
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Dachshund Contemplation

You must be joking.  YOU go outside naked and go potty in a giant snow drift. 

This dachshund looks out the front glass door of his home Thursday in northwest Edmond, Oklahoma. The snow drift from Thursday's blizzard stands taller than the dog.  Dagmar Peery / The Edmond Sun


  1. Gee, can we relate to that much snow, not to mention the - 20-30 cold. Mom puts news papers in the laundry room for us. We are so happy about that!! Try it, beats freezing your butts off.

  2. Ike loves to romp in the snow! (did I tell you he was crazy?) Peeing outside in the snow isn't so much of a problem (due to his "fur holster"). Number 2 is another thing -- he doesn't like his sensitive tissues getting touched by the cold snow. Simon was the same way!
