
Thursday, June 11, 2009

George Stephanopoulos Bids Farewell to his Dachshund, 'Gilbert'

It's with a heavy heart that we report the passing of 'Gilbert,' the Dachshund who owned George Stephanopoulos, American broadcaster and former political adviser. Via his twitter page: Last night we said goodbye to Gilbert--our loving, fierce and loyal dachshund. Such a stout friend, so sad he's not curled at my feet now.

In October of 2002, Mr. Stephanopoulos was kicked out of a Barnes & Noble bookstore when Gilbert started barking and refused to stop. Stephanopoulos explained "I was in the periodical section reading Lewis Lapham in Harper's, and Gilbert wanted to go over to check out the bestsellers. It was all over in a minute and a half. I was asked to leave and I left." Source.

In May of 2004, Gilbert got loose in Northwest Washington. A 37-year-old police sergeant collapsed and died while pursuing him. Source.

RIP Gilbert. Memories live on.


  1. I've always liked him, but the fact that he is owned by dachshunds makes me like him even better. RIP Gilbert.

  2. Condolences to Mr. Stephanopolous and his family. It sounds like Gilbert was an important part of their life in the nation's capital. No matter who's in office, doxies rule...

  3. RIP, Gilbert. It sounds like you had a wonderful life with a great bunch of humans.
