay great job joey!

  45. big boyfriend has been keeping me informed of Joey's progress. I'm so glad he's doing better!! :)
