
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dachshund Watering Can: Shazam..It​'s a Girl!!!

Thanks so much to our good pals 'Turbo' and 'Lily' for writing in with a fantastic Dachshund holiday gift suggestion!   They write:

Dear Joey & Rowdy,

It's that time of year again! If you're like us, every year we search high and low to find something extra special to get our humans for Christmas. Usually mom helps us out since we got into all that trouble with the PayPal people. (We didn't know the Namibian Meerkat is an endangered species. It's amazing the things you can buy on the internet!)

This year we're playing it safe. For only $49.95 we're splurging on a dachshund watering can from Wireless!  The fact that it's a 'girl dog' watering can makes it just that much more wink-a-dink special. There sure are a lot of dachshund gifts out there these days. It's about time we came into our own.

After all....nothing's cuter than us weenie dogs!

Now I wonder what mom & dad's getting US this year??????????????

Turbo & Lily

1 comment:

  1. Linda and the crittersNovember 29, 2011 at 4:54 PM

    lol - you don't see the girl doxies too much! Love it.
