
Monday, June 6, 2011

A Note From Joey and Maggie: THE CONE OF SHAME

"Someone, anyone, help me.  I do not like the cone of shame." ~ your Long and Short of it All hostess 'Maggie.'

We'll be back to our regularly scheduled programming tomorrow, but for today - let's just say that Maggie is too far beside herself to consider updating the blog.  She had a follow-up visit with the vet on Saturday, and it turns out that her incision where her anal tumor was removed has become infected.  She won't leave it alone, so they put on an Elizabethan collar, or as it's better known:  THE CONE OF SHAME.  Turns out another side-effect of Cushing's disease is slow wound healing, and we're sure that the location of the incision isn't helping either.  She has started back up on all her meds post-surgery:  pain meds, oral antibiotics, and also added is an antibiotic lotion which is applied every 12 hours.  Hopefully it will be better in time for the next vet appointment this Saturday. 
All weekend long Maggie has been bumping into things with the collar and getting herself pretty upset.  She can't fit between places that she normally can - i.e., squeezing between the chair and table leg.  She did finally figure out how to drink water with it on.  She even bumped into her brother 'Joey,' who jumped in the air as though a book landed on his head or something.  Thanks for your great support, big brother.
"I'll never forget this as long as I live.  I hold my dad personally responsible.  As sure as the sun rises in the morning, revenge will be mine."



  1. To quote from Blazing Saddles: "Have you ever seen such cruelty?" Hang in there, Maggie.

  2. I know how I'd feel, Maggie, and yes, revenge is the word!

  3. Jayne D. and AnnieBelleJune 6, 2011 at 9:32 AM

    Maggie, hang in there, sweet girl - it won't be long!! It is a necessary evil in order for you to heal. We are hoping for a very speedy recovery - Carson, please let us know her progress. A funny pic in my mind of Joey jumping up into the air when Maggie bumped into him!! Yikes!! Take care, and remember we are sending good wishes and healing thoughts and prayers. Love, Jayne and Annie

  4. Oh - poor Maggie! This too shall pass - but in the mean-time I think that cone should be good for some sympathy treats. And lots of them!! Perhaps you will feel good enough to share with Joey, but we will understand if you don't want to. Just take it easy and let everyone wait on you hand and foot!!

  5. Aww poor baby! I've been joking since I just got out of surgery myself for my gallbladder and I have these self-melting stitches that are itchy that I need to wear a Cone of Shame myself! ;-)

  6. I dunno Maggie, I think that it highlights your beautiful face. Besides, goosing your brother has a high side to it also. Can't imagine what you have planned for your dad, but I'm sure it will be terrific!

  7. Poor Maggie. I understand. We hate the cone of shame as well. We're glad you figured out how to drink .. our problem is that we can see the food through the cone but the cone prevents us from picking up drops on the floor. You have to learn the back up, put cone on floor, and scooot towards the food .. like a shovel! We love you!
    Piper and Gracie (thanks to mom for typing)

  8. The only thing worse than having to wear the lampshade is having you're picture taken wearing one. Keep a stiff upper lip girl, better days are coming!

  9. Awwwww...sweet Maggie...Dad and the Vet have to get you all better. I know it's difficult to understand...and you're doing your best. Baron sends you a happy hello...woof, woof, woof!

  10. Oh, Miss Maggie Moo, you have The L@@K down perfectly. It should be good for fistfuls of treats every day until you're paroled!!

    Auntie Keren

    P.S. Once Guinness had on the Cone of Shame and he tried going upstairs. He caught it on the third step and went ass over teakettle back to the bottom. It was quite funny to see.

    "Oh, yeah, well, this is ONE wiener that's STILL not laughing 'bout it!" Guinness

  11. POOOR BABY!!!!!

    We feel your pain!!!

    Get well soon!


  12. Courage Maggie, be a strong girl!

  13. aww, maggie u poor thing! but nobody looks cuter in one than you!! :)

  14. you look great Maggie coolar or no Collar- One beautiful dog. All the best in your healing. See you at the Luau.
    John & Ozzie
