
Monday, January 3, 2011

Wisconsin Wiener Dog Wedged For 2.5 Winter Days


Our noses sure can get us into some trouble, right?  Meet pretty black and tan longhair 'Emma,' and her happy human Tom Skubal, who hail near Kewaunee, Wisconsin.  Emma's ordeal began on Wednesday night when she darted after some vermin  near Father Marquette Memorial Park on Lake Michigan.  She ended up trapped under a 20-foot wide man made embankment of compacted rock and gravel.  Excerpt from the Green Bay Press Gazette:

Wet and peppered with gravel soot, the dog rose among cheers and smiles late Friday morning as volunteer rescuer Dave Rohr lateraled the two-year-old pooch to owner Tom Skubal, who was kneeling behind him in a small cave-like entrance five to six feet below ground level on the side of a lakefront embankment.
What might have been a simple rescue of coaxing Emma from beneath the underground rock gaps turned into a community rescue party involving a backhoe, Rollie’s Rotor Rooter, chisels, underground camera cables, a jackhammer and plenty of persuasive dog treats.

We're glad that Emma is safe and sound.  Read all about her predicament and see a slew of amazing photos at the Green Bay Press Gazette.

1 comment:

  1. So glad Emma had a happy ending to her ordeal thanks to a Great rescue team. Emma, try not to be too nosey in future, lol we know how hard that is to do when there are critters to chase. Keep safe. Woof, Woof
