
Friday, February 5, 2010

The Sad Story of Matthew the Wirehair Puppy


Things are looking up for this handsome fellow - now that he's in the good hands of Dachshund Rescue of North America.  Thanks so much to Barb, a DRNA volunteer who helped transport this sweetie last week, and wanted to share his troubling story. 

When people hear Matthew's story they shake their heads, tear up a little and say things like "what type of monster would do this to a puppy" (along with more colorful statements about the person and what should be done to them). You see, Matthew was thrown out the window of a moving vehicle in Virginia Beach, VA and he was then hit by a truck last Wednesday. A witness to this offense stopped and collected the standard wirehair Dachshund puppy and rushed him to a nearby Animal Emergency Hospital. The Vets there stabilized him, made him comfortable and contacted Dachshund Rescue of North America (DRNA) to see if they would take Matthew into their care and get him the extensive surgery he needed to survive. After a few phone calls Matthew was transported 3 hours north to a Specialist at Springfield Veterinary Referral Center the next morning in the care of DRNA. Additional x-rays showed the extent of Matthew's injuries. Along with road rash, Matthew has 2 fractured rear femurs involving growth plates and a fractured rear tibia that all required pins. And sacroiliac joint dislocation, this is where the hip bone, iliac bone, connects to sacrum or where the hip joins the spinal column. This needed to be fixed with 2 hip screws. He also has a fractured right hip socket that currently they are hoping with crate rest will repair itself; otherwise will require a later surgery to pin. All this damage to a puppy Veterinarians estimate to be 9 months to a year old. Surgery was performed on Friday and it went very well. They are unable to cast his back legs because he needs daily physical therapy on his rear legs to prevent quadriceps contracture. Throughout all this Matthew has charmed everyone he has been in contact with. Even when he was in pain all he wanted to do is to give kisses. Matthew was discharged from the Hospital on Monday and is in loving DRNA foster care. Please keep this little dachshund in your thoughts and prayer as he begins his road to recovery.

If you would like to donate towards Matthew's surgery and future physical therapy, please go to and note "Matthew (DRNA # 04032)" on the donation.



  1. Poor little guy. He is safe now.
    Love Ruby & Penny

  2. Rescue People Rock!!! Thank God he has a 2nd chance. Get well soon little guy. A loving home is out there somewhere for you.

  3. I believe there is a special place in HELL for someone who hurts little innocent animals. I own (or are rather owned by) 2 dachshunds. They are the best dogs. So kind, so loving, and trusting. God bless all who have helped care for this little guy. Saying prayers for his recovery. Roxie Meiske

  4. This poor little guy actually had to undergo 4 surgeries. Two femurs, one tibia and a sacral sublaxation. Bill thus far $5700. Got a little more than we bargained for but all members that have encountered him rave about what a sweetie he is! Please lend him your support.

  5. This cute guy will be in our thoughts! We wish him best and quick recovery!
    Many hugs, Anni and Iori

  6. Poor little guy! At least he now is with epople who will love and care for him.

  7. People who love & care for him... & a *FANTASTIC* set of ortho surgeons at the VRC in Springfield. Dr Griffin & company are the best. :o)))


    (_o_) ruff!!!!!!
    (\/ \/)
    (| | | | | |)
    photos of Mikey, Ginger, Buster, & Zorro --
    Fredericksburg/Fauquier Dachshund Meetup ~
    NOVA Dachshund Meetup ~

  8. Get well soon, Matthew!

    From Lucy the Wiener Dog

  9. "Face licks and tail wags" from all the Dachshunds in New Zealand,, get well soon =U..U=
