
Monday, January 9, 2012

Uh Oh

Maybe it was raining outside?

Viral photo, source unknown - but that looks like 'Snoopy' from flickr - may he rest in peace. 


  1. Jayne D. and AnnieBelleJanuary 9, 2012 at 10:04 AM

    That was probably the case - why do doxies so hate to get wet?! Whoever he is, he has a wonderful, sweet, droopy-eyed doxie face!
    Kindly, Jayne and Annie

  2. Whoever he is, love his smile and the "look". Yep, talk about poopies LOL Try getting 4 dachshunds outside in -20 last week here in Quebec even with winter coats on. Mission impossible, they turned around and ran into the kitchen as soon as I opened the door. Thank goodness there just little poopies and had better luck getting them out in afernoon when it warmed up to -14and yard is sheltered from wind and there was some sunshine. Winters are long when its cold outside!!!

  3. I've seen that look from my own little man. Dachsies are the best (even when someone who shall not be named poops in the house)!

  4. Yes, I would agree that that is Snoopi. I saw it on FB today.

    Our doxies are rain-intolerant big time. Must be a uniform trait of doxies! Liz K

  5. Oh, those eyes!
    We keep potty paper in the bathroom, so we have solved that problem!
