
Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

The Dachshund's affectionate
He wants to wed with you:
Lie down to sleep,
And he's in bed with you.
Sit in a chair,
He's there.
You break his heart.
~Dachshundist E.B. White

Thanks so much to Kay Taylor for sending in such great shots of her boys - those Sheridan Avenue Boys!  Your 'Long and Short of it All' hostess 'Maggie' usually refers to them as Handsome, Handsome, Handsome, Handsome, and Handsome, but today it's Sexy, Sexy, Sexy, Sexy, and Sexy.  All you need is love.


  1. Jayne D. and AnnieBelleFebruary 14, 2011 at 10:35 AM

    Very handsome X 5!! Very delightful!! Happy Valentine's Day to one and all!! Warm and loving wishes, Jayne and Annie

  2. Handsome and sexy Maggie! Love the photos and the poem!

  3. Those Sheridan Ave boys are so handsome! Great picture!!!
