
Thursday, January 24, 2008

CEOs Relax With Their Dachshunds

Photo: Michael Sugrue for CNN Money

Meet handsome smooth black and tan 'Clams,' and his human, Mike Workman, who runs Pillar Data Systems out of San Jose, California. CNN Money had a look at executives who unwind from business pressures with exotic hobbies. Here's an excerpt: When he's not running Pillar Data Systems, Workman designs custom fireworks at his hobby factory outside Oatman, Ariz.
And we're not talking sparklers.
In 2003, at Ellison's request, Workman orchestrated a massive show in San Francisco Bay that consumed 6,000 shells in 28 minutes, at a cost of $250,000.
"The permits alone were $40,000," he says.
Though most of his shows are for personal enjoyment - out in the desert with a cigar, a glass of wine, and his dachshund, Clams - Workman competes in annual pyro­technic conventions across the West. His pièce de résistance this year? An aerial shell that will rise to 2,000 feet and shower colors across a quarter mile.
Read the rest at CNN Money.

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