
Thursday, April 22, 2010

City of Bozeman, Montana Cites Pet Supply Store for Dachshund Photo

If you're like us, you get excited when you see Dachshunds anywhere - from a logo on a shirt to a mural in an underpass to a photo on a pet supply store.  And what's so wrong with that?  Apparently this photo is just too big for the city of Bozeman, Montana, population 28,000, where the city has cited Dee-O-Gee (spells dog) Pet Store last week for two roughly 6-by-7-foot photos — one of a border collie and one of a pair of Dachshunds.  Excerpt from the Great Falls Tribune:

Josh and Holly Allen, who own Dee-O-Gee, question whether the photos are subject to the city’s sign code because they’re more like a mural than a sign.
Commercial buildings in Bozeman are allowed a total amount of signage, depending on the building’s size and location and Dee-O-Gee is allowed 22.5 square feet of signage. Each photo is about 42 square feet.
Violating the city’s sign law could lead to a $500 fine or six months in jail. The Allens were told to remove the photos by Thursday.

Keep up with Dee-O-Gee's struggle on their facebook page.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear! Photo use is so fraught with issues. I hope they come out of the struggle with the best possible outcome.
