
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Love Your Dachshund

I love his beautiful eyes.  I love her long soft hair.  I love his fleshy nose.  I love her silky smooth belly.  I love his leathery ears.  I love her crooked tail. I love his penchant for long walks.  I love her beautiful smile when she bares all her teeth.  I love his wicked laughs.  I love how she can hear other dog's tags from blocks away. 
I love his never-ending desire for food.  I love her desire to protect us.  I love his spots.  I love her furry muzzle.  I love the long deep stares from his big brown eyes.  I love her too-quick glances with that gleam in her eye.  I love his short stubby paws.  I love her little shaggy toes.  I love how he knocks things over with his nose just to watch them fall.  I love her muted colors. 
I love his playful moods.  I love her kisses.  I love the way his skin shivers when I caress his side.  I love how she has to scratch her back on the sidewalk every time we go outside.  I love his yearning for car rides.  I love her shy ways.  I love his wagging tail.  I love how she sometimes lifts her leg to pee.  I love how he stretches out to pee.  I love it when she bucks like a pony when she's excited. 
I love how he cocks his head when he hears a Luna carpet commercial.  I love her velvet bump where her dew claw would be.  I love his wayward whiskers.  I love her propensity to drudge through a puddle on walks.  I love his crooked legs.  I love her hatred of fireworks.  I love his hatred of rain.  I love her sharp little teeth.  I love the smooth brown spot on the side of his face.  I love her when she chews the bands of some underwear she's found.
I love the well-defined muscles on his hind legs.  I love her ear when it won't stay down.  I love his desire for laps.  I love her swaying legs when she sits up so pretty.  I love the wrinkles on the top of his head.  I love her clicking nails.  I love his warmth on a cold winter's night.  I love her long soft neck.  I love his whimpers.  I love her gentle expressions.

What do you love about your Dachshund?


  1. My favorite thing about Shelby is the funny noises she makes when I pick her up and she has been asleep. My favorite thing about Milly is how she seeks me out for a belly rub when I am on the phone... she just lays right down in front of me with a loud thud and a look that says, "rub my belly, Mom!"

  2. I love it when I wake up and as soon as I move all 4 heads pop up out of the blankets and they rush to be the first one to wash my face. Another love is when I say "who wants a treat" they all run over to the pantry and stare at it.
    I just love them for everything that is dachshund about them, there is no other dog like them.

  3. I love that Piper snores -- loudly! I love that Grace has to touch me somehow when she sleeps. I love that both of them know how to cover themselves with blankets.

  4. I love it when Ruby sighs & lays her head on my shoulder when I pick her up. I love that Penny bounces around like a kid on a pogo stick when she wants to play.
    I love everything about my two dachshunds.

  5. Hmm it is hard to pick what I love about my Milo... like Cynthia, I like his snoring and the little yips, expressions and running in his dreams... I like his velvety patch at the top of his nose, how the fur sticks up at the top of his ears, all of the expressions he makes, the suffocating neck-snuggles, how he is always ALWAYS so very VERY glad to see's hard to pick one thing!

  6. aww, i love joey n maggie! it would probably be easier to list the things I don't love about Baxter, cuz, well, that's nuttin! I love Baxter's wide eyed enthusiasm for life, his resilient nature that never keeps him disappointed in anything that doesn't go his way for very long, his chubby paws and cushy tushie, his sweet brown eyes and curious wet nose, the way he proudly trots about with frisbee or other prize in his mouth, the sweet way he will pick up and bring something to me if I ask him, the way he puts his head over my arm or leg when he sleeps, as if to catch any of my movements that might indicate it's time wake up and follow me elsewhere. I love that I am sometimes awakened in the middle of the night by paws kicking into my back, that Baxter politely waits by his kitty perch, asking to be lifted up to survey his world and sleep in the sun. These things and so many more, I love. :)

  7. These comments are just beautiful. Thatsa lotta love!

  8. I love how my dachshunds know that if they tilt their heads down and look up at me, rolling their bigh beautiful eyes and looking unbarably cute, I'll put them on my lap and cuddle them

  9. I love his smile - it is just like a person and he is always very expressive. I love the way he likes to cuddle and even his old man grumpiness these days.

  10. Everything about them!

  11. I love my Rosie's sweet calm demeanor, Felix's need always to be touching me, and Maisy's fits of bouncing from floor to couch to floor; I love their ya-ya moments when they chase each other in figure 8's covering the full expanse of my loft, from end to end; I love their abiding presence, no matter what, in my life; I love the little flutter of Maisy's paws when she lies on her back and flirts; I love the way each waits for me to pick him or her up to say hello when I come home; I love that this pack of three provides me my own miniature Mutual of Omaha Wild Kingdom moments every day; I love Felix's regal incomprehension; I love that Rosie is a mighty huntress when she gets to the woods; I love the way Maisy curls around my neck and snuffles my ear.

  12. Dear Maggie and Joey,
    Your Dad loves you guys so much! What beautiful words he wrote about you!
    My Mom loves me, too. She says some of her favorite things about me are: I always let her dress me up (I even tolerate the cute dresses, despite the fact that I'm a boy!); my Mom loves my huge front paws; I live in the mountains and my Mom loves that I am one of the best hikers in town (I put those labs and huskys to shame!); my Mom loves me because I am friendly; my Mom loves me because when she says "rub my tummy" I roll over and wiggle; my Mom loves me because I always crawl up in her lap and watch t.v. with her; my Mom loves me because I have 3 other dog brothers and sisters and I am always the one to initiate a good play session; my Mom loves me just because I'm Me (even tho I bark alot, and she has learned to love that, too!)

  13. This is a wonderful post! It was a joy to read it. Thanks so much for sharing.
    I also love everything about Twix. I love how she is always making me laugh, I love the way she gets so excited to go for a walk, I love the way she snuggles up next to me when we take a nap, I love that she has a mind of her own (most of the time), I love her vocalizations and the way she grunts and moans when she is laying down to rest. Oh, I could go on for ever but I will stop there.
    Twix's Mom

  14. I'm with Baxter's Mom, what isn't to love? I love knowing that when I go home, Annie will be waiting at the door for me, ready to squat and pee on the linoleum because she is so happy to see me. I love that she knows she only has to bark at the back door one time to know that I will appear from anywhere in the house to let her in or out, whatever her current whim is. I love her snuggles and kisses, and the amazing way she fits between my husband and I at night so we both can feel her warm precious body, and I love being able to rub her soft warm belly in the morning, and know Annie will be all melty. I love the way she moves when we take walks, and the noise of her nails on the kitchen floor. I love the look of reproach when I have done something unforgivable, such as taking a photo or putting a hat on her. I love her precious velvet spots and her piebald coloring. I love that if she senses danger from her human siblings she knows to run to her Mama, who loves her best. I love Annie's innocence, and her assurity that the world revolves around her. I even love the stubborn way she sets her feet when her walks aren't going in the direction she deems correct. Okay, that's it. I'm leaving work early. I have a doxie to love on. TGIF!

  15. karen and schatzieJuly 25, 2010 at 9:52 AM

    I love his loyalty. No matter where I am in my head, his always right there by my side. If I'm tired, we take a nap. If I'm happy, he's happy for me. If I'm deppressed, he comforts me. His little warm presence in my life is constant and true. And he's very good-looking! I love his tidy little markings - especially his butt, where the black meets the tan.

  16. I love Charlotte's 'cute dance' and how all three of the dogs meet me at the top of the stairs every night for their kisses when i get home from work. I love that Medea likes to have her belly snarfled and william taught himself how to 'sit pretty' because it makes us want to pet him, he's so cute.
