
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Doxies Need Your Vote

Heidi says voting is easy!

While we don't normally post voting requests - we get quite a few - this contest has proceeds which could go to Dachshund rescue, and it's not pitting one Dachshund group against another.  Besides, 'Heidi,' seen above, is just too darn cute to turn down, so let's vote away and bring home some cash for Diamond Dachshund Rescue of Texas.   Thanks to Carolyn Heineken for writing:

Dear Joey and Maggie,

You once featured a story about Rainbow when she was found in the bathtub paralyzed the day she was rescued from the puppy mill. Rainbow has made a full recovery and is now helping to return the love and goodness Diamond Dachshund Rescue of Texas showed her by competing with her furever dad Sean in the Petfinder World's Best Pet Parent Contest. If they win, Petfinder will make a $10,000 donation to Diamond Dachshund Rescue so they can continue rescuing and rehabilitating doxies in need. They are the only dachshund group to make it to the finals so lets lend them our support! Please vote every day from now thru Oct 6. (btw, we are not directly associated with DDRTX, I just love the great work they do)

Scott, Daisy, Harley and Heidi aka The Heineken Pack


  1. I just went and voted, what a great story! Plus anything with Doxies and Texas gets our vote :)

  2. Rainbow is a friend on Facebook and Schatzi has been voting every day for her since the voting began. You can vote ONCE A DAY so please do.


    PS I just got a new little Piebald sister last week. My Mom named her Hedwig. She is a crazy, energetic little weenie. SAVE THE PIEBALDS!!!!

  3. Thank you Joey and Maggie for posting this! We really need every vote we can get. We will be like the little engine that could and will continue voting until we and move into first place to help the doxies!

  4. Love little heidi!! and the rest of her pack!!
