
Monday, October 3, 2011

Oscar, The Blessed Dachshund

Bless ME!  Bless ME!

Dozens of dogs and even a few cats came out yesterday to the parking lot of Seton Catholic Central High School in Binghamton, New York, for a pet blessing in honor of the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi.   Included in the pack was 8-week-old 'Oscar,' pictured above.  Excerpt from Press Connects:

The few dozen pet owners in attendance nodded in agreement when Father Amrhein talked about the importance of companionship and how much joy dogs and cats can bring into the lives of people. While there are medications people can take for most ailments, he said, there are things drugs cannot treat, but animals can.
"There's no real prescription for loneliness," Amrhein said.
Joe Becker of Johnson City knew just what the priest meant; his wife died in February. Becker brought his new friend, Oscar, to the blessing. An 8-week-old dachshund, Oscar has brought much happiness and plenty of energy into his house, Becker said. The impulse to bring Oscar into his family was just too great.
"I couldn't resist it," he said.


  1. Hooray for baby doxies and the joy they bring to sad people!

  2. TOTALLY!!! such a joy. love stories how doggies make a difference - cause they really DO!

    woof, woof to that.

  3. Saw news reports on the animal blessings while in Manhattan this past weekend. Quite a variety of animals brought to blessed - what a wonderful event!
