
Monday, August 31, 2009

Dachshund Dog Used As Bait


Uggh. What a bad start to the week. Well, things can only get better, right? In a horrific story out of KwaZulu-Natal, a province of South Africa, a red smooth Dachshund named 'Jasmine' was stolen from her home by poachers and used as bait to lure wild animals into illegal snares. Apparently a dog's high-pitched cries attracts the wild animals. Jasmine was one of the lucky ones though; a neighbor heard her cries about 4 hours after she went missing and rescued her just as she was surrounded by bush pigs. Read the terrifying story at The Times.

Jasmine is reunited with her relieved owner, Anton van Straaten, after the ordeal. Picture: JACKIE CLAUSEN


  1. just my two cents: i understand why you posted the weiner races article, because we can do something about it. but what is the purpose of posting this heart breaking story because depressing everyone? :(

  2. Hi Caitlin,
    We apologize if this story offended you in any way. We debated posting it, and we do tend to shy away from most of the stories which are depressing. This one had a positive outcome though - Jasmine being found and returned to her human - something which is worth its weight in gold.

    And you see some of the horrible photos on the net of dogs being used for bait and you think how do Dachshunds fit it with this? It's a bit of an eye-opener, at least for us, that it could happen to any dog so it's also educational for Dachshund owners to keep a close eye on your beloved furry ones, especially those folks who hail from that region in South Africa.
    Again, please accept our apologies if this story has offended anyone.

    Joey and Maggie....

  3. I think knowledge is the first step towards making the world a better place. Sometimes heartbreaking stories spur people into doing acts of good; I hope this will. If we all pretend these things don't happened, what will happen is no change!

    Plus it has a happy ending. Whew!

    All best.

  4. keep your doxie close. ya just never know with some people. lesson learned!

    Hi Joey & Maggie!

  5. while this is happening across the world, the power and reach of the internet is huge! and just because it's disturbing to read it would be just as criminal to keep silent.

  6. just sick....i can't find another word for it....
    using a dog for this kind of things...
    when are people starting to act like people....and not like animals

  7. I don't agree with Caitlin, good for you for posting this! This needs to be addressed and knowledge is power and this on-going animal cruelty needs to stop and putting it out there touches hearts and makes people want to help it stop!

  8. Andrea, I'm with you. I'm a dog lover big time and hate to see them taken advantage of like this. I heard that live dogs were being used to catch sharks on a French island. What cruelty there is in the world.

    I'm glad that Jasmine was returned home!

  9. How AWFUL. So glad this little one was found safe. My Dawg do some people have no heart??
