
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Molly's Last Day

Via the Las Cruces Sun-News out of New Mexico:  Molly, a 12-year-old longhaired dachshund, plays in the leaves Tuesday at Young Park with Ginger Barkley for the dog's last hour before being euthanized. Molly's back had been getting progressively worse, causing the dog to become partially paralyzed, Barkley said. So, Barkley threw Molly a party the night before and Tuesday "went through the car wash because she loves to bark at the soapsuds and then we shared a Little Caesar's pizza."

We're woofless.


  1. I know a couple of really good dachshunds waiting to play with Molly. Tell her to be on the lookout for Sparky and Duke.

  2. This is awfully upsetting. Being partially paralyzed is NOT a reason to euthanize a dachsie. My Rupert Pupkin was partially paralyzed for the last 2 years of his wonderful life, and I never once considered putting him down.

  3. Let's see - partially paralyzed but alive, or dead. Thanks, I'll take partially paralyzed.

    Did this owner just not know about wheeler-doxies or the quality of life a doxie can have, even with paralysis? I"m going to give Molly's owner the benefit of the doubt . . .

  4. All we can do is give her the benefit of the doubt and send warm thoughts to the family. Who knows what other challenges this 12-year-old gal was facing.

  5. oh dear...I should have known better than to look, but I guess they've seen me cry at work before... I too will give the family the benefit of the doubt - for I am sure they could not take such a decision lightly.

  6. Thanks Joey and Maggie for thinking about maybe Molly has other challanges that people may not know. My little Happy was not quite 5 yrs old when his back went down. He had choronic bladder & kidney problems and was at the vets (he had 2, our normal vet and a homeopathic vet) every month for testing. With constant medication we managed to control the illnesses but could never cure him, there was blood in urine till the end. I sprung him from a puppy mill cage,he was a medical mess at 16 months old. Due to his fragile health and because he would be prone to MORE bladder infections and MORE back pain due to his kidneys my vet asked me not to put him or myself through the operation as there was no guarantee he would walk and expressing an already sick bladder would cause more pain for him. I let my baby go the Bridge 3 yrs ago in Nov. I have since adopted 4 more rescued dachies, Sass, Shilo, LollyPop and Maggie. Thanks for listening to my story about my little treenie from a puppy mill in Quebec Canada, he is gone but never forgotten.
