
Friday, September 14, 2012

Obie The Overweight Dachshund On The Today Show

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We're sure you remember reading about Obie when we posted about him a few weeks ago, but the big guy is making it big with an appearance on The Today Show this week!  Thanks to our pals 'Oscar' and 'Hans' for sending in the video.  They write:

HEY Joey and Rowdy!

We were all excited and told our humans to set the DVR to tape OBIE the obese Dachshund, who was to appear on the Today show this morning! Unfortunately, his segment was bumped for a special statement by the President. We were VERY bummed, until we went to the Today Show website and found the video!  If WE ran the Today show, we would have just led off the show with this VIP!

We are really pulling for Obie. Oscar has struggled with his weight, too, (what doxie hasn't?)  although it's nothing like Obie's issues. Go Obie Go!

Stay long and awesome,
Oscar and Hans

Keep up with Obie on his facebook page.


  1. My mom's dachshund was also a little heavy when we got him, so I feel really bad for Obie. Cute pup, by the way!

    Christie from

  2. Oscar has struggled with his weight, too, (what doxie hasn't?) although it's nothing like Obie's issues. Go Obie.

    Thank you.............

    Gantry Crane
