
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Wiener Dog Blamed For Wreck

Us dogs get blamed for everything.  What's that smell?  THE DOG DID IT.  In this case, a handsome black and tan smooth Dachshund named 'Gio' is being blamed for wrecking the car of his 91-year-old human in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  It seems that Gio was so excited to go to the dog park that he jumped on the accelorator to get there a little faster.  There was no stopping the car, which ended up in a creek.  Gio's dad is a great lover of dogs though - thankfully no one was hurt.  Read more at KRDO.

Get your Hold-A-Dox Harness at Dachshund Delights. Available in many colors in mesh (as shown), or pick your own fabric. We love ours; it's also a great walking harness.


  1. My doxie loves her raised car seat. It buckles in to the car seat, and there is a harness attachment to keep them safe. She can see out of all the windows, and can move around enough to stay comfortable. She jumps in it if we bring it inside.

  2. Thanks for the plug, Carson! Either the Hold-A-Dog or Hug-A-Dog Harness can be used with car seats...anything with a clip that will attach to the harness D-ring.
