
Monday, January 19, 2009

Dachshunds On Pins and Needles

Meet beautiful smooth black and tan 'Griffin,' and his veterinarian Dr. Amelia Foster, who hail from the Naples, Florida area. Griffin suffers from chronic intervertebral disc disease, and has thankfully found success with the acupuncture that Dr. Griffin practices. Excerpt from the Naples Daily News:
“When he first came in, his back legs were completely down,” said Griffin’s owner, Roberta Brown. “Now, he’s a sprinter.” Brown started Griffin’s acupuncture with Foster at Mission Hills Veterinary Center in September of 2008.
“The placement of the needles clears a stagnation in the meridians,” Foster says, explaining how the acupuncture works. In Chinese medicine it is believed that all the body’s energy flows through points called the meridians. “It invigorates the blood and flow of chi.”

Read all about Griffin's treatment at the Naples Daily News.

Acupuncture sure seems to help a lot of dachshunds who suffer with IVDD. Read more great articles about Dachshunds and Acupuncture.


  1. Acupuncture is amazing. My dachsies get it for a variety of reasons including, but not limited to, back trouble. They are so excited to get their acupuncture. when their needles are put in my pups just totally relax and take a nap.They have benefitted from it greatly and I urge you to try it if the necessity arises.

  2. My 11 year old dachshund, Yofi, has been receiving acupuncture for years. This December she had an IVDD crisis where the regular vet said without surgery she might not walk again. With a regimen of steroids and acupuncture she has now, one month later, resumed her daily walks. I am a huge fan of veterinary acupuncture.
