
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

27 Dachshunds Rescued in Paris, Tennessee

Meet 4 of 27 Dachshunds rescued on Friday in Paris, Tennessee, after a report of a puppy mill in an upscale home there. The living conditions were described as "extremely horrendous" by Robin McNeil, field investigative officer with the Rolling Hills Humane Society. “It was just filthy and disgusting. I’ve never seen anything this bad. The animals had free run over the house.”
Ms. McNeil said that the home owner said she was breeding and selling the dogs, but it got out of control.
There were also 9 cats and one mixed-breed dog surrendered. The dogs are available for adoption at Rolling Hills Humane Society for $85 including spay/neuter. Read about it at The Paris Post-Intelligencer.


  1. The poor babies. Am I crazy or do Tennessee and Georgia have a markedly higher rate of dachshund hoarding and bad breeders? Seems like nearly every time I hear of that number of dachshunds being rescued from deplorable conditions it takes place in that area.

    Jut an observation. I really don't mean anything by it. I used to live in TN and loved it there. Also, the most wonderful dachshund I've ever known lives there, in luxury.

  2. Here in AL, we lack the stricter breeding regulations though that is chg slowly.

  3. I hope these dogs find healthy, loving homes.

  4. People can be so mean with animals, how can a person harm an innocent animal, I just dont get it.
