
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mini Dachshund Dislikes Southern Heritage

This red smooth gal named 'Adele' cracks us up! Thanks so much to her human, Lauren Shaver, of Richmond, Virginia, for sending in the video. She writes:

Dear Joey and Maggie,

My five year old mini dachshund, Adele, has grown up in Richmond, VA her entire life. It's a city where there are countless monuments that pay homage to confederate soldiers from the Civil War and other history book notables. Whether walking or driving, she has always filled with instant, unrelenting rage whenever passing any one of this historical monuments. And like I said, there are a lot of these around the city. Sometimes I have to drive the "scenic route" with Adele in the car--just to avoid the mayhem. Our friends joke that she must've been a Union soldier in her previous life.

Last weekend, my husband and I caught her in action on video. She is completely absurd and we love her for it!


  1. What a horrible shame. My dachshund #2 and #3 (Toblerone "Toby" and Maggie) were adopted when I lived in Richmond, many years ago. They loved Richmond but were pleased to move to AL. Dachshunds love the Southern life- good food & plenty of sunshine. My dear Polly is my 6th doxie (not counting the puppies my first doxie, Pretzel, had when I was six.) ;)
