
Monday, January 14, 2013


A Poem For Harry - March 22, 1998 - October 16, 2012
by An Anonymous Dachshundist
When I first met you on the third of July
I was amazed that, though little, you stared into my eyes

All through your life, every picture I took
Your eyes were on me with that same special look!

I was never alone with you by my side
Whether happy or busy or just when I cried

You found a best friend in Miss Murphy Brown
And I know that you missed her when no longer around

When we went to grandma’s to mow and to chop
You followed me faithfully til it was time to stop

You made us all laugh with a rug on your head
And when you stole stuff you ran under the bed!

When I went to the hospital and came home to rest
You stayed by my side and snuggled…you were the best!

When we went to Auburn to fix up your spine
You were so brave…not a whimper or whine!

You swam in the tub and flexed out your paw
Of your will to recover, I was amazed and in awe!

With all the hard work we at last had success
You walked and you ran about four years, I guess

But again your back failed and you couldn’t stand up
Just one more challenge for my brave little pup!

We got you a wheelchair made specially for you
With your unstoppable spunk, you mastered this too!

For three more years we traveled together
We went out for our walks no matter the weather

I became your legs when you couldn’t walk
But you were and ALWAYS will be MY HEART!

Thanks so much to a special reader for sending in these beautiful words.  


  1. Touching! The love our animals bring in our lives is unfathomable to someone who's never owned a dog! (my 1st dog, I rescued 1 year ago: 3 yr old long hair standard Tonka!) glad you have such wonderful memories! Ty for sharing!!

  2. Such a sweet and loving tribute! Thanks for sharing, and for warming my heart.

    Melinda in McLean

  3. That is so sweet. It made me tear up and remember our little boy who passed away last year. They may leave this world, but they can never leave our hearts.

  4. So loving. I know the gnaw and hole grief creates.
    Sending good thoughts your way.
