
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Vintage Dachshund Tether

Whether it's Dachshund, Dachshund mix, or any dog, we weep for the canines who are forced to the tether - yesterday, today, and tomorrow. 

Find out about what's being done to free dogs from chains at Dogs Deserve Better.

Vintage photo source unknown.


  1. Oh My Dog!!! I just watched the video made by Dogs Deserve Better about a chained dogs life and their whole world (10 feet). It is a real eye opener and you can't not cry for these lonely and abused amimals. I can hardly wait to get home today to hug my 3 dachies and my siamese cat to me. I think they will get an extra treat to, because, just because I love them and they deserve an extra for being there for me with their unconditional love.

  2. how old is that pic?
