
Friday, May 27, 2011

Hot Fun in the Summertime with Turbo and Lily

As summertime draws near (yes it is coming!), we paws to reflect on that day when the humans toil to get the swimming pool ready for the season.  Thanks to our lucky pals, handsome 'Turbo,' and beautiful 'Lily,' who hail from suburban Chicago, Illinois, for telling their side of the story:

Dearest Maggie & Joey....

The short 90-day window we like to call 'summer' brings some very peculiar rituals to the humans in our household. For instance; they repeatedly burn perfectly good meat in a shiny silver box in the backyard till it resembles charcoal briquettes. Then they water the grass on purpose so it grows and they have to cut it more often. None of this makes any sense to us.
But the biggest ritual has to be opening the giant bathtub which takes up 90% of OUR backyard. When the cover goes away, we no longer get to bound across it after real (or imagined) intruders on the other side of the fence. And we lose the luxury of drinking the tepid, thick, brown water which accumulates in the low spots when it rains. But we both have different perspectives on this day of mystery....

Turboism:   Every team needs a leader and that's where I come in! What can I say, I've got a bad back and a bum hip. Have had since '04. I tried to get disability and the lady at SSI told me I was barking up the wrong tree.  

So Turbo will sit here on my perch, high above the hard hat area, and watch the humans toil. I don't aspire to be an agility dog or wiener race champion. I'm just Turbo from the hood...and life is good.

Lily the Lunatic Laborer: Get me some backup, before I blow a gasket... My ball keeps getting stuck in the skimmer basket!
And as soon as the humans get it out of the basket, a force greater than myself, compels me to put it RIGHT BACK IN!
In between these steps I have to bark at it of course. (Dr. Drew, where are you when I need you?)  How can the humans even THINK about opening the pool when there's a ball crises in our own backyard? Seems I'm always the one 'sticking my neck out' around here. Once we fill this tub up I'll send you a video of my own maniacal version of "Marco Polo". (Here's a hint: it involves a ball!)

Till then............may the pupsicle always fall your way,
From Turbo & Lily............wishing you lazy, summer dog-days!


  1. Cynthia (Geneva's Mom)May 27, 2011 at 8:28 AM

    A great kick-off to summer.
    Funny, and of course, cute!

  2. Very, very amusing. Thanks for the great pics and deranged description of human summer activities. :-)

  3. Linda and the crittersMay 27, 2011 at 5:57 PM

    Adorable! These two are too cute.
