
Monday, February 15, 2010

Harley Gets His Wheels - Now He Just Needs A Home

Meet 'Harley,' the red smooth Dachshund abondoned in Long Beach, California.  He was found to be without the use of his hind legs, but thanks to some kind animal lovers and Med ID Services, who donated his cart, he's ready for adoption to a special home at Long Beach Animal Care Services.   Read more about him and see a great pic of his handomse mug at Long Beach Report.


  1. I need to stop watching like videos unless I'm alone at home and clear to look like an emotional mess.

    Harley looks awfully spry for his age and what he's been through!

  2. Hey Harley, Good Luck little guy!! I'm sure you will find that special home. You and your wheels are cool!!!

  3. Stories like this give me faith in humankind. Thank goodness for this blog so I was able to see this great story. Thank you.

  4. If harley is still looking for a home, I live in nj and would love to adopt him...I have a female paralyzed doxie already and disabled chihuahua both are rescues...I work at a pet rehab center...if there is any way to get harley to nj me at thanks
